Hey Yas Forums my sanity is dipping real fucking low, how are you guys holding up?

Hey Yas Forums my sanity is dipping real fucking low, how are you guys holding up?

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doing okay here bro
bit depressed
stay strong
we will make it

God bless, bros.


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He had a cat named nigger.

Hey bro. I know these are hard times. Stay away from Yas Forums for a while. Don't browse this BS all day, it's bad for your mental health for real. I usually limit my time here for 30 to 60 minutes and get updated if any big has happened.

Next to that, make sure you're eating healthy, getting enough sleep and exercise if you can. Know that life will open up once again, maybe in 2 months, maybe in 6. But it will be worth it.

Perhaps in 18, perhaps in 36 months.

I've been reading lots of Lovecraft lately. I very much like his style. The niggerman shitposters should off themselves.

Nah, the people will not accept being in Q for that long. People will wake up to the fact that even though Corona is real, the results of shutting down the world for years is FAR more disastrous.

Nigger Man was the cats name

When millions of people have died and when everyone knows someone who has died, and a vaccine isn't coming, there will be severe economical and societal consequences. It's just unavoidable. A large percentage of the population will refuse to expose themselves and will apply political pressure as well.

In "Rats in The Walls" the protagonist's cat is called Niggerman.
In "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" the family cat is called "Nig" which I find infinitely more hilarious. It's jokerposting in the 1920's.

as a NEET my life is nearly unaffected at all and i have to remind myself there is a quarantine on the rare occasions i leave home.
feels kinda good, its like everyone is as crazy as i am about going outside.
we need a series of creepy pastas to scare people from going outside. this whole event has made my life seem normal for once.

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I'm doing fine. In fact I feel more focused and catching up to things I was intending to read and started meditating again

>millions of people have died.

Fat boomers are dying, and not even that many. I bet you my left leg that the death toll will not exceed 1 million world wide.

no being an hp lovecraft loser

And I mean by Corona solely. You know how many people have died in the Netherlands from CORONA ONLY? 34


Let's shut down the world goys!

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What was the cats name again ?

A simple calculation yields > 100 million, when nothing is done to stop the pandemic. Of which millions of young, healthy people.

Is-is that a chinamen?

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It's beginning to disturb me how little any of this is effecting my life in any way.

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>trust me bro

Again !34! people have died of Corona in the Netherlands without underlying health conditions.

Let's say I barge into a church with 500 worshippers and I start machine-gunning everyone. I have two guns and 3000 rounds. I start with shooting two people dead. You are in that church and say: "Nothing to worry about, only TWO people dead!".
You're an imbecile.

I believe in Allah(swt) and the last day.
Feels good, man.

fake, he never exchanged letters with Joyce

im a NEET so the only thing that's changed is doing pushups and stuff instead of going to the gym

just play some compute games or read or study something i dunno

bang your girl

you're stupid and I will rob you

You're stupid and I will slowly torture you to death and film it and put it on bestgore and bury your corpse where it will never be found.

since no reliable data is available, there are no simple calculations that lead to anything worthwhile
nor are there complex ones

Have you seen the yellow sign?

ok where are you at?

And I may even come visit you, torture you until you tell me where the rest of your family lives, and kill them as well.

peak slovak degeneracy

ok, i'm in brno, where are you feget?

What is your exact address in Brno?

I know some Georgians and Ukranians who need money.

I think I'm losing my mind, honestly. Or maybe I'm the only sane person. I can't tell anymore

I've only gotten started

>game has a sanity meter

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I'll meet you in the industrial area by the canal.

So you're such a punkass bitch that you're namedropping some fag buddies and not coming?

Sorry if my thread leads to some slavs killing each other. Can't you guys take a squat and eat some canned pork?

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I no shit am started to wonder if I've died and gone to hell. Does that answer your question?

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I'll squat on his corpse

It's ok, I just hope it's gone by the summer so I can lounge on a beach without getting arrested

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I'm seeing how retarded the world is and wondering whether it's even worth saving.

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>porn is art
Stupid rostie

It's all a circus and pony show OP. I have many friends who work retail and "essential jobs" and none of us nor do any of us know anyone who's sick. Don't let this faggot false flag get you down.
>t. Hotspot in Florida.

You are not dead. You were never alive.

I hope it leads to some pakis raping your mother instead you inbred retard


porn is art like taking a shit is art.
it feels good, people love it but it's still shit

It's easter holiday, so I'm doing fine.

Had a psychotic episode for two days, ended up jumping out of a window and running around with blood on my face asking people if they were alive or not.

Doing good fren

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friendly reminder

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What else is there to do?


The virus isn't just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That's why people are being released only to die later after being "reinfected".

WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.

WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, poorly defined

New: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says

14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier

31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery"

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Virus invades nervous systems

17-Mar: Italy first case tests positive again after "recovery"

14-Mar: Cruise ship "recovered" case reinfected in Japan

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5 hours
how about a sentence as to why should eatch

Same, autistic shut-ins with garage freezers and WiFi connections continue as before

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