How do we remove pagans from pro-white circles and reinstitute Christianity in the West?

The most important thing that separates humans from animals is a rational soul. People who do not possess a rational soul are not human. They are animals. Irrational people are literal NPCs and breeding with them runs the risk of creating another NPC instead of a rational human. This is why all irrational people must be killed. They are an invasive species competing with us for resources. This is just like niggers and kikes, the vast majority of which are completely irrational. Gassing irrational people is a more politically correct indirect way of gassing non-whites.

ITT: Jews fantasizing about killing white Europeans for their dead kike on a stick.

Your ancestors were Christian, you know.

Good luck poisoning your own wells.
>We just need to empower an organization with ultimate authority, put fallible humans in charge with the word of god behind their every action, and then set them loose to do whatever atrocities they wish in the name of my Jewish prince
It's never gone wrong before

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Indian Christian here can I join in your circle?

Yours were pagan before they were turned Christian at swordpoint. I'm not even a larpagan but what kind of nigger logic is that?

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Looking back in history can show us the way. The most significant Muslim threat to western Europe in history came during the time of Charles Martel, ruler of the Franks. Western and central Europe was not completely Christianized at that time. He did have an issue with Radbod, a pagan king, but only because Radbod refused to bend the knee. But after dealing with them, Charles had to deal with the bigger threat - the Muslims.
Because the Frankish lands weren't 100% Christianized in his time, I wonder how many pagans fought in Charles Martel's army to turn back the Muslim invasion force at Tours. Probably a significant portion. Before dealing with the pagans, I think the greater and more significant issue is dealing with the racial/cultural issue. The multiculturalism experiment has failed. Non-European populations displacing us is an existential threat. If we're divided then we have less of a chance.

In a couple of generations in Sweden when young Muhammad Svering asks why they worship Allah someone is going to say "Your ancestors were Muslim, you know." And it's going to be as bad of an argument as the one you just made.

Anyways, their ancestors were pagans. What's your point?

Christianity is only acceptable for brown and black races as it pacifies and retards them making them weak and unthreatening. A slave religion suitable for slave races.

Silence, heathen. All atheists, pagans, Mohammedans, jews, liberals, schismatics, usurers, whores, swindlers, drunkards, idolaters, criminals, degenerates, etc. WILL tremble in TERROR on the day of the RAPTURE and will BOW before ALMIGHTY YAHWEH before being cast into the eternal lake of FIRE