How do I deal with my girl when she's PMSing...

How do I deal with my girl when she's PMSing. She go absolutely nuts just before her period and will pick fights over anything she can. I can't just let her talk shit about me and my family when she's mad but when we argue it goes on for the whole day.

Any tips?

Pic related

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There's more women in the world, split from her.

>implies there's a sane girl out there

You wish you could pms, but alas, you'll always be a discord tranny.

Impregnate her
She'll stop having periods for 9 months

You came here for relationship advice, normie? Piss off

>>implies there's a sane girl out there
you're a lost cause.
Have fun with your monthly doses of little miss crazy bitch.

Any tips?
Two working strategies, you either completely disregard her tantrums, or you pick the right moment, and join the most ridiculous fight, humiliate her, and then make her suck you off.

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You should dump her and get yourself a nice boy with a nice boipucci.

There are. Have you never had any good interactions with women after puberty?

Women might all be a bit off-kilter when compared with an equally competent male counterpart, but you're delusional if you really believe all, or even most, women react the way your girlfriend does.

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your fist and if she calls the cops well than she doesn't give a fuck about you anyway
no women would call the cops in a man she loves, that is true love.

Fuck her. Not even kidding, from behind. It will calm her down. She might put up a little fight but that's just healthy role playing..

When my gf does that I go into “Ace Ventura” mode. I will do his voice and go “Allllrighty then!” or do his laugh. Everytime I poop, i’ll say “Do NOT GO IN THERE...WHEWWW!” I will talk like this until her period is over.


OP, you're not going to get any good advice because no-one in this thread so far has ever had a gf. Myself included.

tell her to keep her fucking mouth shut and to knock it off
chicks unironically love that shit

Tell her to shut the fuck up and just ignore her. It is not worth it to fight over stupid shit she makes up.

What did the five fingers say to the face?

I'm not taking advice from a citizen or a country where the only relationships that exist are between Muslim refugees and rape victims.

Date a more reasonable human being? Period isn't an excuse to be a bitch, shes just a bitch that's on her period.

Back hand slap across the face at 30% force. Guaranteed to work every single time

What else rested. Fuck her until that's all she wants to do. When she goes to sleep fuck her. When she least expects it pin her down and fuck her. Stop being a faggot.

Women are reactive to their emotions.
She gets aggressive with shit tests, because she needs to know you are the man in the relationship: put her in her place by fucking her good. That’s all she wants.
She will then get emotional with comfort tests, crying, clingy, etc. Make her feel loved, that’s all she wants.
Learn to differentiate between the two tests, and voila.

Yes, they are that simple, and no, it doesn’t get better.

Fuck her

Don't indulge, unfortunately gotta be stoic through the bs. She's shit testing you subconsciously, make light of it, move on with your day. If she apologizes when she's come you can chuck in a bit of empathy and then logic on the tail end if you have to.

I dealt with the same shit for years until I realized how I was acting and reacting was perpetuating the cycle. Unfortunately if you're going against something biological like sitting on your arse, she's going to get triggered for the rest of your lives together.

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She is crazy, find another one or put up with the rest of your life (speaking from experience)

There are plenty of women who don't go full bipolar every 3 to 4 weeks

birth control makes this worse, get her off of it , if she is on it

take her birth control pills away. if this doesnt help.
ignore her. if this doesnt help,
spank her. if this doesnt help,
tie her up (and spank her). if this doesnt help,
fuck her (while she is tied). if this doesnt help,
impregnate her. if this doesnt help,
leave her. if this doesnt help,
kill her in minecraft.

show her some real consequences

You need to bring that bitch under control yo



>How do I deal with my girl when she's PMSing
your fault for not impregnating her

Ask her to grow-up. If she doesn't calm down . Knock her out.

I had a GF for a couple of years and eventually every conversation was an invitation to an argument. Arguments about nothing - I only remember the rage, not the context of the arguments. She could complain about anything, about the size of the soap in the 5 star hotel room I was paying for.

PMS is just an excuse. This is how she tests you in the beginning, so shit test you and see how much she can get away with. Then it becomes all of the time, especially if she has you locked-down living together. It doesn't get better and all the talks about compromise is BS. If you concede to anything, it's a victory for her. If she concedes to anything it just means she needs to re-fortify her position for the next time you fight about whatever nothing that pops into her head; whatever wedge she can drive in. It's all a shit test. Basically, you're shit in her eyes and nothing but entertainment when she's in the mood to push your buttons.

You need to dump them after the first time they stamp their feet or you go down the long path of misery that can last months or years.

that not love but a stockholm-syndrom

how old are you breh?

This is the correct answer. There is absolutely no other reason to be with a woman.

The strategy is the same regardless of PMS
>never lose your shit
>never show weakness
You will only ever regret your behaviour because your behaviour is the only thing you have control over

You need to fuck her user. The whole going nuts before period is her in heat and craving dick.
If you don’t already know this you are too young to have sex.

Track her period with an app.make sure you are not present when she is on her period. This will accomplish 2 things:

1. You wont have to deal with her.

2. She will be miserable when you aren't around, making her associate your absence with unpleasant emotions. Over time, this will make her desire you more. There is a reason primitive culture used a menstrual hut.

