Why do communists support this monster who killed 60 million people?

Why do communists support this monster who killed 60 million people?

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That wasn’t real communism lmao

Because they argue that he didn't killed those people on purpose, that it was famine caused by natural disasters, poverty and things like that. I think.

Big fucking deal. 60 million is just a statistic.

Bc fuck landlords

Because if we attribute all deaths to the system they happened under; Capitalism has killed orders of magnitude more people than communism. But its silly to point to famine, natural disaster, international politics and say "That happened because of an ecenomic system". Which is why Capitalists always look silly in these discussions

how did the "Great Famine" appear?
Wasn't the great famine created by him?

video proof: youtube.com/watch?v=Led0Un9uiIc

Extreme propaganda in all parts of society and a thorougly engineered lens through which all events distant in time and space must be viewed. Chinese denizens are living and breathing the big lie from birth and are simply unequipped to process that their hard-earned, inhuman cynicism can be part of the very manipulation it exists to reject.

As far as I know he tried to rapidly industrialized the country abolishing ownership and trying that the government control all the production and things went very bad. The Great Leap Forward.

But my point is that when people talk about Hitler killing millions of people in camps they see that as pure and direct evil but they see Mao's actions as mistakes or incompetence, not that he really wanted to kill those people.

yeah it is. You have theoretical communism espousing a dictatorship of the proletariat but that neglects to account for human nature and a malevolent dictator always rises.

Western communists are simply naive and inexperienced when it comes to human nature and haven't read enough histort to be really familiar with the authoritarian communist dictatorships of the 19th century.

That being said, I still believe that crony muttocracy and jewish degeneracy propaganda is terrible and should be destroyed.

>china more powerful then ever before
>60 million died
That was a pretty good gamble

Wasnt it 66 Million?
Why would you try to down play the 600 Million?

You're 60 years out of date.

Because all he had to do was say they were evil right wingers and their deaths suddenly become a good thing. Video related


No one believes that they will be the ones to get shot against a wall



That's because they haven't seen the evil and decadency of the communist ruling class of China, of which Mao was most assuredly a member. He was a petty and childish sociopath rapist who knew about the famines as they were taking place, maintaining his attitude of "you've gotta break some eggs".

Xi's dad was purged and he himself was exiled under Mao. He had to apply 10 times in order to be accepted into the CCP again.

>1000 years of human brutality
at what point are we allowed to call it evil?

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I know people similarly purged, first as rightists, then sent to the villages in the May 7 movement. Solid pla family. Denouced with big character posters and brought low. She has nothing but pride in the Chinese government and it's achievements. Mao's actions after the revolution were off the rails. It's not rocket science. It would also be very disturbing to start peeling away that scab. Stability stability stability, that is what I hear from my old Chinese friend.

Frankly we don’t know whether they support him or not. The media would have us believe a bunch of people are dying of corona and we wouldn’t know any different

Haven't you got an unarmed third world country to pick on?

Xi is rather exceptional for two reasons: his supposed communist zealotry, and his absolutely masterful backdoor politics that lead to his curren position. I'm not sure what you want his exceptionality to signify with respect to the vast majority of CCP corruption and power abuse. Tell me comrade, have you actually lived in China? Can you speak Mandarin? Have you studied CCP history or read their political memos?

>monster who killed 60 million people?
He didn't. These people died as a result of natural disasters and colonialism (international isolation of China). In the end, Mao had found a solution by striking a very favorable deal with the Americans.

Because he's not white.

Because he represented a newer, more radical,’purer’ communism for leftoids to cling onto when they got disillusioned with the USSR and the GI Gen Old Left.

Look at the film La Chinoise, for example. White kids LARPing as peasant warriors in a fight against all. That semi-parody is an accurate enough reflection of both his Boomer idolizers and those idiots who in turn followed them.

how can you not support him for eliminating 60 gazillion chinks?

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he told them to kill all the birds and caused a plague of locusts that ate the crops, and later had them melt their farm tools down so they couldn't harvest crops, you idiot.

weak bait

How can colonialism mean international isolation? It's literally the opposite

Ohhhhh wow you know the 2 most known things about it, wooow I hadn't heard about those 2 things. Thanks for the info burger.

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Because he fucking didn't. The Black Book of Communism is a shitty text which has been debunked countless times by even its main contributors.


yes and no. a LOT of the people who rose up under Mao's time like Xi were sons of former upper class who had properly educated their kids compared to the dirty peasants.

it was real murder though

Not defending that shitty ideology but Communism is stateless and Mao was the state. He was a Socialist but only a Communist is name. In fact, the CCP is an oxymoron as Communism would not need a party in an actual Communist society. However true Communism is impossible to achieve as it involves naturally destroying the state, the same state that implemented their Socialist policies to begin with

Embargo is a form of pressure to accept uneven and binding deals.

