What are some pol approved board games for the quarantine? I like pic related.
What are some pol approved board games for the quarantine? I like pic related
Wife and I played Scrabble tonight, she beat me 382-357. We are high level players.
I bought a massive leather and nickel plated scrabble board for my mom with gold plated letter tiles. It's her favorite game and now she has an heirloom quality version of it.
There was a super fancy set sold at the Sharper Image in the 1990s which was extremely nice, solid mahogany, built in drawers to hold the tiles and stuff, and a nice ball bearing lazy susan. I've always wanted that one but I saw one go on fleabay for fuckin' $400 recently.
For now we just play on the classic style board which you can rotate. What a good gift though, how much money did it cost?
Yu-Gi-Oh! is the only Yas Forums approved game to exist
If you want to play with anyone, chess is easy enough to explain and is pretty fun (especially when you play against someone who always loses).
500 bones. She was not happy when she found out how much I spent.
No, it really isn't an easy game. Chess also has innate player balance issues. Backgammon is a better game in that regard. Potion Explosion is a good entry game.
That's pretty cool user. Scrabble is one of the most patrician of games.
2nd most expensive gift I got her in my lifetime.
Pic related is unironically fun. Although, all players are playing against the board/virus. Would be interesting if someone could play as the virus
>Why contain it?
A board game called Catan is fun
you should check it out
Id advise to go check out boardgamegeek dot cum and check their all time list.
btw not sure ANY game is quarantine approved (but Gloomhaven has an online version on steam).
board games are satanic you should only pray jesus everyday
This one made me laugh just thinking about the finger movements
Was expecting 306-232
Chess is a memory game. Change my mind
>also card games > board games
That game infuriates me because you could play a perfect game and still get hosed because the deck hates your guts. It has neat concepts and was one of the first coop games so I can see why people love it still, but better coop games exist.
If you want a one versus all game descent, star wars imperial assault, and doom fit the build. The demon player in doom has to be as viscous as possible otherwise the doom guys will punch his shit in without breaking a sweat. Really hard to win as the demon player. Zombiecide is a better pure coop game, so is dead of winter.
What kind of card games?
Deck builders? Trick taking? Dueling? War games? Party games?
>Twilight imperium IV
>Gaia project
I love these two with the right people
This game is fun. It also has the chance to become coop, which makes it really fun unless you fucked up in the beginning stage
Screenshotting this for later, thanks user
Been playing this after dinner with my wife's son
I'd say classic and deck builders
Try out the solitaire mode for the card game Chrononauts. Thank me later.
Yas Forums appeoved Games in Quarantine:
1) Domestic Abuse
2) Jacking Off to Gay Porn
3) Binge on Alcohol,Dope,Netflix,Food
Agreed, as broken as some of the haunts can be with random layouts, the game is at least a blast. The legacy edition is pretty great where you build the haunted history of the house.
Twilight imperium is a game worthy of fighting through the learning curve to figure out. It'll take 12 hours to play a game with your friends though, but is seriously a well balanced game where military might, economic prowess, political strategy, and luck are all solid ways to win the game.
Glory to Rome is a strategically fascinating game where you and the other players are trying to rebuild Rome after the fire. Entirely card-based, you enable special allowances for yourself by building structures, and the aim of the game is to break the rules in your favor by building the right buildings. Very strategically satisfying.
Call of Cthulhu is a good cooperative game, but is very complex (not as bad as Twilight Imperium though). It's you and your friends against the board game, and that board game will outright fuck you if you let it.
Euphoria is a game set in a dystopian future where you're trying to take control of the dystopia. Fast moving game with surprise shifts in strategy.
Fuck Munchkin. That game is cancer.
If you've got 4 hours and a dedicated group of a friends this is an absolute blast.
Cribbage is my all time favorite still.
old school
Call of cthulu is fun as hell
/tg/ here.
Space Hulk
Lord of the Rings LCG is the best card/deckbuilding game ever, and the way it abstracts the mechanics from the lore is brilliant. wife and I love it. also: Netrunner, Commands and Colors, Sekigahara Unification of Japan, Eldritch Horror, Maria, Barbarossa, El Alamein, Combat Commander, etc.
Twilight Imperium
have fun
>board games
how many people are you quarantined with?
Collectible card games are for cucks. Excepting INWO.
Awwh shit nigga, get ready to dive into the board game world
>Twilight imperium 4th Ed for space 4x
>Mansion of madness 2nd ed, has app powered GM
>Western legend, cowboy sim
>Wasteland express, mad Max fury road sim
>Champion of midgard, Viking manager
Get comfy cause this pandemic is gonna be a couple months
>leather and nickel plated scrabble board for my mom with gold plated letter tiles
lol bruh just use the app
>scrabble heirloom
americans everybody..
bantz aside it sounds nice, jelly/10
and chess
favorite game when i was in college...hell i would play it now if i had any friends
it's not randomized or "collectible" you fucking retard
Lcg =/= ccg
playing with poop is fun if you're kinda bored
Space munchkin with clown expansion is actually alot better. More versatile cards to fuck with people
>tfw no qt wife to beat me in scrabble
Ironically, the way FFG is doing it, I don't know which is worst.
You’re not going with the flow
It was nice, we made butter from some heavy cream (we make our own butter, tastes better and they add "natural flavor" to all the butter now) and then played scrabble and watched it rain. A deer came into the yard and just sat down for a while right under the window too. Fuckers eat my roses but I have this cage thing designed now so maybe that will stop them.
Ccg by far, user. Both are expensive, but ccg is worse.
>my wife's son
hello Ian
Shit, forgot about this game. It's a masterfully crafted two player game where you and a friend try to out-maneuver each other through the cold war by either securing more idealogical influence or forcing your opponent into starting a nuclear exchange. All of the cards are based on real world events, and can lead to the games you play as providing entertaining alternate realities of the USA vs. USSR when shit like that mattered.
Another strategy intensive game. Might be called Jewish faggot shit by some here because it adheres fairly tightly to the standard interpretation of history, and not so much illuminati Rothschild Israeli influences.
Man, I hate deer almost as much as I hate boar.
Dominoes and checkers to keep it accessable to the little ones. And battle ship.
>mansion of madness
Why you gotta trigger me user
I plan on killing myself at age 37 if I don't have a life remotely similar to you. I hope you cherish it and have lots of children in your blessed situation
You get wild deer coming to your house?
We have some here but they are terrified of humans
Not that user but I live in a town of 15k and deer are all over here. Fucking kind of sucks
I'm unironically happy for you, user. Enjoy the quarantine with your wife.
White tail don't give a shit and have been known to attack humans on occassion.
At least ccg can get relatively good resale on some cards. The fuck am I gonna do with three netrunner expansions that's not part of the meta
Ian is at 'my wife's boyfriend' stage for now
Play with them anyway.
Get your weeb on and play shogi
I have been playing Oxygen not Included
Didn't they relaunch this on kickstarter recently?
Based. Played this a few days ago. Had a good time slowly getting to victory
This. Pissed off they'll try to stomp you or your dog to death. The rest of the time they bolt blindly like retards.
poop in a box. i call the game PooP