Step out and do something. On the way back call her if she wants anything from the store or pickup. Pick up the stuff she wants.

Honestly man. The same shit happens to me, pol isn’t the best place to come for girl advice because people on the board don’t know what it’s like to be in a real relationship nor are they any help. But what I usually do is just ignore her, she’ll eventually come around and realize she’s being ridiculous and apologize profusely, then you’ll have the upper hand. Just don’t engage in the conversation or just distance yourself for a few days. It’ll pass. Chicks can be fucking ridiculous at times. But they are hot, and we do love them. Hang in there man. If she doesn’t apologize for anything ever. Maybe it’s time to move on. You don’t wanna be stuck in a relationship with an unsympathetic girl. Makes for a bad wife and therefore, a bad life. Good luck man.

I had a sorta abusive girlfriend once. It was kinda hot. She was wild in bed too. She'd be realy submissive. But i had to breaknit off with her becuase of location isses. That bitch wouldnt let me get my original snes and games collection i left at her house. I think about her skmetimes and hope she was able to find ankther man because she was a good girl umder it all.

>be a pathetic cuck
>get rejected by a girl or be jealous about her
>shittalk her on the internet and post her pics
> profit?

anyone noticed how popular this has become in last few years? these subhuman cucks have zero dignity and often even pretend to be the girl

What?! Haha fuck no

It also means she's fucking other guys. Monogamy means nothing to a slut, it just means 'try not to get caught'. Crazy and argumentative usually translates into good sex, that's how they survive to compensate for their insanity. Often times they're looking for a man who will punch them out or throw them through a wall once in a while so she knows where her boundaries are. These are the guys they stay wet for because they're exciting and they hate the same thing she does; herself.

Damn good advice for any situation. Thanks

honestly just fuck her

I'm in the same boat brother, contemplating breaking up but then the bitch may suicide or do some fucked up shit, feel legit trapped as fuck

Thist makes me sad.

>wont give back snes and games
Fuck that shit, I’d be getting that back even if I had to kick her door in

OP this is unacceptable.
I'd rather date a slightly fat girl than one doing that, I've dated both.

Yea its true. That crazy bitch would try to get me to hit her. It got tiresome. Im glad i bounced out if there before she got pregnant. She was trying very hard to get pregnant so i couldnt leave..

Yea, you a right. These bitches are probably not a safe bet

is love, idiot.

Thanks man, I appreciate it. Really great insight.

no, it‘s not, idiot

yes it is you low IQ ape

you sound gay OP.
are you gay?

I've had 3 serious relationships where the girls treated to kill herself. They never do, don't sweat it. She'll lie about it, maybe cut herself, and wear some bandages or something but she won't actually do it. In my experience anyways.

If someone's that toxic cut them off asap because it'll only get worse. Just make some shit up if you have. Say you got drafted or your grandma needs full time care out of town; anything.


I know the feeling. I had one who wanted me to hit her. She would hit me and then and brace for impact. Then I started getting that impulse like, yeah I really like to dish it back to her. So I broke up with her. A year later she was married and divorced... seems the sweet angel got what she wanted in the form of a fist to the face a few times. Poor girl, everyone thinks. Poor guy, actually. Probably ended up arrested for simply having slightly less impulse control than me.

based samurai man

They will behave in a way designed to make you lose your shit, then the whole thing becomes your behaviour not hers, you lose and she can carry on behaving like a bitch and you're the bad guy
Once she learns that whatever she does you never lose your shit and she can't provoke you into being the bad guy she will either give up or do something that you cannot accept, still never lose your shit, never lose your dignity. If you have to end it, end it and never look back but live with the smugness that the little bitch couldn't control you

i actually appreciate this advice bro

ill probably have to just bite the bullet and break it i guess, its getting to the point ill be driving home shedding a tear no homo just cos it so whack

Truth right here!

I had a gf like this. She came up one day and full hand slapped me and started screaming. She was begging me to hit her. Know what I did? Went into the kitchen, grabbed the yellow squeeze mustard, pinned her down on then couch and squirted the whole bottle on her face. She was stunned and didnt know what to say. She ran into the shower, washed it off, and didnt talk to me for like a day. Then all of the sudden she apologized and never pulled that shit again.

My girl hit me two days ago because.she was freaking out so hard. Period really rurns them into demons

Know her cycle
ID the psycho period
Keep away from her during that time

typical woman

t. boomer with 5 decades of GF experience

I'd recommend insta blocking her on everything, from text to snap to email. She's going to try to get ahold you every possible way for the first few weeks. After that It'll die down. Eventually she'll find some meth head to date and secretly always wish she was with you but will leave you alone cuz she keeps herself busy with another guy. Again, from what I experienced.

it does not stop post menopausal

You think it's the PMS that's making her act like that lmfao. She's just a shitty person with no respect for you. If it happens every once in a while that's understandable but every time? She needs to learn how to be a fucking adult and control her fucking emotions instead of letting it out on you because she's on her period. From the pic she's not even hot enough to put up with that shit.

Set her straight and tell her you won't tolerate that bullshit from her anymore. If she tries to fight you about it just break up, it's not worth dealing with a fucking child every 4 weeks.

Damn, you're old. Are you the famous hacker known as Yas Forums I've been hearing so much about?