Maybe he meant imperialism. Being controlled by other nation.

>mao dindu nuffin

>anti semetic Nazis
Nice source you've got there. That clearly isn't biased or anything

>dictatorship of the proletariat
you don't know what this means

Yeah he did something, he took the PRC from being a semi-feudal, semi-agrarian shithole that suffered from brutal warlords, foreign domination, and famine to being a world economic and scientific superpower.

Everything's biased mate. Including your shitty book that was made by a British propagandist wherein, according to the other contributors Robert Conquest was extremely obsessed with reaching the 100 million number (but his lies and distortions were only able to stretch it to 94 million).

It basically means "rule of the working class and oppression of the capitalist class", which is what the Marxist conception of the state is: a tool for managing class struggle, one class over another

stop denying Communist atrocities, nigger

First off, I have no idea what book you're talking about but the fact that your source clearly says antisemitic in your link clearly shows that your source has more bias than most other sources. And Mao wasn't even a Commie as I've pointed out here If I wanted to use an example of why your ideology is shit I would have mentioned Nestor Makhno and how he is responsible for Ukraine's current state

100 gorillions not 60

As brutal as their methods were, Stalin and Mao, villagers in Russia and China were literal serfs and peasants, virtual slaves.
They were not a nation of independent, land-owning yeomen farmers.
The USSR lasted long enough, 70 years, to pull the people out of the Russian mud to the status of citizens, going from monarchy and wooden plows to membership on the UN security council.
The same thing will happen in China, and Vietnam. The US fought communism while peasants/serfs fought for independence from euro-overlords.
no commie, US won.


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What a brainlet take, that shows how little you actually fucking know about communism. You can't just jump to a stateless, classless society immediately- that's what anarchists believe not communists. Communists acknowledge the necessity of the transition stage called the "dictatorship of the proletariat", it's required to develop the productive forces and protect the revolution from subversion. Nester Makhno was a failure because he wanted to establish his utopia in the midst of global imperialism. Marxists are materialists, not idealists like anarchists are.

Read Lenin's "State and Revolution" and Engels' "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific", Mao was a communist through and through.

For the same reason people support Uncle Sam or any capitalist leader. Crimes against humanity do not undermine an ideology, because otherwise you would have no ideology to defend. People who criticize communism for "muh millions killed" never use the same criticism against capitalism(which has killed more than communism). All of this implying that you can even calculate the amounts of people killed, wich is highly unlikely due to statistical limitations (just do some research).

There, 1984 wasn't fiction it was a documentary.

The KMT would have fucked up more than Mao.

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because its all they have....

>stop not believing in the lies and distortions pushed by nazis, the CIA, and bourgeois ideological state apparatuses you brainwashed faggot!!!!


The book I'm talking about is the book that the false "100 million" number for deaths under communism come from, "The Black Book of Communism" by Robert Conquest.

Because he was “their monster.” Same way someone can support Trump licking children in cages as long as he’s “your monster.”

Maoists also like Stalinsts believed in cults of personality. So they actually cried when those monsters died.

Imo as a history scholar the only communist who deserves any respect at all is Trotsky. But who knows what would have happened if he ever actually got power?

I also am a fan of Fidel. Because more Cubans died under 7 years of Bautista the American backed dictator than the entity of Fidel’s reign. But of course then he did cults of personality. But at least he achieved fantastic literacy and education rates and top of the line healthcare all while America had Cuba almost entirely reliant on trade with just Venezuela and ONLY Venezuela.

>there were no communist atrocities bro
what about the gulags? what about the holodomor?

>60 million
Not even close

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Why do nazis support this monster who killed 16 million people?

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The end goal of Communism and Anarchism are both essentially the same you fucking retard. The difference is Commies realize the need for a state to implement their Socialist policies whereas Anarchists are under the assumption that they can overthrow the state all together. Communism as defined by Marx is a stateless, classless society where workers control the means of production and in no way, shape or form was China, especially under Mao, stateless. The reason I said Nestor Makhno is because he was the closest person to achieving an actual Communist state despite the fact that he was more of an Anarchist. You're delusional and retarded if you think otherwise

Are you really that ignorant? The whole idea of "re-education" camps comes from the Great Leap Forward. Many millions died in these camps in fact much more than in the Nazi camps. The Chicoms love camps and still resort to them to control their problems.

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The 100 million number is likely a bit farfetched but you can't deny Mao's policies during the Four Pest Campaign was directly responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of chinks

Because they get a sexual thrill out of the belief they'll be the ones enjoying their power fantasy in charge of the gulags


Because ant-people don't count.

