I've been invited to join "The Elks" a fraternal group of what has been described to me as "a bunch of old libertarians" and that I'll like them. I did a little research but nothing really turns up about them. Was wondering if anyone here might know anything, is this some freemasonry cult thing? Or just a bunch of old sods who get together and bitch about things like most libertarians these days.
>inb4 not politics
It's a group that is politically active.
I've been invited to join "The Elks" a fraternal group of what has been described to me as "a bunch of old...
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off
Thanks for the in depth and well thought out response, incredible but I won't be taking it to heart.
From what I read of their wiki page for as much as you can trust it they seem to be what free masons used to be before jews took it over and subverted as they do. Having said that, organizations clearly change through the years so if it's free or cheap to join then see how it goes and if you like it stay if you don't or notice subtle kikery than leave
You are the reason Yas Forums only ever talks about black cocks and the sluts who fuck them
What's so bad about asking for information? I'm just curious, I hadn't heard of this till about a week ago. I just wanna know if it's just bullshit or if it's something I can use to accomplish my goals and where better to ask than here.
But so far all I've gotten are cunts like you responding.
ok faggot stop bitching you made a thread that people aren't interested in and the ones who are, are shitposting in it until it dies. anons are the best people to ask for candid info, hilarious lies and insulting facts, but not always.
Finally a real answer, thanks.
It's pretty cheap but I'd rather not go down the rabbit hole and spend actual time and effort for something that's just a bunch of idiots dressing up and calling eachother "exalted leader". Either they have actual power or they don't but you have to spend time and ascend the ranks in these things.
Well aside from shitposting, people generally speak their minds here and at least say their truth regardless of whether or not it's the real truth. As far as replying to shit posters, ehhhh I think I'll insult them.
Elks are based. Join.
it's hit or miss with these things, I'd say at least go to a couple see how you feel.
By all means user I love you and want your happiness, so shitpost away, but be funny with it like not whiny like
May I ask you to elaborate a bit? Other than the pamphlets they have as well as the member books they give you once you join (I read some that the guy who invited me had) those things of course paint them in a positive light.
Are they based merely for being patriotic? I rather liked the history bit of them being performers, although they moved away from all that, or so I've heard.
I don't know what goals you are looking to accomplish but my local Elks aren't exactly politically active. It's pretty much just a private bar that has events every once in a while.
You're right I suppose, on both, I could check it out and I'll try to be more humorous in shit posting rather than whiny.
Well ultimately I want to build a town in a rural area, not exactly white nationalist like what some on Yas Forums would like, but a place where like minds can come together and get away from the bullshit of the world.
Short term, I'm a classical musician and plan to one day make the money for my town from music. I'd really like a place that could launch my music career and a national organization could help that happen. Personally I think most politics are a farce so the political aspect really is just to not have it wiped from this board and a ban.
Good on you, but don't think that the whiny post was super bad. That one was tame if not reasonable given that other anons were being asinine. I only reacted so because I had already replied with somewhat of an answer but more so it's Yas Forums, anger or mild contempt is the baseline emotion if we are going to generalize the site, that is.
My grandfather was an elk. We went to a few parties they hosted with the families of other elk members.
When he died, two elks showed up at the wake and performed a bizarre ritual. Something about a large strange looking clock and a lot of weird mumbo jumbo.
I wasnt a christian at the time, but I was offended that their weird ritual didn't mention God at all, or heaven or hell.
Yea as I was writing that your post wasn't up yet, otherwise I'd probably just ignore it, was just waiting for a real post.
the elks traffic martian children to rape in underground nazi 4th dimensional bases in Atlantis
>reddit spacing
Well supposedly you have to believe in God to join, so I'd imagine their rituals would have Christian overtones, but maybe it was Latin and you didn't recognize it at the time? Hell a lot of Catholic stuff could be mistaken for occultism to those that don't know any Latin or knowledge of what's going on.
See? That's some quality shit posting.
your granpaps says fuck you, ya little shit.
and just like that I am proven an asshole, god this turned out to be a good thread with not faggot OP.
Would be interested to see if you do go and come back with information on the elks and what they are all about in your area at least.
Get ready to get raped.
It's just a fraternal society for men to socialize. Join, because these organizations need new blood, and men don't socialize anymore.
