I'm a Canadian in my early 20s. Northern European descent, high IQ, superior strength and endurance, musically gifted, Aryan features etc. Old stock Canadian.
I am fluent in English and French and I am learning German. I believe that my life's purpose is to serve and protect Europe and inspire comradery amongst fellow whites.
Any tips on becoming German and starting a German family? I am an experienced carpenter, however, I am willing to change my industry/attend post-secondary school. Danke schön
Emigrating to Germany
Other urls found in this thread:
Anywhere is better than Canada.
This is a really dumb idea. Why would you give up land with all the resources to sustain our race? Bringing all the Europoors here would be preferable to leaving Canada and America to the shitskins.
Protip: no one in germany or in europe cares about continuing the white race. After ww2 all those german nationalism memes died down. No one cares and you're impact on the demographic will be minimal.
Daily reminder that Coronavirus is a cover for sickness being caused by 5g 60Ghz mm waves.
>Wuhan was the first city in the world to be covered by 5g
>Italy was the second
>5g exposure causes sore throat, fever and breathing difficulties
>5g fucks with oxygen and stops your blood from absorbing it, causing people with no symptoms to suddenly fall over and die
>the diamond princess fleet is the only line of cruise ships currently using 5g
Proof? Watch how many (you)s I get from angry jewish shills
Canada will end up a globalist trading post. I love my country but the cities are doomed
This guy gets it. Only traitors and bitter nihilistic people survived WW2 in Germany.
Is this true? Is America the last stronghold of white nationalism?
have fun with all the turks
You don't want to come here. This here is a leftist cesspool.
I had a canadian english teacher who moved to germany because of the cultural life
He is actually pianist, but after moving to germany he was teaching english
I enjoyed his lessons very much because not only was he based, he also didn’t give a fuck about conventions when speaking his mind (told that he came here because of german/european, not russian or chinese culture... while we had two russian and a vietnamese student in our class... lol)
>I'm a Canadian in my early 20s. Northern European descent, high IQ, superior strength and endurance, musically gifted, Aryan features etc. Old stock Canadian.
I am fluent in English and French and I am learning German. I believe that my life's purpose is to serve and protect Europe and inspire comradery amongst fellow whites.
Any tips on becoming German and starting a German family? I am an experienced carpenter, however, I am willing to change my industry/attend post-secondary school. Danke schön
Protip: go fuck yourself burgermutt
Here comes the mutt with mutt law IV
Don't. Come home instead.
>Is America the last stronghold of white nationalism?
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! The country with the most Jews in the world and only 50 something percent of its population being white? Fucking hell.
fuck off we dont need scum
Germany is doomed, bro. You could try your luck in Sachsen or Thüringen, but the west is pozzed as fuck. Most Germans are NPCs and self-loathing to a degree I don't think you fathom.
t. Old stock Canadian who lived in Germany
Sorry, all good Germans are dead
>Any tips on becoming German and starting a German family?
You have to wait till the corona crisis is over, after that our gates will be ready to be flooded again
Lmao why would you move to a low income nation that has the quality of life of a dirty street in Ontario. Fucking retard. You morons don't know really have any idea about what life is really like here huh?
My maternal side is pure German-Canadian and they are some of the most respectable, pleasant and honest people you'd ever meet. Unfortunately, you are right, our German heritage has been forgotten
If u move to Germany, move to south or east germany. The rest is cucked
I am fluent in[..] French
stopped reading there. fuck off
>I'll just run away because things are doomed here
>oh no things are doomed here too, better run away again
>oh no the white race is doomed, it's all over, better go hide somewhere
you're a fucking insect, by no means even close to an actual man, and a parasitic jew on the white race. I hope your loved ones get raped by niggers. you're the fucking bottom of the barrel that the white race has to offer, domesticated sack of docile, sedentary shit, that Deutschland would suffer even more with your presence
This, Germany is ugly, wages are shit and taxes are high.
This is the last stand. If North America goes whites will never recover.
Yep. Always makes me laugh how north Americans idolize this country cause they have never been here. They'd unironically die from shock the moment they fly into Frankfurt and take the subway into the city lmao.
Hey, come to Düsseldorf and study at our univetsity and join a fraternity.
Not a good plan. By all means visit Europe but your political philosophy is obviously mawkish and naive and overly simplistic. The ideal racial environment you seek doesn't exist. You'd be better off moving to the backwoods somewhere in the vastness of Canada. Women will be problematic because they all want to flee the boring country for the big city, preferably Vancouver or Toronto, or maybe Montreal. Vancouver is first pic for most Canadian women. The fact that it's fantastically expensive is no barrier to them because if they have any looks or brains they can trade their pussies for a comfortable place to live and get control over that property for themselves.
I just want to live in community with fellow nordbros. In Canadian cities, I feel like there are none of us left.
Can any krauts explain to me why almost every german I met in Germany was the stereotypical humorless and unfriendly Deutsch npc, while every single German immigrant I've known here in the states has been really extroverted, friendly, and has a good sense of humor? What changes when you leave?
>if the biggest ZOG jew golem state to exist in literally all of recorded human history that has enslaved the world to imaginary fake money, fought eternally for the existence of the jewish people, completely spiritually semite and branded with mutilated penises, brainwashes the world with hollywood jew propaganda, s oy, flouride, coca cola, estrogen and chemicals in all the food to make the most docile sedentary mass to have ever collectively existed, and exists solely for the interest of jews falls, then it's over for the white race
I genuinely don't know why I keep coming back and spending time surrounded by you retard's company
Provide DNA proof
Provide family tree ancestry for at least 8 generatioms
Provide proof you are willing to die for Germam volk
Provide prood you are willing to live for Germam volk.
