Is it even remotely possible to be moral and not religious?
Is it even remotely possible to be moral and not religious?
religion doesn't give people a moral compass
it just makes people afraid of doing bad things and that they're going to be rewarded for being good instead of actually being a good person for the sake of being good.
The Atheist is beginning to understand.
Morality is a crowdsourced operation. that is, morality is a "Two people must be of one mind" kind of thing.
And so the Atheist can't have the same horsepower in his morality system, because there is always the possibility that someone comes around with a different morality and now his morality is back to the one defined 800 million years ago by those gorillas in middle Africa, and that morality is the biggest and the strongest survives by hurting others.
The atheist doesn't realize that the conveyor system of religion is a package of genetic material that makes morality able to exist in the first place.
Can I introduce you to Jesus Christ now?
How about now.
Yes. Statistically, the more religious one is, the more one is likely to be tied to pedophilia, crime, hypocrisy, etcetera
r= religious index
Yes, im not religious but have empathy for others.
built for bbc
i really want to believe in jesus, and i think i do. but sometimes my mind goes all the way out there and i think there’s no way. for example, if i start thinking about ayys god becomes impossible to fathom for me. i will continue to believe though, as difficult as it gets.
there's no intrinsic reason to be moral outside of nescessity but a non-religious person can certainly be moral
How does your morality system fare when someone wants to hurt you based on their morality system?
Do you fight for who's is better?
Tell me more about your fascinating ideology and how it's better than what you got rid of. Pic related is you, you and those like you did that, and you don't even care.
Religion separates us from them, making "them" less than human and easier to kill. Learn2humanmorality.
What do you define as "bad things"?
user very succinct, this the blessing and curses are results of algorithmic behavior played out over time, the amazing part is with Christ becoming man, man then participated not just in good boy point but the untreated grace of unlimited creativity that is God energy, that why the jew hates Christ because they wanted to stop at being better that niggers rather than being godly and humble like Christ which is real power, true low time preference is living for eternity
Morals predate organized religion and are the product of evolution. Morals existed long before modern religions existed, even before religion itself existed when humans were primitive. Other species display traits of altruism and other morality as well.
The idea that morality is mutually exclusive to religion is simply put not supported by evidence.
The Christian concept of morality is centered around mankind and the earth being fallen seperated from God, Sin is an illness that we all have and without Gods intervention morality is simply a vain concept that leads to the state we see the world in today.
>ayys god becomes impossible to fathom for me
Me too, give it some time and keep chasing it.
ayys pokes his finger in to your bubble and say hello.
It's hard to make out what it is, one thing I'm convinced of is it's cross temporal. Meaning that past, present and future is the same thing for this organism, and I believe it's our ancestor.
Knowledge of it replicates like genetic material does. And so we are actively learning more about God in the same way the sperm does climbing up the vagina.
Wait, you mean everything around us is a common ancestor to us?
Yes my Son and I'm right here.
That's only one side of the equation. Those who love God want to do things according to His will. That doesn't mean we always succeed, much like any relationship. But since most atheists on this board are incel edgelords, they don't get that concept. The best they can do as far as love goes is infatuation with a twitch thot that turns them into a total and complete simps who open their wallets out of what they think is love.
But spiritual love, shared with God or a person you are in a deep committed relationship with, means something totally different. It means cleaning up puke and shit when they are sick at 3am. It means buying tampons. It means being willing to lay down your life for your loved ones if it comes to it. Taking a bullet to save others. On a higher level, that's the meaning of John 3:16.
You have to start by knowing love of yourself and love of others before you can grasp the concept of the love for God. If you haven't done that, you are just not going to get it. It's far more than bing good because you expect a reward.
That's that shallow twitch thot love y'all are used to.
An atheist can behave morally
An atheist however cannot provide an explanation for the obvious existence of objective morality
Yes, you can reject religion and still follow the moral imperatives of that religion. However, those moral imperatives would not exist without religion. For example muslims rape children and kill women for embarrassing thier fathers. The reason you find that morally wrong is because you grew up in a country founded on Christian principles.
I feel the same way, but for me it manifests in thinking about what aspects of Roman pagan rituals were appropriated by the Catholic Church
My moral system aims to maximise well being. Life over death, happiness over sadness, pleasure over pain in etc. in general. You dont have a moral system, just some bully telling you what to do or else.
