I'm so jealous of these countries...

I'm so jealous of these countries. Must be nice being able to save money and not give it all to the blood-sucking parasites known as landlords.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-25 List of countries by home ownership rate - Wikipedia.png (531x374, 35.04K)

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Home ownership is antisemitic.

China isn't technically true, you can't really "own" property. You have a permanent lease from the government. Sure you can keep it forever and pass it to your kids, but if the gov wants it back they take it. For example when building new roads / trains. Similar to how it happens in the states, but in the US you get a payday at least.

You seriously cant save 30 grand for a down payment, are all europoors this retarded

> China
You don't own a home in China, you lease it from the goverment technically.
The rest of those countries, except for Singapore, are litteral corrupt shitholes where the standard of living and the rule of law is much much lower than in the West

Bernie lost. How's that D&C going Shlomo?


With the exception of Singapore they are all shitholes

lol there's no way over a billion chinks own homes. they all live in commieblock high rises. unless they "own" their tiny apartment homes somehow I'm calling BS.

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Yes, people own apartments you dumb amerifat.

t. live in one

Home ownership is ex socialist countrues was a scam. Oligarchs (ex commie leaders) stole so much of state property during privateization and got so much power that people were going to riot. "Democracy" was seen as lie. To neglect that oligarch decided to allow privatization of commieblock flats so average citizen would feel that they also got something valueble from privatization. This would mean noone will dare to promote the revision of privatezation results - "what, you want to take home from people?". Oligarchs were saved.

Have you ever heard of a condominium

can those 50m2 ratholes be considered ''homes''?

I live in a 170m2 3 stories house and it feels quite crowded for my 10 people family.

I own a house. I'm glad I'm not packed into a small apartment with dirty apartment dwellers all around.

There's 4 of us in 70sq meters, 3 bedrooms. Its estimated worth is at 180 thousand €. We could easily buy a house three times the size of the apartment outside of town for that kind of money. We actually sold a 60sq meter apartment for less than 30k € in some post-industrial shithole town. It's all about the location. In fact dad is looking at a modest vacation house in Croatian Istria, by the seaside, for 70k € for his retirement.

Problem is by the time you make some progress into it some black guy moves in next door. There is no stability in our country, you have to be on the move.

for 180k€ you could build massive house a but outside of main cities. Only retards are willing to pay that amount of money for bird cage in loud city and no parking

Seething derevnya

go to live there you ungrateful asshole

tfw during communism we were freer and everyone had a flat in the city and a couple of houses and a villa in the countryside.

tfw tradition continues.

tfw britcucks are retarded slaves to their crown and don't even own their land, but actually lease it long term via taxation.

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Bugmen turmite mounds
How charming

Here in Romania there is increasing propaganda against owning your own home. (((Someone))) must be seething hard at not having a huge renting market.
>Owning your own home is often described in the media as old-fashion, economically inefficient and " not the way they do it in western Europe". This particular line of propaganda has little succes however, and over here people prioritise purchasing their own home whenever possible.

>No parking
t. drives a car into a city he doesn't live in and complains about the traffic

I don't even own a car, not worth the expense when I can walk to most places. My dad owns a car but barely uses it, walks or bikes to work as well. Actually saved a bunch of money this way. At worst I pay 1.30€ for the bus although I honestly rather walk or take the bicycle sometimes.

>Only retards are willing to pay that amount of money for bird cage in loud city and no parking
While you pay 10€ a day just for gas. Besides, we bought the place for 15 million Tolars some 15 years ago. That's something like 60k in € (without adjusting for infaltion) so we're pretty good.

Gee goyim that sure is a big backyard. Can we buy some? We can fit a multifamily apartment tower and parking garage on this land. It'll be great!!! More revenue for the city! What do ya say? I don't care actually because eminent domain is bullshit. My (((lawyer))) buddies can rob you of that right.

got it. you "own" it. lol

You're just jealous because you wish you're clever and invested in profit generating rental units. Like a landlord. You're probably a dumbfuck who lost his life savings in forex and is mad because he has to pay rent to someone more clever than him. Or a shill with another slide thread.

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My dad owns it, yes. As in its our property and he has a share of every public space in the building as well. It's why we got a pay day when one of the apartments that was previously owned collectively (intended for the grounds keeper) was sold.

We don't all live in a kikeland

>10€ a day for fuel
I spend ~500kn/60€ monthly on fuel. I said a bit out of city, not in tungusia

>The rest of those countries, except for Singapore, are litteral corrupt shitholes
Lol Look at the salt content in this post. Rentcuck detected.

This is like your 20th landlord/parasite thread today? What's this really about? Surely you've been BTFO'd enough for one day. Are you being paid to be here and shill these threads?

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>home ownership
Your rentlord is the government in China, you never own a place there.

>you never own a place there.
As if it's not the same everywhere. Try not to pay your taxes. See what happens.

720€ a year, almost an average monthly salary in Croatia, that's without registration, amortization, or the up front cost of the vehicle. Even the public transport yearly tickets, with unlimited rides, are 250€ in Ljubljana (although I just use single pay when I need for 1,30€ that also gets you a free ride within an hour of the last one).