>quality of life of a dirty street in Ontario
Wat? Where do you live?
>wages are shit
Compared to where?
I recommend you become very proficient in the language, otherwise you’ll just be another parasite
Also why don’t you just make your community better? Isn’t that what Yas Forums always tells brown people?
Made that mistake here in Netherlands , they don't give a shit and worse , have less firearms rights. Its been a learning experience but I would go to a small town in Canada and just run campaigns to become major/get on some cancel. The average person is deeply concerned now about the economy and immigration in North America. When I return I will make my effort if you promise too stay and fight for some of the last white holdouts in Canada
If you actually want racial purity, poland and other eastern block countries are a good bet.
I don't think a sub-human untermensch the likes of you should live at all. I think you should kill yourself you worthless fucking retard
>I feel like there are none of us left.
how about you fucking do something then you docile, fucking sack of worthless shit moron. do you want men better than you to do it for you? is that it? you just want a free ride until you can die in a nursing home? fuck off I would kill you myself if I could. you are more of a vile urchin and sickness to the universe, and harm to the white race, than a naked nigger on the savannas of Africa. you are worth less than a naked nigger
German culture by itself is extremely reserved towards unknowns. We don’t want to bother or be bothered.
Germans who emigrate learn to adapt to an open culture, such as the USA, or are tired of German coldness
That’s like 9 years ago. Post a recent one, Hans
>We should let the Jews have the strongest military with huge amounts of natural resources where one state outperforms your pissant country
Great idea aussie.
Why do you think the Jews came here? They didn't go to Kenya to set up their empire.
>pic even the commies know this is the main battleground
Which country is this?
Small town Canadians care for their fellow whites but don't have the numbers or the will to change the fate of our race.
Where will the white man make his stand? I want to be on the forefront of the war effort.
Northwest front. Don't bother looking into it.
>We should let the Jews have the strongest military with huge amounts of natural resources
they already fucking do. It's called the United States of America you absolutely fucking dense CUNT. I think you deserve to be raped by a nigger you fucking domesticated, placid sack of shit. go watch another Marvel movie and game of thrones episode. play another video game. fucking faggot dumb cunt
>Why do you think the Jews came here?
your country was built by jews you fucking faggot retard. all your founding fathers were members of kabbalist and talmudic occults. jews funded the colonies, jews even funded Christopher Columbus. it's fucking facts that you can Google if you used the internet for anything other than jacking off to porn you worthless insect. jews created your fucking abortion test tube nation and you get everything you deserve
Northwest front
Attempt to consolidate white people in a resource rich mountainous area for when the US balkanizes.
The USA. the shittest country to exist in all human history
bunch of literal sub-humans so biologically altered from normal humans through countless generations pump fed corn syrup and s o y, chemicals in their food, chemicals in their water, 5G radio waves rotting their brain, processed food, mac and cheese, fast food with s o y, fast food chemicals made from plastics, estrogen in their water supply, consumerist, materialist culture,
>We don’t want to bother or be bothered.
Socialising is tiresome, and friendliness is fake
>Any tips on becoming German and starting a German family?
Have you ever been to this hellhole?
You sound delusional.
My father has a farm and I'm studying Computer Science. And even I think about leaving here for good.
No idea why you want to live here, seriously
>My father has a farm
So your family is living off gibs
I quickly learned that about you guys. I held a door open for a man in Munich out of habit and got stared at like I had a cock growing out of my face. That was the only time I made that mistake during my trip.
Don't move to Germany, move to Liechtenstein.
t.retard who has no idea what he is talking about
Where would you go? Where do you think it’s better?
This is genuinely hilarious, I can picture it so good
Virtually impossible without being extremely wealthy or successful banker
Couldn't you just go as a tourist and marry a qt3.14?
he's right and it hurts you because you know it well.
Extremely unlikely considering their extremely small population number and social elitism.
There’s a few that don’t follow the rules but they are super hippy types, had one suck my balls but she’d rarely bathe. That type.
Based and redpilled.
Shut the fuck up kike slave cattle golem.
Good, fuck off.
>Anglo scum
No thanks
>Kikes trying to strawman as if I like the way things are
America is the world power. Leaving it to the enemy is dumb.
Learn math and physics.
All those underage wessi faggots in this thread complaining about their urban hellholes and thinking that this would be representative of Germany, lmao. What a pathetic attempt at coping.
Towards OP, fully learn the language and find a job in one of the many villages/small cities outside of West Germany and you'll be fine.
Only because of an Allied victory.
No one will care or want you there.
>Where would you go? Where do you think it’s better?
Define "better"
I mean most countries are pretty shit in one way or another. But I am sick of the high taxes, the fact that Die Grünen get more and more votes, and everything that comes with it.
In university people are sheeps and you can not speak critically. If you talk to people who only learned a trade, chances are high that they are the same exact opposite and are white nagionalists without thinking really about it.
And after all, I fucking hat German women and everything that comes with it, like the rest of the western world.
If I get to the point where I am location independent, I would go to some country in Eastern Europe. Actually could think about quite a few.
A lot of those places a fucked in different ways, that's for sure. But I happily accept those downsides for a stronger community and a traditional wife.