What are some pol approved board games for the quarantine? I like pic related

2nd most expensive gift I got her in my lifetime.

Pic related is unironically fun. Although, all players are playing against the board/virus. Would be interesting if someone could play as the virus
>Why contain it?

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A board game called Catan is fun
you should check it out

Id advise to go check out boardgamegeek dot cum and check their all time list.

btw not sure ANY game is quarantine approved (but Gloomhaven has an online version on steam).

board games are satanic you should only pray jesus everyday

This one made me laugh just thinking about the finger movements

Was expecting 306-232

Chess is a memory game. Change my mind
>also card games > board games

That game infuriates me because you could play a perfect game and still get hosed because the deck hates your guts. It has neat concepts and was one of the first coop games so I can see why people love it still, but better coop games exist.

If you want a one versus all game descent, star wars imperial assault, and doom fit the build. The demon player in doom has to be as viscous as possible otherwise the doom guys will punch his shit in without breaking a sweat. Really hard to win as the demon player. Zombiecide is a better pure coop game, so is dead of winter.

What kind of card games?

Deck builders? Trick taking? Dueling? War games? Party games?