> commie logic
killing people is sometimes what you have to do.
to defend your territory, your people, your resources and your society.
sometimes its to take the resources or territory of another people.
theres a difference here though.
Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Che Guevarra, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, etc etc etc, all the heroes of communism killed THEIR OWN PEOPLE.
and not in a war against another nation, no, coldly, in a calculating manner they decided X number of their own people had to die, and they did it without compunction or remorse.
that is the true nature of marxism.
marxism doesnt create heroes, it elevates monsters. it doesnt glorify it's people, it murders them "for the greater good"
marxism is a death cult.


yeah because China is such a great place now when compared to Taiwan. Fuck off retard

Actually, real quick. You’re right this was under Mao, but it was separate of the Great Leap Forward. What you’re talking about is under his Cultural Revolution plan.

The ordinary death rate was not even twice as high as in the rest of the country

The famine happened, it's not the Party's fault though. They even purged the meteorologists who didn't predict the weather accurately back in 1933 when the famine was at its peak.

Also show flag kike

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Anarchists and communists are enemies, regardless of what endgoals we may have. We're fundamentally incompatible.

Marx defined a lower stage of communism (now called socialism), and a higher stage of communism (now called communism). If you would actually read Marx and learn what dialectical materialism is, you can't just go to the higher stage of communism first, you have to go through the lower stage which is a transition stage between capitalism and communism. But how about hearing from Marx and Lenin themselves instead of me:

>“it is only possible to achieve real liberation in the real world by employing real means, that slavery cannot be abolished without the steam-engine and the mule and spinning-jenny, serfdom cannot be abolished without improved agriculture, and that, in general, people cannot be liberated as long as they are unable to obtain food and drink, housing and clothing in adequate quality and quantity. “Liberation” is an historical and not a mental act, and it is brought about by historical conditions, the development of industry, commerce, agriculture, the conditions of intercourse”.
–– Karl Marx, “The German Ideology”

>“Between capitalist and communist society there lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. Corresponding to this is also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.”
— Karl Marx, “in the critique of the Gotha Program”

>“For socialism is merely the next step forward from state-capitalist monopoly. Or, in other words, socialism is merely state-capitalist monopoly which is made to serve the interests of the whole people and has to that extent ceased to be capitalist monopoly”
“The state capitalism, which is one of the principal aspects of the New Economic Policy, is, under Soviet power, a form of capitalism that is deliberately permitted and restricted by the working class. Our state capitalism differs essentially from the state capitalism in countries that have bourgeois governments in that the state with us is represented not by the bourgeoisie, but by the proletariat, who has succeeded in winning the full confidence of the peasantry.“
— Vladimir Lenin - Can We Go Forward If We Fear To Advance Towards Socialism?

t. nazbol
fuck communism and fuck you

Castro and Che should be are removed from the others imo. Simply because their situations were so different than the rest.

Castro and Che freed their country from a dictator that killed way way way more than Castro and Che ever did. Castro also has some great results in terms of healthcare and education. True he was a dictator who murdered anyone who stood in the way of his dream and evil because of it. But Castro was way more stable than Mao and Stalin ever was.

Right because China and Taiwan are comparable. China is like 100 times the size.

Every time

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This is now a Deng Xiaoping thread. Post epic Deng memes

>Why do (Ashke)Nazis support (((someone))) who killed millions of goyim?
Idk, you tell me...

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Anarcho-communists do exist. Just like there are anarchico-capitalists.

They just want the Wild West like the ending to Fight Club. People using high ways to grow food.

> stalin's holodromor, mao's great leap forward and cultural revolution, pol pot exterminating intellectuals, dissenters and even people who just wore glasses, the list of marxist extermination programs OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE is nearly endless.
100 million of the last century of marxist murder is likely a quite conservative estimate.
add in the quasi-marxists of hitler's nazi regime, the puppet state of vichy france, etc, the number climbs really fast. and im not talking about those who died fighting against their nation's foes, im talking about people who were rounded up and slaughtered by their own "leaders" or deliberately starved, or sent off to gulag to die in a labor camp.
marxism is a death cult.

The same reason why China worships Emperor Qin to this day, even when he buried scholars alive and burned books, as well as built the great wall that is filled with corpses of slave labourers (10% of the population of his slave empire). Also, (s)he's a cutie.

Mao, like Qin, is the great Father of the Nation. One who united all under heaven with blood and fire, ending 150 years of foreign domination and colonial exploitation.

People forgive your mistakes if you achieve great things in return. And the Western butthurt about China's rise to become a superpower proves Mao right and absolves him even of his 30% of mistakes.

