It really is a fucking flu

Like VUG? Why not go big and pick up a 3x ETF like UPRO?


Were they treated with top-tier equipments and all that stuff? You had 44 people in critical condition and 8 deaths from 697 infected, apply this to 300 million or 2 billion people and consider the impact on the whole system, how many dead, the mutations, etc.

if this really is a flu...then what the fuck bros. is the truth really the most boring possibility? that it's hysteria, a nothingburger, no nwo, no airborne aids... just a flu and a recession.

An important stat here would be percentage of passengers and crew who caught the virus. Does anyone know?

The flu is a deadly killer, claiming 50 million lives in its first year.

The average age on the ship was 58. All deaths over 70. If you add young people who barely even feel this, mortality % gets pushed even lower. Yes, the passengers had the advantage of being treated on time. I'm not saying to not do anything. I'm saying instead of a COMPREHENSIVE SHUT DOWN, we need to do mass testing like South Korea, and individually quarantine people.

OP is a fag. Your coomer bait is pathetic. Suck a BBC.

3711 total passengers. 712 total infected.

>I'm saying instead of a COMPREHENSIVE SHUT DOWN, we need to do mass testing like South Korea, and individually quarantine people.

You’re right but we botched the testing and now we have to shut down everything before the exponential spread overwhelms is. In a couple of months, when the worst is over, we can try the South Korea method.