No correlation between wealth and IQ

Yikes, capitalism is really a piece of shit

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>cutting it off at brainlet 130

Implying people like Jack Ma or Bezos doesn't exist

Based wealthy borderline retards

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>net worth cut off at 230k

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What's your sample space?

What's the regression model and subsequent residuals plot?

Why didn't you show your ANOVA for the regression model, if any?

Very wealthy people aren't necessarily intelligent, most of them are just cunning and have no conscious.

Interesting graph OP but I'm pretty sure wealthy people have higher IQs on average, this data set could include inheritance and what not to cloud results

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except there is a correlation based faggot, which is that being stupid makes you more likely to be dirt poor, but being smart doesn't mean you'll have money.

what's the correlation coefficient?
Why does your graph look like a dated jitter plot?

>I'm pretty sure wealthy people have higher IQs on average
There's no proof.
>this data set could include inheritance and what not to cloud results
These ARE the results, and it's whole lot of noise, with no correlation.
If there is correlation, why is everything beyond absolute stupidity just noise?

>heh, if you arbitrarily remove the data points that support a trend you'll destroy the trend

the absolute state of IQ denialists

>Wealth cuts off at 230k
>IQ cuts off at 130

This is basically saying that the average is the average, literally, fuck off.

>Jack Ma
Jack Ma only managed to get into a 3rd rate university after several attempts at passing the Chinese version of the SAT. He graduated college at 24. Jack Ma is not that intelligent.

IQ does not really mean all that much out in the corporate world. It's about connections and knowing the right people.

IQ does matter for getting into the right schools which helps you make connections. IQ without the networking will not lead to a higher salary. In fact a high IQ without the network to back it up will just lead to getting work dumped on you. You might get a 4% raise at the end of the year if your manager is feeling generous.

Do you understand I named to borderline tards that managed to get rich don't you?

>Why does your graph look like a dated jitter plot?
Where's the trend exactly?

For all the retarded claims that will turn up in the thread

Boomer sociopaths have all the wealth, so yes, neoliberalism is sick. Neolib isn't the only form of capitalism though.

im wealthy but sub 70iq

> Cutting it off at goldlet $230k
Let me guess, study authors didn't bother to survey more than 2 standard deviations away from median (loser)

You also have industrial capitalism like in Victorian age, 14 work hours and starvation included.
And social democracy, with taxes enough to ensure only special people and capitalists will get something.

>Do you understand I named to borderline tards that managed to get rich don't you?
No because Bezos is actually pretty smart. Ma is a borderline retard though.

Can confirm 130+ broke fag

Anything less than $2.3 million is poverty tier

iq is just a nigger remover. personality tests are just used as discriminatory tools.

>No correlation between wealth and IQ
>See big black patch below 30k for sub 90iq.

I'm really screwed because I'm not extraordinarily smart and I also have no friends. Why do we have to fit a mold so perfectly in order to succeed?

>No because Bezos is actually pretty smart.
Incredible how some dollars can make people worship you.

Nigger balls gibs

>never even read the entirety of Taleb's refutation of IQ

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How the fuck can anybody with an iq of 80 be earning 200k? besides pro athletes and rappers though?


It's net worth not annual income.


>fails to invent anything new
>creates spaceflight company because he wants to be like musk
>musk and bezos both get divorced for being morons.

do you think IQ correlates with ability to start a family instead user?

or is it just a very narrow and idealized set of college students that manage to become successful?

Okay so what does correlate the data?

Family wealth
Family class

Something jives.

It's actually a really pointless graph now that I actually looked at it because 230k is not much. Those people probably just bought a house 50 years ago and now it's worth way more. Not uncommon or interesting.

you tell me

I personally don’t think the numbers mean anything

the longer I live the more I think IQ is this larp for rich people to feel good about their lives.

Its a number like MPG

mainly used to sell shit.
its a shame too, because both numbers are supposed to measure something important

>every high-paying job requires high iq
>every high iq job pays well
Yikes. It's almost like employment doesn't reward based on ability or labor but rather how much demand there is for a good or service...

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>Incredible how some dollars can make people worship you.
I'm not underestimating him either. Notice how I admit Jack Ma is just a retard who got lucky.

Not all billionaires are smart but Bezos is. He might not be a genius but saying he's a retard is underestimating him.

the 115 cluster

I like that cluster

I know billionaire worship is popular on certain countries, some people just love musk or jobs, but you should know better.

and the retard that did the regressions removed that big black patch from his data as "outliers"

I think it does mean something, but your personality is way more important. A high iq guy that has no ambition and just likes to be alone is going to fail. A low iq guy that is a go-getter at least has a chance to succeed.

Coof on me nigger

Now plot income as a function of IQ

God damn it

Morons. Do you not realize that this completely refutes any correlation between wealth and IQ? Once you remove the low end — which props up the whole thing, giving the appearance of correlation — the correlation disappears.

This is true. You need a combination of high IQ and high conscientiousness to be really successful in life.

Stop LARPing as Taleb faggot

Now add conscientiousness

Maybe iq is just a poor measure of intelligence

Shrimp are a good business bro

>remove most data
>now there is no correlation!

how fucking retarded are you?


I guess it turns out that people like spending the money they make, who knew?

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well this includes athletes and musicians

I want a reality show with downies flying around in private jets making it rain and shit

Imbecile. Taleb already debunked that particular graph.

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took me 88 hours in paint to make this retarded OP.

since "removing the low points" is fine, why not take it further?

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He debunked it for linear regression only. Anyone with eyes can see there is correlation. Stop LARPing as Taleb you simpleton.

How about one more step?

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True. I have 133 IQ but very little to show due to making nigger decisions. Recently unkiked and doing ok now

See , and my picture
Sweetie, statistics isn't about interpreting noise: if you can't see the correlation with your eye, there isn't one.

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>running a regression when the data look like this
Ah, I see you passed your stats class, but it looks like you failed econometrics.

There is clearly an incredibly strong correlation between being retarded and making less than 30k a year.

>Top 2% of iq and wealth
You'll find the majority of iq 130+ in universities doing research and writing books or be a complete autist working a menial job to focus on their specialized obsession. Your capitalist cuck fantasy of billionaires being geniuses is retarded, jeff bezos literally started his business because he wasn't smart enough to be a theoretical physicist

Survival of the fittest doesnt imply intellect. Id argue it implies the opposite even. Those who were bad at pulling pussy or physical skill (combat or labor) had to become crafty.

This doesnt mean capitalism is bad by any means.

You are a fucking retard. You can manipulate ANY set and get what ever the fuck answers you want.

Look at my "graph" that obviously show that only above average IQs make 230k.

>No correlation between wealth and IQ
There was until affirmative action.

Ignore him. He thinks we should run a regression through that monstrosity, and he doesn't understand that statistics isn't about interpreting noise.

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Why not run a regression on THIS set instead?

because it again proves that there is a correlation.

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There's far more dots in the upper right quadrant than the upper left quadrant though? Like at least twice if not more.

>if you can't see the correlation with your eye
But I can see the correlation with my eye. Mean income clearly increases as a function of IQ (albeit non-linearly). The noise above $80k is irrelevant. Sweaty, stop LARPing as Taleb.