The Elks is a drinking organization.
I mean the entry fee is literally 50$ and this whole corona thing has me doing fuck all anyways, fuck it I'm gonna join. If anything interesting occurs because of it I'll make a post, the chances of you seeing it are slim but eh maybe, cya user and thanks for keeping the thread alive.
Ask them to give you a machine gun.
>was wondering if anyone here might know anything
>about the lodge
I cannot say. but your inquiry is not prudent.
Yea I'm gonna check it out.
That's as good as any reason I suppose XD
Have some architecture as my last post.
>the chances of you seeing it are slim but eh maybe
I'll keep my eye out the next couple weeks and hope I chance upon it like this thread.
Stay safe user and God bless
what doe sit mean?
Fuck off
I joined elks for a year.
Its a drinking club for wanna be masons.
Masons in town didnt care for them because of the booze.
But fraternal organizations are fraternal with other fraternal organizations to extend their political power. If that makes sense.
Just join if you wanna drink with business owners n old fogeys
Golly gee, I wonder.
I'm not seeing it
is it the oy vey or is it ayyys related?
wow i was gonna give you legit answer but now you sound like a grandiose neckbeart, probably looke like jack black or kevin smith
Are you old? Then definitely join up for boomer camaraderie.
Are you young? Then first go to a few activities and figure out if:
>the club has a lively culture of people your age/young people
Then only join if this culture isn't too faggy or progressive.
>it's all old people
Then you have the excellent opportunity of bringing in a group of friends that are /yourguys/ (young members are always welcome) and making the future culture of the club as extreme as you want.
>you want to do career networking/find work
join only if there are at least a few non-retired members in your line of work. Also, don't join if you mention your career to people and they don't hook you up with people in similar work. If the club isn't good for career networking, it isn't good for anything.
>Or just a bunch of old sods who get together and bitch about things like most libertarians these days
this. its literally just a rotary club for men
It's a really long story and it doesn't even make sense. It involves indoctrination, plenty of laughter, years of shitposting, fucking off and tons of sage.
Even running it out in your head , let alone trying to explain it to another person, it makes no sense
It’s been a decade long journey almost now.
Pee pee poo poo pissssssssss
Anyway, those archives are probably gone now. S1LAX doesn't have answers. Never did. He just pulls strings here and there. Weldmoss on the other hand. He knows what's up.
I-I see
Oh. That's another story. But yeah, a little over a decade.
Anyway. I piss on cat and she hiss at penis. Thx
It's a drinking club. Great if it's what you're after, and you won't lost anything but a few hours if you check it out.
Also, the show Lodge 49 was written by two Elks members.
Probably an FBI group.
Oh, they're old alright.
Oh so you're retarded
Was it the clock of the long now?
Don't worry about it. Trust Weldmoss whenever he returns.
>no schizo illuminati gf
I’m an Elk.
Join the Shriners. You’ll get to drive funny cars wearing a fez in parades.
how do they fit their old legs in those things?
Shriners are Freemasons, bud
They actually don't have real legs any more. They just have a cybernetic stump that connects to the cars and allows them to control it with their minds.
You have to become a Shriner to find out.
they worship lucifer
The Elks was started as a drinking group during prohibition and blue law days, they soon turned into just another demonic cult
Is that illegal?
Boomer paradise
Elks are people who drink and help mostly veterans. Very low level on the mason scale as they aren't really recognized by the others. They are really focused more on the social thing. Bingo an cards stuff, golf, darts, cards etc. I'm the youngest at my lodge being 40. Don't really participate except when they host community events since they own some good property. They have a private bar.
Come on dude what kind of fucking millennial faggot are you that you've never heard of any service organizations? Elks, Lions Club, Rotary, Kiwanis, Parrot Heads, etc.. They're SERVICE organizations where you pay dues, have dinner, and do good things for your community like raise money for scholarships and put out flags or offer low-cost healthcare like eyeglasses and shit.
You sound like a twat though that's kind of looking for something to use to propel your own idea of fame and success, so to that I say eat a dick.
>The mason scale
None of these organizations, including the Freemasons which are barely operating anywhere anymore, do any nefarious Eyes-Wide-Shut evil cult activity. Only the retards on this site would even suggest such bullshit.
Reminds me of this: