Not enough ventilators or highly trained nurses to operate them

>Not enough ventilators or highly trained nurses to operate them

It costs pennies to make a bag valve mask and any untrained bod can squeeze the bag.

Attached: Screenshot_1-26-1.jpg (300x257, 16.54K)

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Thats not a ventilator, retard.

he cute

Who the fuck is going to squeeze it 24/7 even while you sleep?

Okay go squeeze a bag for a day and tell us of your genius solution.

Two family members can take 12 hour shifts. If you love your gandpa you will do it.

what happens when 1% of the medical personel die from covid? and like 5 or 10% need ventilators themselves?

Try doing that 24/7 for two weeks.

>squeeze a bag all day
bring back the spitboy

Attached: spitboy.jpg (500x384, 68.64K)

lets refugees to squeeze these bags
this way third worlders literaly have to squeez boomers balls untill they drop

30% of the infected in Italy were medical personnel two weeks ago

You’d need an army of people on rotation to serve that purpose. They would probably over or under ventilate their patient if not trained to read end-tidal CO2 and oxygen saturation.

why not just build a simple machine to squeeze them instead? i thought white people are smart

bag valve masks wont work. you need to intubate and force high conentrations of oxygen into the small areas of the lungs still able to receive it.

Yes you now realize nurses and doctors are fucking scam artists

A monkey could perform the job of the average nurse and doctor

should have quarantined like the rest of the world a month ago, now squeeze bag for 24 hours straight you fucking nonce

Bag valve masks connect to intubation tubes and oxygen. Not that it’s a good idea to use over a prolonged period of time.

So that's what a ventilator does? if it's so easy to make it why are people are whining about it? I could automate i bunch of those really cheap

Attached: 1584839410395.jpg (750x826, 78.29K)

Does anyone with technical or medical-technical expertise know why it's not possible to quickly manufacture the type of ventilators they need?

I mean, instead of spending trillions fixing the economy after telling everyone to stop working, couldn't they have paid a thousand people to work 24/7 at a high rate of pay to figure out the best way to manufacture these things very quickly, locally?

Have a fun sustaining the life of hypo saturated grandma. She will become retard in couple of days/hours. Im nurse at cardiopulmonary unit and its not so easy to keep people breathing for days as you think.

this, thats a fucking bong

congrats for having pictures like that on your computer.
Your dad must be so proud of you raising a real winner.

A ventilator injects pressurized oxygen into the lungs. Those bags dont, you cant have keep a person squeezing a godamn bag for days

Newfag is new

not days.. weeks-months

It wouldn't even be slightly difficult to make a plenum with an air pump that discharges enough air to provide breathing support.
A co2 sensor
An oxygen tank with level indicator
Air intake with fan
A box
A tube with fan

I refuse to believe you are british, you cant be such a retard

no man its just every time anew astonishing how deep ingrained homosexual tendencies are especialy among third worlders and everything slightly darker than skintone

MIT literally works on a low-cost thing that can be massproduced.

Attached: mit.png (993x704, 555.59K)

>pumping nitrogen to a patient who needs oxygen

i dont think kikes would like it if you can make a bag squeezing machine for $10 while a real israel approved ventilator system costs $10000

That thing looks like a piece of shit.

MIT has open source plan for making ventilators out of these bags.

At this point I know we are fucked. As a nurse working with patients having respiratory problems. I know how quickly it can go to shit. Medics and nurses will get high doses of virus and They will be unable to work, Some niggers at Gov wants to put us in hotels for two months so we just work and sleep. I say fuck them. I live alone, so if They want to remove me from my home I'm unironically going to shoot the boss of my boss. I was never fan of the clownpill but I took one now. For now I'm just riding the tiger. Currently drinking wine and listening to classical music and cleaning my CZ75 AND bren 2 knowing I'm going to work this MONDAY.

Yep, without supplemental oxygen integration, all you are doing is pumping CO2 out of a corpse.

This thing looks like a piece of shit that can be massproduced, when you're gasping for breath, you will be glad you have it.

A real ventilator has a ton of sensors and redundancies.
You can't just have a machine with a stepping motor on it that keeps pumping air, they'd probably kill every one they were used on.

Attached: 1556373075242.jpg (236x236, 13.5K)


>implying that my whole family isn't well versed in the arcane arts of hanging by the penis
I could post more pics but i don't want to
trigger anyone

I picked a great time to get my emt cert recurrent two months ago so I could work the ambulance for extra cash and patient hours for the physician assistant program reqs

Why-ever you think "tons" of sensors, couldn't be used, they could be. They're really not that complicated. Air pressure, co, co2, oxygen levels, it's really REALLY simple.