I want to believe in God and Jesus, but I just can't get myself to stop thinking it's all fake. I don't know what else to do, will I ever be able to truly believe, or am I forever broken?
this is correct
Western atheists operate on a framework developed by Christianity. They don't seem to understand that values taken for granted today wouldn't exist if not for European Christianity. Some atheists like Dawkins actually get this and slowly being to understand that Christianity is a better belief system than Islam. It isn't necessarily but it's the moral framework they're accustomed to and built their worldview upon
You're thinking too specifically.
The Atheist has no platform to have or execute a morality system in the first place. It's like a man without a car asking another man with a car if it's possible for me to get places real fast?
Uh yes, technically, but also no.
The Atheist presses his face so hard into logic, that he fails to use science to think at all.
Sam Harris and JP give all this the full monty in my opinion. You can almost hear Sam coming around 2/3rds the way through the lecture.
Give the lecture a good solid listen. If Sam Harris can be turned and brought into the barn kicking and screaming, what hope have you?
yeah, same "christian" principles that have resulted in more violence, destruction, rape of little boys and girls in the world than almost anything else, right?
I mean seriously, do we really need to bring up all the sexual abuse, rape and other sexual violence that occurs in organized religion or are you that lacking in awareness? All religions rape kids, all religions place people in positions of power that allows them to exploit and abuse the most vulnerable. Judaism does it with their ultra-orthodox. Christians do it in every denomination, whether roman catholic or protestant or baptist. Islam does it, there's pedos and abuse rings in every religion, and they all work to cover it up.
>Me too, give it some time and keep chasing it.
>Make yourself believe even if theres no evidence
you’ll be ok leaf
no youre just too intelligent to need it, follow the ways of successful person, do what chad would do
this lecture series really helped me understand what Christianity actually is and cemented my belief in Christ, I highly recommend it.
yes. if you have a brain.
That is not morality. That is doing what is best for others so long as it is also best for you. Morality is not lying even if it might benefit you. Why would YOU not?
who is that I want to marry her
Those on the right of the image are meant to be slaves, our society is broken.
Christcucks are right about atheists but they still expect me to worship a kike on a stick like that isn't the dumbest shit imaginable
I dont, i use empathy and reason and well being as my moral guides. No sarloc garbage needed.
No religion... just Science.
You mock, but that's the seed that gets the attention of the agency that made the universe and you in it.
This fish just looks right at me even though it cannot know I am here.
He's my favorite.
I believe this phenomenon occurs in multiple places, like the signature bulbs occur in the mandelbrot set.
What impresses you about a created thing is also what impresses God.
You'll understand when reality starts bending itself around you like the movies play pretend to. Holy shit, you mean our father in heaven changes the past the present and the future realtime?
Honestly, I think its something innately primal. I share empathy and moral standings with a group of people that I associate with. I care about my family, friends and allies; as supporting one another allows for our society to flourish. As you asked how would I deal with someone who threatened my group off their basis of morality, I would defend MY group as I SHARE morality with those that I associate with. Humans align packs to ensure safety and stability, morality and empathy allows for these factors to coexist and thrive.
shit isn’t fucking rocket science
>muh empathy
Basing your morality on empathy is retard tier morality. It's basically basing morality on primal evolutionary emotions to encourage intergroup cooperation.
If you're not religious your morals naturally shifts into utilitarianism because logic.
Is that a tranny Dave Mustaine?
lol tinder sloot
The Jews hated Christ and murdered him, the prophecies written hundreds of years before Christ stated the year he would be born, the year he would be crucified and the year Israel would be culled and destroyed by the Romans.
The vast majority of the immoral are and have been religious, so I don't think the irreligious are the problem.
Lying is good in some cases, but if its purely for you you need to be aware that what comes around come around. A heavy lie might come back to bite you in the ass. Im doings whats best for the collective knowing full well its will benefit me as well.
Christians denounce all those things. That there are Christians who do evil things doesn't change that. It is stupid to claim christianity is responsible for the sins of Christians when christianity teaches not to sin.
Besides, why do you even think those things are bad? If in the end we all just die and our lives are meaningless what difference does it make in the long run who raped whom?
It can only be wrong if you base your world view on religious dogmas.
Christ was the single best thing that happened to Jews, without Christianity Jews would have been shunned into irrelevancy. But because of Jesus, Jews will forever hold the mantle of being the progenitors of Christianity in the historical record.
If you need heaven as an incentive to be kind to be kind, you're not kind. God as a monarchical pez dispenser for wishes was always a gross immoral Judaic idea.
I said morality AND reason. Dont know about you but i actually give a shit about my fellow man.