Basically commuting is expensive

Wow I wonder when wiki will delete this page as "not encyclopedia-worthy" like they did with half of the phonetic alphabet and most of their topology articles. And yet, they are hundreds of jewish feminist bios.

Try to buy something from IKEA with your shitty public transportation .

Also have fun being infected with corona wile waiting for that shitty bus to come.

"The way we do it" is importing niggers and muslins en masse. Don't pay any attention to that.

IKEA is LITERALLY being built right now within 5 minutes of walking distance from me. I live near the largest commercial area (BTC) in the country. On an unrelated note, car rental is 20€ per day, van rental is 40€ per day.

lmao get rekt.


You could always take a loan (as everyone does when buying houses) but that would be the same thing, just paying a probably bigger sum back to the bank each month rather than to the landlords.

You're a retard if you think you can just completly own something. You're always someones bitch (unless you're the president)

I saved 70k and I'm buying my first house in cash, cheap and with no mortgage, thanks to the Jew plague and people who defaulted on their mortgages.

I honestly haven't heard any bitching about landlords in Finland. Probably because almost all white trash, druggies and niggers live in county or city owned containment blocs and landlords are able to focus on getting good tenants they don't want to throw away for one rough month.

Most Singaporeans live in government flats.
They don't own houses with back yards.

Seethe more, tenant

Good times are coming for you user

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>Calls a landlord parasite
>Wants a builder to build him a house for free and squat in it permanently

Not worth it. Mortgages are for banks, so you technically don't own your house. Best way to go is to save up and buy the land outright (and even then, you have to pay property taxes).

I can feel it.
Thread Theme:

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True. Same shit here.
I had to sell one of my houses bc the fucking niggers were infesting the neighborhood so fucking fast that i almost sold it at a loss.

Those stats are obviously bullshit.
Home ownership in China is nowhere near 90% and that's even if you count their 90 year leases, after which it is once again state property, as ownership.

By the way this is a China shill thread, just slightly more subtle than usual.
They all have to go back.

>t. commie block dweller
BTC sucks. Rudnik FTW compact, comfy, better.

so very much like england, then, where you own the freehold (or more rarely leasehold) but the Crown really "owns" all the land
is canada also like this?

But Rudnik is clearly inferior in every regard, it's also more removed from town.

Also, I non ironically took pic rltd with me on the bus to work once.

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>90 year leases
if you used this poorfag metric most of kensington & chelsea wouldn't be "homeowners" because they paid three million for a leasehold

The US is like that too. Only Natives get full title and only on reservations. You and me get what's called "fee simple" ownership. The true title belongs to the government.
Look up "fee simple" for more info.
Stayin aliiiiiiiiiive

The Singapore statistic does not mean what you think it means.
The vast majority of people both rent AND own a home, because the government basically forces everyone to buy a commieblock apartment from the state (thereby counting as "home owners"), but they're shit so no-one wants to live in them unless you're an absolute deadbeat so everyone also rents somewhere that has, y'know, a door and running water.

TL;DR: Free me from this living nightmare

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chad homeowner reporting in

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>blood-sucking parasites
Bruh I think you mean Romania

>it's also more removed from town
As if this is a bad thing. That's why you need a car. Free range chickens, tomatoes in the backyard and a lot of cvicek senpai while looking at triglav. That's Slovenia.

tfw I bought a home 2 years ago for a reasonable price and I can now comfy WFH :)

what blood are we sucking idiot?
if almost all of the country owns their own homes , then theres nobody to parasite off of

Fucking bozgor mutt.

Oh god I'm just thinking about chiseling those papermache bricks with a screwdriver. You just know that thing is 80-85% cardboard and plywood.

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Weird. Must be (((them))). Renting sux

If ANY gov wants anything back, they take it. Watchu gona do with your little ar15s lmao

yeah, but buying or building a house isnt cheap either

either way, These threads are made by losers who cant even manage to safe a Little bit for hard times
literaly THE Yas Forums Definition of non-White behaviour
But hey, you needed that Nintendo Switch and that reinforced Gamer Chair for you fat ass

Not me, Shlomo Sabra.

But I can see Triglav on a nice day from the window. We had used to have a garden (vrt), used to grow corn, potatoes, different salads, parsley, beans, strawberries, etc with my dad. Besides, we got family in the hills near Litija that are farmers so we get home produce from them occasionally. I don't particularly like alcohol but I do love home made jams, especially strawberry. Basically I live here almost for free (I drop 100€ a month) and my only real expense is food.

Besides, what you said is true, but then you gotta get the fuck from Rudnik, and Ljubljana in general, and move to upper Carniola (Gorenjska) imho the best and prettiest region of the country.

why ? i built one myself when Young
literaly cost me only half of what i would have paid in the same time if i rented the same amount of space from someone else
Im laughing about These shit threads right now, because it is the best indicator of the amount of losers on this site

You cold not get more based than this user. Respect.

could not

Good for you, user. I saved up to buy mine, and it's going to be in the middle of nowhere. Just where I want it in times like this.
They've been saying for years that savers are being punished, and that's exactly when I started saving. Now I'm loaded with cash, Treasuries and gold. My parents said my bullshit detector would never be good for anything. I've been vindicated.

pretty much, hope it works out for you user