How do we remove pagans from pro-white circles and reinstitute Christianity in the West?

How do we remove pagans from pro-white circles and reinstitute Christianity in the West?

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We need another inquisition. Kill all heretics and sinners, not just pagans and Muslims, but whores (anyone who has sex before marriage) schismatics, atheists, liberals, usurers, and anyone who contradicts the dogma of the Christian church. Then, we need to overthrow all the governments worldwide and replace them with Christian monarchies.

Based as fuck, completely agree. How do we make this happen?

Point out all the Bible prophecies that turned out true, and how evil and satanic the world has become, and recruit an “army of god” to overthrow the satanic, Jew controlled world governments. Try to recruit mostly from poorer, rural areas, as they are more religious, and encourage them to have a LOT of kids.

Pagans are irellevant

Jews and Muslims are the problem. They openly reject Christ, pagans just don't believe

Can Christians at least pretend to have read the bible for once?

True. Pagans may be easily converted. Just look at the history of the church

>this thread

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>pagans just don't believe
You are required by law to have a thousand years old pagan myth taught in schools.

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Assyrian Christian here. I’ve been reading the King James Bible, but I’m currently considering to order an orthodox one.
I’m learning Aramaic, the actual language that Jesus Christ spoke.
What does Yas Forums think of non-european Christians?

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The most important thing that separates humans from animals is a rational soul. People who do not possess a rational soul are not human. They are animals. Irrational people are literal NPCs and breeding with them runs the risk of creating another NPC instead of a rational human. This is why all irrational people must be killed. They are an invasive species competing with us for resources. This is just like niggers and kikes, the vast majority of which are completely irrational. Gassing irrational people is a more politically correct indirect way of gassing non-whites.

ITT: Jews fantasizing about killing white Europeans for their dead kike on a stick.

Your ancestors were Christian, you know.

Good luck poisoning your own wells.
>We just need to empower an organization with ultimate authority, put fallible humans in charge with the word of god behind their every action, and then set them loose to do whatever atrocities they wish in the name of my Jewish prince
It's never gone wrong before

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Indian Christian here can I join in your circle?

Yours were pagan before they were turned Christian at swordpoint. I'm not even a larpagan but what kind of nigger logic is that?

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Looking back in history can show us the way. The most significant Muslim threat to western Europe in history came during the time of Charles Martel, ruler of the Franks. Western and central Europe was not completely Christianized at that time. He did have an issue with Radbod, a pagan king, but only because Radbod refused to bend the knee. But after dealing with them, Charles had to deal with the bigger threat - the Muslims.
Because the Frankish lands weren't 100% Christianized in his time, I wonder how many pagans fought in Charles Martel's army to turn back the Muslim invasion force at Tours. Probably a significant portion. Before dealing with the pagans, I think the greater and more significant issue is dealing with the racial/cultural issue. The multiculturalism experiment has failed. Non-European populations displacing us is an existential threat. If we're divided then we have less of a chance.

In a couple of generations in Sweden when young Muhammad Svering asks why they worship Allah someone is going to say "Your ancestors were Muslim, you know." And it's going to be as bad of an argument as the one you just made.

Anyways, their ancestors were pagans. What's your point?

Christianity is only acceptable for brown and black races as it pacifies and retards them making them weak and unthreatening. A slave religion suitable for slave races.

Silence, heathen. All atheists, pagans, Mohammedans, jews, liberals, schismatics, usurers, whores, swindlers, drunkards, idolaters, criminals, degenerates, etc. WILL tremble in TERROR on the day of the RAPTURE and will BOW before ALMIGHTY YAHWEH before being cast into the eternal lake of FIRE

These people would take a
Non-white Christian Europe > White non-Christian Europe any day of the year

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Ah yes Christianity was only brought in by sword point. Retard.

My point is that your ancestor worship is idiotic. Some were Christian, some were not. Some probably fucked sheep, some probably did not. All of them are dead.

I practice the occult I don't reject the bible or entirely disbelieve. From an occultism perspective the bible contains valuable information and only reinforces themes other sources of spirituality do. I could easily pretend to worship Jesus while similtaneously engaging in an occult ritual and no one would know the difference but me.

on what basis larpagans cherish about the idea of a pagan europe? pagan europe never existed: nobody in europe ever had an idea of common european legacy and heritage before christianity

>but me.
And God. Enjoy the lake of fire.

Why would we want to revive the thing that caused the West's downfall in the first place?

Worship Ashur like your mighty ancestors did. He was a proto-monotheistic deity, as was Marduk in Babylon.

If Christianity is your priority, what's white matter?

at the time of charles martel everybody was christian in the frankish kingdom

This. The only time german pagans United was during a single battle against the Romans
And by Germans, I mean a few tribes along the Rhine river.
And by United, I mean they went a few months without killing each other for once

Can you please explain this meme? How has the religion that has kept the west going for nearly two thousand years the downfall of it? Did the West become atheist before this degeneracy or was it vice versa?