Prove me the fuck wrong, because you cant.

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Yeah, that was a shit move which killed at least 17 million by Chinese estimates that in hindsight the power of modern science realizes, though at the time that was the best guess they had.

Ultimately though, the collectivization policies of the PRC and industrialization and communal farming and advanced agricultural practices laid the infrastructure for that famine to be the last famine in China. Before the revolution, they had a famine a year for every year, after the revolution-they had one famine and none since.


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its pretty blatant, they fantasize about killing all "de ebil whiteys and christians and daddies who hurt me as a kiddy" followed by depraved "equal" orgies, likely full of one of each possible nonwhite-ethnicity

Absolutely not, the 100 million number (actually 94 million in the book) was, as the other authors and contributors admitted, Robert Conquest's obsession with trying to reach 100 million at all costs, through lies, distortions, and only picking the top estimates for famine deaths, attributing all deaths under communism to communism, attributing nazi deaths to communism, and so forth.

Again, for more info: thegrayzone.com/2017/11/22/black-book-of-communism-debunked-antisemitic-nazis/

Because the survivors went from starving in mud huts to driving sports cars in Beijing.


Soon, these body-bags shall be filled with Landlords.

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>94 million
still a lot of people who were killed by communism
fuck you and your jewish ideology

honestly, how do you live with all that innocent blood on your hands?

Also, Hitler was a fascist, not a socialist, not a communist, and most definitely not a Marxist. He only used the "socialist" label in National Socialist because it was a popular label at the time.

Hitler's definition of socialism was contrary to all past definitions of socialism. It was for class collaborationism, for private ownership of the means of production, for individualism, etc. In fact, the word "privitization" was coined because of the Nazis' economic activities.

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>Robert Conquest
The main author of the BBOC was Stephane Courtois, retard

Burger you are retard and it shows. The amount of killing Capitalism and Imperialism have achieved has always been with the help of "traitors" of the other country, meaning that your beloved systems does kill people in the same country wich has been applied. Going further, you point out the obvious Wich is that countries have to choices. To either submit to foreign powers and get killed and plundered but them with help of some traitorous class. This is somehow acceptable in a burgers head, because is ok if capitalism do it.
The other choice is to do a revolution and reset the system, where your people will pay a cost for getting rid of feudal rule and foreign domination.
Both mean dead people, but in one you are bitch and in the other you are not.

Oops, my mistake. Thanks for the correction.

I said that the 94 million number was bullshit as well. But y'all can't cite your own propaganda correctly, spewing out numbers such as "100 million!" "130 million!" "1 trillion!!!!"


Under Chairman Mao’s 27-year rule of China, the country went from a population of 540 million in 1949 to at least 700 million and possibly as high as 940 million (according to some sources) in 1976.

Given this mass population growth in such a short period of time, it is unlikely that so many people were killed under Mao’s rule.

Ruling a country where 4 in 5 people was an illiterate rural peasant,

Mao was able to reduce the national illiteracy rate to just 7%. In an era where few Chinese lived past the age of 35, Mao was able to increase the life expectancy to at least 55.

If Mao had so many people killed, he would not be able to achieve these things, especially as China was isolated from the world as North Korea today.

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Nah, Hitler was a socialist. Goebbels was also a socialist. They had a different way of achieving the world revolution but they were socialists nonetheless.

>no one died under communism
ok tankie
why don't you just fucking kill yourself?

Yeah, that's an error on my part. I meant to attribute Courtois but they're both anti-communist propagandists so I sometimes get them mixed up, the point still remains the same.

> trump licking children in cages.
is this the new spastic claim?
those pics of "children in cages" are fucking FAKE faggot.
when illegals get caught and are sent to a detention center, ICE holding facility or a local jail WE DONT SEND THEIR KIDS WITH THEM
when a tweaker gets busted making meth in his garage, he, and his old lady BOTH go to jail, but they go to separate jails, and their kids are NOT sent to jail with them.
kids go to juvenile facilities where they are detained (if criminally charged for shit), they are then placed with their un-incarcerated family, or a group home or foster family.
unlike glorious mexico, we dont lock whole families up in prisons because daddy was a meth dealer or mommy was a prostitute. what do you propose be done with minors who have parents in jail? should they be left on the street?
perhaps a workhouse or orphanarium like a fucking dickens novel?
youre a smoothbrained faggot.
kids in detention are held for a day or two, until family or other placement can be found for them. they arent kept in fucking dog cages.

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The hell? I'm not saying no one died under socialism: nazis died under socialism, landlords died under socialism, bourgeois scum died under socialism, royalty died under socialism.

There were some mistakes that led to some deaths, but not nearly as many as the Black Book of Communism suggests.