It's called Humanism
So then you're just a utilitarian retard like this guy said Utilitarians are even dumber than Christians
Utilitarianism is mindless hedonism. Your daughter will be most happy as a nigger dick sucker for money.
The only valid argument for religion is one which confirms the facts that that religion claims to be true.
>Atheism leads to degeneracy!
Not an argument.
>Atheists are smug and unlikeable!
Not an argument.
>Moral societies are only possible with religion!
Not an argument.
>Religion gives a sense of community and keeps people calm!
Not an argument.
>Here is definitive proof that Jesus is the son of God, that he healed the sick and performed miracles, and that he was resurrected and ascended to heaven!
That’s actually an argument! Sadly, nobody is making this argument because it’s clearly bullshit.
>ayys god
Is it really so difficult to believe that God is an alien, that's our common ancestor, and uses us to recreate himself?
Does bacteria know you walk by when you walk through the house?
Doesn't the universe look like a fractal to you? Where the photograph of subatomic particles look to be an exact copy of entire galaxies?
You want to believe in God, and you want to believe in Science.
Do both, give your heart to Jesus Christ, do what he said to do, and chase him with your replicating form. He'll be around after a while, with your mouth hanging open, why the fucking fuck is this not taught in the schools?
Answer is infuriating. God gave his enemy dominion over the entire unit with us in it.
Evidence or btfo. Cant ever go wrong with that.
Such as? Where does your "reason" come from? How do you know a belief or action is reasonable? You're just using another synonym for morality
Yes, but coming to first principled moralized worldviews isn't easy. It's extremely time consuming as in you have to study a lot of philosophy, history, science, psychology and theology-- an autodidactic lifestyle. Then you can achieve a type of esoteric timeless worldview that isn't entirely idealistic nor entirely reactionary, which you then have to come back to earth explain to normalfaggots which is the hardest part desu.
Religion and educations were created for normalfags who don't have time for it, nor do they care or the aptitude for. They just want the quick and easy exoteric stuff with all the shortcuts included so they go about their day.
Christianity was basically a merger of Stoic philosophy and Greek thought, even though the bible is in conflict with Greek metaphysics(such as the idea of the soul and body being separate). Stoicism and dynastic thinking necessary for the cosmic endowment of the noble races, paths of redemption, resisting entropy and reducing existential threats to humanity-- that's the closest you'll get to a shortcut from me.
As you can probably tell I believe in biblical prophesy and it is an important aspect of my faith.
you say forever, but I would say only until the appointed time, the destruction of Jerusalem was the appointed time when probation would end for the Jews and they would be seperated from God and his protection.
likewise I believe soon probation will close on all of humanity.
you can certainly have an internal system of morality without religion
will you hold onto it when things get difficult?
Whats wrong with utalitarianism and how is it hedonism? Just curious.
>Your daughter will be most happy as a nigger dick sucker for money.
Happiness is just a part of the equasion called well being, and would she be happy in the long honestly? Looking at thots today id say no.
Based and factpilled.
Not a fan of mindless hedonism?
Then why don't you try QUALITATIVE HEDONISM.
Seriously, though, OP, there have been dozens of authors who wrote about this. Go read their work.
Qualitative hedonism is what John Arthur Mill promoted, but much more famous philosophers have written about this, including some theists who thought morality could exist outside of God.
If you're wondering why a theist would try to prove this, consider the dialogue of Euthyphro.
Hume, Kant, Nietzsche (almost a meme at this point), and even Locke considered how morality may arise from reason.
Facts proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Simple as.
very much so shit-cunt
Paige turnah?
Because it requires "utilitarian calculus" to calculate "well-being" and "happiness" resulting in it ultimately being completely subjective. Being a utilitarian is an even higher hubris than being a Christian. At least the Christian will allow me to be sinful because they think I will face judgement after my death. The utilitarian, however, has no qualms trying to control ever facet of my life in pursuit of their magic equation optimize their arbitrary metrics.
Utilitarianism requires a worldview to function as to assign an aesthetical value, typically materialists assign Le Science but that's simply a tool to comprehend and assume humans are objective observers. Research Positivism if you want to dig deeper into the subject.
Utilitarianism typically is applied with a type of circular logic if they are larping with no worldview, such as: Whatever achieves my implicit worldview and group's survival = utility.
Might as be honest with some sort of stoic tribalism with an acknowledged worldview.
Absolutely. But according to the bible, those people burn along with the rapists and murderers. Because they didnt accept jesus or get saved or whatever.