/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2872

temp baker, pls no bully 2nd try
► Detected: 1,015,471 (+80,302) ► Died: 53,190 (+6,007)

— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 2.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,856 different strains have been sequenced —

Under 1 year old in the US dies to coronavirus

US intelligence says China concealed cases and deaths

Jew arrested for hoarding supplies, price gouging, coughing on FBI

Brazil confirms first indigenous COVID case in the Amazon

COVID-associated acute bleeding necrotizing brain damage

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

17 year old in the US dies after being denied treatment

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

Rapidly mutating

Patients remain on ICU for 20 days on artificial ventilation

Olympics for 2020 cancelled, postponed until 2021

China covering up "second wave" of infections

UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

H1N1 estimates took confirmed deaths and multiplied by 15


20:19: 254 new cases and 7 new deaths in Poland.
20:17: 128 new cases and 3 new deaths in Pakistan.
20:09: 1,228 new cases and 32 new deaths in Massachusetts.
19:56: 414 new cases and 2 new deaths in Israel.
19:52: 979 new cases and 55 new deaths in Brazil.
19:49: 267 new cases and 27 new deaths in Connecticut.


Previous thread

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Other urls found in this thread:



>Dead: 53,259
lol, still only 53,259.
How many days has it been stuck at 53,259? Four days? Five days?

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Good job.

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Where my FL bros at? Things are accelerating. Heard some publix stores might stop making subs.

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Based Gary

I know someone who works at a hospital in the panhandle. I thought my hospital's response was bad, but jesus christ. Avoid any and all HCA hospitals everywhere, even if this all eventually blows over.

Life has a 100% mortality rate so of course you're going to die

my grandma's been acting very sick lately.i'm afraid she might be infected.

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Don't worry everyone, some friendly burgers have assured me that this is in fact a giant conspiracy by Bill Gates to kill us all by way of vaccinations, so all we have to do to survive is not get vaccinated! Phew! That was a close one for a minute there.

Yeah, I know 1177 (our national healthline) is already working towards a type of home test which will use an already existing STD hometest system, which is the idea for hometest I gave them.
Meaning, they will basically just need to replace the actat test they ship out, and the system it uses to send it out is automated based on your ID number and ships the test automatically to where you live.

Also, I saw that earlier, and now that we had a case in Brazil where someon died of Covid back in January, it's extremely confirmed it was everywhere back then.

As long as you have somekind of eye protection.

The longer they can keep the panic/riots from happening, the less structural damage and less damage to infrastructure it will be easier to rebuild.
They are ready for biological damage, i.e people dying, they just don't want them to riot and break shit in the process.

Exactly, but for instance, if you have just a mask you won't be protected from a random sneezer in your face, but if you have eye protection you're at least more protected. But yeah, you're right.

I still have a feeling that the Pope will die this week.

One of the ministers or something from one of the countries in Africa with no cases said the secret to no cases was "We have no test kits"

You can see the whole outbreak, also note how small the divergence is for flu compared to SARS-CoV-2.


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New thread, Coronachan repost.
Again: I'm sorry for bringing this timeline to pass. The pregnancy suggestion was a joke.

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Just a month or two late. A lot of tests were false negative due to low viral loads, failing to account for the long prodromal stage.

afraid you're not gonna get your gibs if they die?

>Fiance and I move in with my parents to save for wedding
>mom is therapist
>find out today that 3 patients in her facility are positive for Corona-Chan
>one of which was her patient

Well bros, it's been fun. Maybe I can get 2 weeks off at least.

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thank you for your service, temp baker

lmao they all died

Elaborate, what's going on at your hospital and theirs?

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Sorry guys, 2nd time is better. I wrote too much in OP i guess. Was asking for garys blessing and it was too long then I lost the post so I rushed and made another but forgot title because I had to add numbers up for infected/dead.

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Florida is completely fucked
10k positives on week+ old data
Nothing is closed. No one is staying home.
We culling now

Your grandma is gonna die user. Sorry.