We don't.
Furthermore, who gives a shit.
Why do (((we))) need to do anything?

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Oh look, a civil war thread.

Nice try Schlomo.

We stand together against you. Time will remove the weak as they fail to breed. For now, we have each other and stand together.

You don't this is the end. The pagans will stay pagan until they get purged by God. We are coming up to Antichrist and then it's a swift end. There isn't much time left of for the world.

truth spitter, occult is frontline intelligence warring in the shithole that is major cities. purity of religion is fine in the open country but it gets smacked down and fucked silly in metroplis

>How do we remove pagans from pro-white circles
You could always go the preacher route and molest more young boys.

>civil war thread
Nigger, how is combating the pedophilic ideology of paganism something that is anti white? I'm opposed to degeneracy first and foremost.

I find Assyrians to be based. I hope your people grow strong in Syria. We should make alliances against the bastards of the region.

>Don't worship your ancestors
>You must worship Shlomo's ancestors!

You don't even see how stupid you are.

>Shut up lalalala not listening lalala tremble at the power of my volcano demon lalalalala
Typical jew worshiping sociopath. You have more in common with nigs, that must be why you want to violently remove whites capable of critical thought.
>Pagans were never forced to convert through violence
>Is literally in a thread about forced violent christian conversion
You're a joke.

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>falling for the jewish meme that christianity is pedophilic
Nice try, rabbi. Why don't you look up the statistics that compare school abuse to Christian abuse?

Don't worry, they only exist on Yas Forums

Christians don't worship any ancestor.

Has anyone ever met a practicing Ch*stian who wasn't just a low IQ simpleton or a faggot/possible pedo?

It's fucking kike shitand Chr*stians should all be nailed to crosses.

Why would non-Christian Europe be White?

They are the only group of Whites who breed. The future belongs to those who are born.

How many kids do you have?

kek forgot to quote you


Pick one, faggot.

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>How do we remove pagans from pro-white circles and reinstitute Christianity in the West?
I'm eating right now, but you wouldn't even be able to use half o the words in your Germanic language without still remaining heathen concepts.

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The bible hits on all the essential points every other occult text does user. It's all the same boiled down.

>but me.

You can't decieve God

>Is literally in a thread about forced violent christian conversion
Thread isn't about forced conversion. OP just said remove.

>How do we remove pagans from pro-white circles and reinstitute Christianity in the West?

Thank you user, very cool!

Is anyone besides trolls still seriously advocating christianity?

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>implying the Christian view of God is the be all end all
Even if it was technically all sin is the same and it's the soul that counts. Given that I don't deny God's existence and ultimately worship the same energy Jesus Christ would be considered I don't technically go against any of that.

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Survival of the fittest. Christian societies just gave up their spirituality and there wasn't anyone forcing them to. Chr*stianity wasn't meant to be. Trying to larp as a crusader when your kike desert cult literally preaches weakness is laughable.

Oh? So what occult text teaches that God will grant you eternal life through grace by faith in his son Jesus Christ?

Right, got it. Kill off more pro-white white people. You sure have your priorities straight OP. Are you sure you are really pro-white yourself?

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Jesus is just used to illustrate the idea of death and rebirth and the soul's eternity in spite of the body's ephemeral nature. Pagans who miss that in favor of clinging to a pantheon and ridiculing the value of biblical text are missing the point.

>wasps and jews competing for the love of god
its almost like anons and niggerfaggot kikes competing for the heartier mindfucking glory of kek

Matthew 7:21-23
>Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
>Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
>And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

John 6:38-40
>For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
>And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
>And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

The bible is very specific.

The Bible user, it's just as essential to an occultist as it is a Christian. It's just that I also take from many sources whereas a Christian would limit themselves to one and take unnecessary bits to heart as well.

So you're basically a Phariseeist. You probably are practicing kabbalah

>My point is that your ancestor worship is idiotic
It's literally reincarnation, the Germanic kind anyway.

In fact, 21 as the 'drinking' age, used to be simply a full adult, even in the Christianized middle ages (where it also was used as the marker that ended knight training).

Germanic age milestones came in sevens (hence lucky seven).

0-6: You're a toddler and a child, you cannot live on your own at all, thus it was considered the second pregnancy (outside of the womb)
7-13: You're starting to become your old inherited self, with all the belongings of your former life as well as all honor and misdeeds transferred to you (this encouraged good behavior)
Your milk teeth start to fall out in this age bracket and your permanent ones come in, this was seen as the physical manifestation of your ancestor, aka your previous life into your flesh.
14-20: You're growing into your final shape and become more and more legitimized as your previous self.
21: You're fully adult all grown up, it's done.

18 is not a germanic or western age milestone.
18 is hebrew and means chaim, aka 'life'.

Germanic heathenry is like playing a game over and over again, the game starts anew, but you gain more and more insight into it, making you better and better.
Only, it's real, and it's your life.

