Emigrating to Germany
>My father has a farm
So your family is living off gibs
I quickly learned that about you guys. I held a door open for a man in Munich out of habit and got stared at like I had a cock growing out of my face. That was the only time I made that mistake during my trip.
Don't move to Germany, move to Liechtenstein.
t.retard who has no idea what he is talking about
Where would you go? Where do you think it’s better?
This is genuinely hilarious, I can picture it so good
Virtually impossible without being extremely wealthy or successful banker
Couldn't you just go as a tourist and marry a qt3.14?
he's right and it hurts you because you know it well.
Extremely unlikely considering their extremely small population number and social elitism.
There’s a few that don’t follow the rules but they are super hippy types, had one suck my balls but she’d rarely bathe. That type.
Based and redpilled.
Shut the fuck up kike slave cattle golem.