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>U.S.'s increase was 26k yesterday
>today is 29k, not even 3 hours in
this will be a bloodbath

>USA number 1
>Europe followed
I guess it is safe to call this virus Burger flu (white death)

relax dude u did good this time

Right fuckin here ya dunce

I'm in Broward and literally everything is open. Fucking nail salons are essential businesses.

As a Floridian, I’ve never had Publix sandwiches

Nike Florida, NYC and California. After that nuke China.

> Heard some publix stores might stop making subs.


Dr. Coof's Symptom-o-misery chart is here to help

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Brooklyn Fire and Hatzolah EMS Dispatch - Live Audio Feed Web Player


CVG is always the most fun of day, I enjoy you guys deeply. Some of the best draw favs hang around here, you guys got me into drawing.

absolutely based


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Bloody fantastic

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Oh wow 1,000,000 is a big number.

It’s 1/20 of the number of confirmed flu patients (10% of which had coronavirus) in the 2017-2019 flu season.

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Drawfags- not draw favs


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>Jew arrested for hoarding supplies, price gouging

Never woulda guessed

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Nah man. Arm me. I want fun.

my homeless friend has been quarantined in the converted motel in Kent WA. he was moved there from an ER but it wasn't exactly voluntary. they're feeding him and there is medical staff available. also a guard and state police.
he's setting up a twitter account to post updates.
in the meantime:
what would you like to see?
what questions do you want answered?

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>US and Spain register all-time high unemployment
>Ecuador is being fucked over and probably won't recover from this. Their destination is Haiti
>Oil prices are looking to drop to the lowest they have ever been
>The virus keeps mutating and the new strain seems to be more deadly
This is it lads. This is the biggest happening in decades. The world will not be the same after this.

>"Food is unlikely to be a source of viral transmission"
>"It's not thought that spread by food is possible"
Redpill me on this Coronautists. Why isn't it possible? Surely it's a surface like anything else. Why can't the virus live on, say, the surface of a loaf of bread? If it is possible, how risky is it to eat that bread?

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Don't make me turn this thread around OP.

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>no pubes

I wish I could get into drawfagging, always end up quitting for some reason

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Fuck yes.

Breathing difficulties. That's all there is in NY. Breathing difficulties.

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Essential personnel or just a line worshipping boss?


Wuhan coming to downtown LA:


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What the hell is wrong with Florida? We shut down the entire country when we had less than 400 cases. And we enforced the lockdown with liberal beatings and public shaming.

Florida has nearly 200 deaths and still no lockdown?

Gas every chink

>The world will not be the same after this.

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Just add them if you want them so bad. She shaved them just for us.

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He is leader of team nothing burger, he is their preacher and cult leader. He is their god Bill Mitchell, his army of nothing burgers worship his infinite wisdom.


Unsurprising, we'll see how that goes, doesn't surprise me that people are retarded about this.

They're pretty good, I recommend a havana bold.

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>personified virus
>good hygiene

no evidence of human transmission
masks don't work
mail is safe
groceries can't get infected

HCA has long had a terrible reputation. Moneygrubbing and treating their workforce like shit even compared to the usual stories you hear for the USA medical system. My hospital in the midwest is run by largely disconnected and partially incompetent MBAs and MHAs (Hospital Administration - that's right you don't even need to ever work with patients and understand the realities before you get to determine budgets and policies). This is common throughout the US. HCA is worse than that. The only thing that made the CEO finally acknowledge the epidemic is because their docs are largely on contracted out from another company, and they were threatening to fuck off.
The person I know was just a regular ED nurse, and no one was doing anything. This person just grabbed supplies and tables and set up designated areas for respiratory patients in the ED separate from the rest, at least. It took another few days for any more significant changes in that ED to occur. They're two-three weeks behind us in preparation, and we're really two months behind where we should be. Really only a few of the nicer hospitals nationwide were actually proactive and prepared.

now thread is legit

Corona-chan is only 5 months old. No pubes yet.