You also gain immortality this way, provable, too.
You live on as long as someone thinks of you.

You can even quasi father offspring as a mere reflection of your old life without making any real children.

If the children act like you do, then new humans that are like you have entered the world.
Your echoes, your influence persists.

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>Rabbi Yeshua bin Yosef isn't an ancestral kike


It's a hypothetical meant to expose the Christcuck's jewish multicultural bias. k selected Heathens reproduce just a well as r selected Christcucks
I have 2 kids, 2 and 6. Not that you care about their souls in any capacity besides convincing them through whatever means to have them practice your schizo traditions.
How very jewish of you to play pilpul word games. Is your church appointed inquisitor going to ask them to leave politely while offering them a sizable generous severance package? Kill yourself.

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Hitler put them into KZs. Just saying.

According to Chr*stians god would rather accept a nigger into heaven who raped and murdered a white woman but gave his life to Jesus instead of a good hearted white non-Chr*stian.


I fulfill the second bit user. I see what Jesus represents and accept it wholeheartedly. Christians just have semantics issues.

Christianity rules the world, it's individuals who make the decision not to acknowledge it. We stopped killing you for your heresy because it was deemed both unsanitary and unwise to do so, but hey, make yourselves enough of a problem and I see no reason why the old days can't come back. I would gladly fall victim to an inquisition myself if it meant that inquisitions were once again in force and striking at heresy: God is Just.

Varg did nothing wrong.

No, I don't practice that but I do know of it.

Amazing how you people can say shit like this and then call pagans larpers with a straight face

>Hitler put them into KZs. Just saying.
Hitler didn't like pretend larpers, he wanted the real thing.

But in the efforts of "denazification", which still goes on, it makes more sense to make Hitler a christian, aka, a member of the most philosemitic cult that has ever existed in the west, and his heathen ambitions a footnote.

This ensures less nazis and more jew bootlicks.
Benjamin, Abraham, Michael and co are not white names.
There were no ancestors in white europe with such names, thus, the first time a child was named like that, the chain of ancestry was broken.

This might even mean that very few of us, if any, have souls inside us, which would explain the eternal emptyness before birth, and that's most likely also the state we will go back to.

I do live in Europe, after all.

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cognitive dissonance

Most people here actually would never associate with you in public because they think that you are a complete fucking idiot, which is actually true, and your only purpose is to be the joke in every group that you try to fit into.

>burns down churches from the 11th century that were most likely refurbished ancient pagan temples to begin with
>murders his beat friend stabbing him 20+ times in the back (literal backstabber)
>has 2 kids with one woman, abandons them
>makes shitty music

More Jews


Nope. Neopagans were banned. Nazi Germany was very Christian, after all. Vatican helped them flee after WW2 too.

The rest is postmodern cope.

quit your larping, christmutts are once again the same slavish human cattle they were at the beginning, get used to being jewish golems as you have been for centuries at this point, whatever aryan spirituality and strength was left in Europe is utterly exhausted and this shitty continent may as well start speaking afro-asiatic languages, Europeans deserve nothing less

Why do you Bible Thumpers always show JC looking like the hippie kid next door?

Being born in the ME 2,000 years ago means he was at least brown-skinned and maybe even black.

Varg isn’t an actual pagan, he got sucked into his wife’s witchcraft and went ergi. The matriarchal occult shit he’s into descends from stone-age beliefs that were already being suppressed by Vikings before the Christians even showed up.

>he think sub-Saharan Africans were in the Middle East
LMAO fuck this is funny
Go back to Harvard & reconstruct more non-existent people in your 3D software

>burns down churches from the 11th century that were most likely refurbished ancient pagan temples to begin with
He cleansed the with fire.

>murders his beat friend stabbing him 20+ times in the back (literal backstabber)
Was preemptive self defense.

>has 2 kids with one woman, abandons them
Maybe they were defective.

>makes shitty music
No opinion, never listened.

Care to explain how a nigger on deathrow who gives his life to jesus, after raping and murdering white people, is accepted into heaven but non-Chr*stian whites get sent to the (((lake of fire))) ?

Step One: Stop sucking nigger toes and having interracial babies and pretending you're the REAL Jews.

Euronymous wasnt his best friend, and he was a degenerate faggot and commie. Varg did nothing wrong.

KYS Yahweh's whipping boy.

It's 100% non-white mulattos LARPing.

christianity is neo-platonism, it's unbiblical

>Nope. Neopagans were banned.
Neopagans are not the real deal, you faggot.

>Nazi Germany was very Christian
The opposite is the case.
Hence Goebbels speech "Ist es heidnisch?" in response to the church letting the German people down.

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One of the biggest sins of Chr*stianity is the cucked effect it has on the states of men. It plants the seed of doubt in your actions because of some supposed afterlife you have to care about. It's literally a slave religion.