How do we remove pagans from pro-white circles and reinstitute Christianity in the West?

This. The only time german pagans United was during a single battle against the Romans
And by Germans, I mean a few tribes along the Rhine river.
And by United, I mean they went a few months without killing each other for once

Can you please explain this meme? How has the religion that has kept the west going for nearly two thousand years the downfall of it? Did the West become atheist before this degeneracy or was it vice versa?

We don't.
Furthermore, who gives a shit.
Why do (((we))) need to do anything?

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Oh look, a civil war thread.

Nice try Schlomo.

We stand together against you. Time will remove the weak as they fail to breed. For now, we have each other and stand together.

You don't this is the end. The pagans will stay pagan until they get purged by God. We are coming up to Antichrist and then it's a swift end. There isn't much time left of for the world.

truth spitter, occult is frontline intelligence warring in the shithole that is major cities. purity of religion is fine in the open country but it gets smacked down and fucked silly in metroplis

>How do we remove pagans from pro-white circles
You could always go the preacher route and molest more young boys.

>civil war thread
Nigger, how is combating the pedophilic ideology of paganism something that is anti white? I'm opposed to degeneracy first and foremost.

I find Assyrians to be based. I hope your people grow strong in Syria. We should make alliances against the bastards of the region.

>Don't worship your ancestors
>You must worship Shlomo's ancestors!

You don't even see how stupid you are.