The source needs to be an O2 enriched gas from a pressurized tank, and they need to operate 24/7 for possibly weeks.

The amount of staff you'd need to operate them in teams/rotations to have 24/7 coverage would probably be another 4-5 people including time to rest/eat/take breaks and that's 4-5 people you'd need protective gear for, who are in a highly contagious area. Since 20% of those infected go on to near serious medical care that would result in at least 1 more serious case.

So none of that is sustainable.

By the time you've invented a simple machine that automates pressing one of the hand masks and managed to fix that up to some O2 so it's pressurized you basically have a ventilator.

You do realize that is a much less effective method than an artificial respirator? Less effective than even oxygen therapy...
Artificial ventilators require much more than the machine. Technicians to make sure its operating correctly, sanitation specialists to disinfect it after use and an anesthesiologist to put you in an artificial coma are places where we'd have major shortfalls. You can't just make more trained personnel.

That’s a mirror, user. Now look at the ventilator.

If you have the engineering skills to make it happen, do it right now. You will literally be a millionaire overnight if you can create this.

What do you want? A fucking mcdonalds logo? Would that make it look better?

And when you build the rest of the unit around those sensors, the digitally controlled valves and failure protections, the digital hardware that controls it all etc, you now have a ventilator but instead of a fail-safe pump, you have a motor squashing a plastic bag

Thanks England to try to educate those retards....

Thanks for explaining, user.

So, we meed to enlist an untrained person to breath for all the patients? Pay them of course and maybe even have 3 per patient (without any breaks) every 24 hours.

You're a fucking genius aintcha?

Also, the ventilators do more than pump air you absolute moron.

Chances are, if your lungs have shut down, it’s only a matter of time before the rest begins to shut down as well. With corona virus- vents merely extend end of life a few more days in hopes that a cure can reverse the damage. C-19 patients are only on vents 2-3 days whereas normal patients requiring vents are on them 11-20 days with a more positive outcome.

For 24 hours a day? At the side of a Corona patient... creating droplets so the bag pumped can get the disease and then soon there will be a need for 2 bag pumpers. This is how we reduce unemployment to zero.

>a motor squashing a plastic bag
you mean a ventilator?

You need more than 3 because you realistically can't expect one person to pump without fail for 8h a day for how many days it takes. At the very least you need 4 guys to have enough overlap to get some breaks and lunch in and shit

You understand that ventilated people are in a medical coma and paralyzed w succinocholene right?

What the fuck are you talking about? It's a machine, it's slow to mass produce because tooling doesn't just pop out of you mouth like bullshit does.
There aren't "sanitation specialists" and anesthesiologists hardly do anything directly with ICU patients. A respiratory therapist runs the ventilator and when it's done it's wiped with bleach wipes. That's it. "Sanitation specialist". Fucking normies.
>t RRT

Squeeze the bag too hard and you risk damaging the patient's alveoli and/or pneumothorax. These bags are meant to be used manually for long term care.

The question is how many days can you squeeze the bag?

average time on ventilator is 11 days.
Good luck squeezing the bag for 11 days bud

Simple vents like the PR1, Smiths Medical 200 and 300 series, and most transport vents require no electrical parts to work. They run on pneumatic pressure and are useful for transport and MRI exposure. They range from extreme basic (flow rate, o2 mixture, and cycle rate) to the more complex. They can offer a variety of features such as PEEP, inspire/ exp cycle times, pressure settings and over pressure alarms. Obviously not overly accurate- they are more dialed in to a patient’s needs rather than self adjust as needs change, and require eyes on monitoring with less stable patients.

You know nothing about what you're talking.It's painfully obvious you've never worked in a hospital or even emergency services.
An if you have you need to go back to training.

>tooling doesn't just pop out of you mouth like bullshit does.

Could you explain tooling and why it takes so long? I mean isn't it possible for the government to just pay some people to work 24/7 to bring as many people together as possible to solve this issue?


Yep. Apparently if it's bad enough for you to end up being on a ventilator, there's only a 12% chance that you're going to make it, and if you do, your lungs will most likely be severely damaged. Most people who get intubated die.

Ventilators don’t use bellows to operate these days. They use a series of either electrically or mechanically (pneumatics) controlled valves that are opened and closed on demand.

>a series of either electrically or mechanically (pneumatics) controlled valves that are opened and closed on demand.
You mean bellows?

I may love my grandpa but I ain’t doing that shit nigga

>bring back the spitboy
Finally something I can get behind

Concur. (From the tech that repairs these machines)

They are doing it wrong. After u squeeze air into the body u must squeeze the penis to exhale