It can be transmitted through food, they're just desperate to keep people spending to prop up whatever's left of the industry.

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It can live on the surface for about 3 days so they're being dishonest. I'm sure cooking the food kills like for takeout but if someone Coofs on it after that, then you can absolutely get it that way.

Just tell Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan to invade China. Give them everything they need.

This literallty the flu. Replace "flu" with "coronavirus" in these articles and they are indistinguishable from anything written today.



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Well shit, that's absolutely fucked sounding.

You can make her grow a crown, maybe even grow giant wings.

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Thank you gary, I feel special!

She should squeeze her tits harder and lactate

Why do you do this anons.

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They're meant to be attractive to reflect how easily people succumb to it you imbecile.

>Start with simple drawings
>Post and self deprecate
>Spam threads while continuing to say it's shit
>Show tits
>Sign up to onlyfans

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i have a question about immunity etc

i live in manhattan and started smoking crack after realizing my cocaine prep wouldn't last more than 2 weeks so baked it.

anyways my roommate and "girlfriend" (feels good but related) both have contracted and tested positive for the wuhan china chinese novel coronavirus aka ccp virus and i have not gotten any real symptoms.

i didnt think i was contagious but im reading now i can be

i work at grocery store in chelsea and was coughing heavy last night on the fresh produce (tomatoes and red peppers). i hope i didnt get anyone sick.

mark of the beast...

I'm not drawfriend.
Drawfriend is polish.
I'm just the fucking coofer that replied "pregnant" for shits and giggles and got a 222.

another MD5 to add to the filter

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it is POSSIBLE for the virus to attach to food surface, like any other surfaces

the odds of it ending up in your airway while eating is extremely low

you'll just most likely eat it and stomach acids will kill it

hey it works.

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Are you sure they didn't mean it's unlikely to be inside packaged food, even if someone at the food factory coofed on it before it was sealed? Or maybe they meant other types of food prep are so hygienic as standard that the odds of the food getting contaminated in the first place is low?

Either way just microwave the shit out of LITERALLY EVERYTHING before you eat it, problem solved! Well, probably.


Him who eats time?

In our timeline it is a she

The QUEEN in yellow.

She traded deadliness for infectiousness, and as soon as she is satisfied with her work, she'll brush it all away.

>NEW: Brazil has determined that a woman who died on January 23 was infected with coronavirus, more than a month before South America's first confirmed case - G1
NEW: Brazil has determined that a woman who died on January 23 was infected with coronavirus, more than a month before South America's first confirmed case - G1
>NEW: Brazil has determined that a woman who died on January 23 was infected with coronavirus, more than a month before South America's first confirmed case - G1
NEW: Brazil has determined that a woman who died on January 23 was infected with coronavirus, more than a month before South America's first confirmed case - G1

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I still hope it gets worse. Like 99% of us die. Am I broken?

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sauce? dude trust you?

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Lil Ben Shapiro every fucking day - including today.
>"There's a lot of hope that warmer weather and higher humidity might kill the virus or make it much less contagious but we'll have to wait until summer."
Meanwhile Florida is 30C and literal swamp humidity.

You just wanna be free

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Wash cans and bottles. It's transmissable.

Most packaged goods you buy are mechanically packaged, no need to worry. Fresh produce can be washed under water to removed the virus. Remember to wash your hands afterward.

NEETS shall inherot the EARTH

You're welcome. Now how about something you can really get into with a fork, like cheesecake?

>only you left
>Yas Forums is still up
What do?

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Even if you don't give a fuck about yourself, if you have literally no connections to others that you care if they live or die, yes you are broken. Make some friends, dude.

I wish I could unsee that

Hopefully they cure all the homeless with some high-velocity lead

If this dumb chink virus keep me from getting my daily monster, I think I might kill myself instead

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imagine the smell

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Did the happening get canceled?

Pretend to have a conversation with myself

Gonna need the source on artist unless it's you

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temp baker here - does argiebro use greenwich mean time for latest cases?

Bro, Its only take 1 year to learn how to draw, I was worse than you one year ago and now Im making MONEY with this (en dolares vieja)
Go to /ic/ read the sticky and GMI!

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Don't take the bait.

@willwildart on twitshit

So when is the next milestone?

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It is possible, but unlikely. The cooking process kills the virus. So it would have to come onto the food after, during handling.

But don't eat anything that hasn't been cooked.

Okay Chang.

you're going full hamburger

Better buy a few cases now before the stores shut down or get looted.

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Should have stocked up. Did you learn nothing from Death Stranding? Kojima tried to warn us.

>Most packaged goods you buy are mechanically packaged, no need to worry.
Production and packaging is overseen by people. Cereal may be inside a bag, but the boxes are handled by human hands.
>Fresh produce can be washed under water to removed the virus.
If the removing the virus requires soap, disinfectants, and bleach why would plain water be effective? Washing leafy greens like this would definitely allow infection to remain.

Is his face real?

Shut the fuck up about this nigger

I like the one better with the angry doges covering up ecchi and threatening to give you a good beating if you don't repent

no, why?

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I'm tired of waiting for something to happen. I've been watching these threads for months, and nothing.

Businesses will be mad if they lose money
The idea that dead people don't spend money doesn't really occur to them because it won't be reflected in this quarter's earnings

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Yes, water wouldn't be enough. The reason soap works is because the fat that binds the virus is dissolved by the soap.

b-b-but its too late to stop the virus...muh exponential growth

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24 hours.
no breaks.

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>Make some friends
Yeah I mean it's so easy, isn't it? hahaha

How much longer do we have to wait?

Just act like you are travelling in a third world country and handle the packaging carefully. Everything you need to peel or cook is fine.

What the fuck..............

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Fuck you faggot and fuck this shitty society
>muh masses
don't care
Stay true Corona-Chan

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What a retard, for a scar a short contact would have been enough.
This is going to fester an be a pain for months to come.
It already expanded to when the metal was removed.
Considering the duration and force, this most likely caused more than just skin damage.
Might have reached the muscles and damaged them.
This could possibly permanently impare his arm movement.

You're aren't helping your cause bruh. Someone genuinely tried to be nice and you laughed at it.

Why do you hate white people?


plus 4channiggers have me doing 120s of captchas so pls reply

Who else /wontgettested/?


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>Production and packaging is overseen by people. Cereal may be inside a bag, but the boxes are handled by human hands.

So you disinfect the packaged when you get home or wash your hands after handling it.

>If the removing the virus requires soap, disinfectants, and bleach why would plain water be effective? Washing leafy greens like this would definitely allow infection to remain.

Adding soap is worse, it's absorbed by the produce.

>no pulse = dead

why bring them to a hospital

OP here, where does argie bro get latest cases? Does he also use GMT on it?

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This just in Scott, its a nothing burger

It's less of a big deal than you realize. DRT = dead right there. That's what they're talking about. Normally even if they're fucking cold and stiff you've got to do everything and bring them into the ED and continue doing everything until a doc calls it, even though they're already dead. This is just getting past the lawyer fluff of it to save beds and paperwork. Now if they have a pulse? Yeah that'd be a big fucking problem.

It just means they're severely rationing care. Maybe they'll start diverting them to the Naval hospital or central park.

right here

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Cook things low and slowly for 30 min and then bring up to higher temps. Even meat can go at 190-200 for a while to clean it first

What are you a fucking freemason or something? Checked.

Let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.

Everywhere else besides USA is plateauing
foreigncucks fuck off our internal politics
Global pandemic cancelled
happening cancelled
It's over

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>doesn't understand the NEET
>doesn't understand
What are you going to do hold his hand for the next few threads?

thank you temp bread maker.

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