It really is a fucking flu

The Diamond Princess cruise is like a natural data lab. Closed off environment to see exactly how many of the infected would die. Literally best evidence of mortality so far.

>697 tested positive
>Out of this 8 died
>All 8 deaths were over 70 years of age
>Average age on board was 58
>33% of passengers were over 70

>14 people remain in critical condition
>Another 30 were once in critical condition, but have now improved

Basically, in a ship where 33% of the passengers were above 70, eight people died. All deaths were over 70. Most of the infected didn't even have symptoms.

We are literally gassing our economy for this flu. The optimal strategy would be to do mandatory testing, and quarantine the infected. Instead we are implementing a far more harmful, comprehensive shut down which is going to affect millions for years to come. The Jews are crashing this and buying up the cheap assets while the goyim are left homeless due to job loss.

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Other urls found in this thread:

she has a black bf no joke

what's wrong with economic turmoil? how else will Yas Forums implement it's ideology?

Who is this bitch?
Can't find any sauce on this image. Maybe a scan from an older magazine?


>59 CRITICAL CASES in Korea and 99% with mild symptoms. LET'S SHUT DOWN THE ENTIRE GLOBAL ECONOMY.

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can't remember her name. i think the photographer is cameron hammond though

johanne landbo

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First Post Worst Post.

Why do you know this?
Why are you wasting your precious time in this critical period of human history to know trivial shit like this?
She, and every other attractive looking women on the internet, will never know you or have an anything to do with you, stop wasting time on shit like this.

the problem with covid-19 is not that it causes the old and sick to die. old&sick people do that all the time.

the problem is that they die (or live) in a very expansive way, occupying limited machines and staff.

and there will be a lot of those. simultaneously.

it's like a perfect little storm for a culture, which stopped to accept death.

I haven't disputed that Adolf. What I'm saying is, the optimal strategy is the Korean one. Which is expansive testing and individualized quarantining, instead of a comprehensive shut down. It's the best way to minimize impact on the economy and reduce infections.

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What about the theory of Italy having a more deadly strain?(idk if that is still a theory right now but last I have heard of it) I know you're referring to the US, but it isn't out of the realm of possibilities we get a deadlier strain over here too.

no doubt.

for all the talk about "56% will become infected"... the percentage of people infected on that ship was... 20%. In perfect freaking conditions to run the numbers up, only 20%

I think some people either have immunity to this coronavirus or they're able to catch some form of it without it being a crisis.

Great. That's item no 328643646 to add to my "things that don't make sense about this situation" list.

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Are you retarded? That's South Korea you moron.

you never quite figured out reading comprehension did you

150K in money market since last week. will plow back into US growth equity index in May when this all blows over. DOW explodes past 30,000 by September. Make 150K profit in 1/2 year, easy peasy. That's how it's done, boys. Just another crisis to take advantage of.

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Like VUG? Why not go big and pick up a 3x ETF like UPRO?


Were they treated with top-tier equipments and all that stuff? You had 44 people in critical condition and 8 deaths from 697 infected, apply this to 300 million or 2 billion people and consider the impact on the whole system, how many dead, the mutations, etc.

if this really is a flu...then what the fuck bros. is the truth really the most boring possibility? that it's hysteria, a nothingburger, no nwo, no airborne aids... just a flu and a recession.

An important stat here would be percentage of passengers and crew who caught the virus. Does anyone know?

The flu is a deadly killer, claiming 50 million lives in its first year.

The average age on the ship was 58. All deaths over 70. If you add young people who barely even feel this, mortality % gets pushed even lower. Yes, the passengers had the advantage of being treated on time. I'm not saying to not do anything. I'm saying instead of a COMPREHENSIVE SHUT DOWN, we need to do mass testing like South Korea, and individually quarantine people.

OP is a fag. Your coomer bait is pathetic. Suck a BBC.

3711 total passengers. 712 total infected.

>I'm saying instead of a COMPREHENSIVE SHUT DOWN, we need to do mass testing like South Korea, and individually quarantine people.

You’re right but we botched the testing and now we have to shut down everything before the exponential spread overwhelms is. In a couple of months, when the worst is over, we can try the South Korea method.

>for all the talk
This is a big problem. 20% is a big enough deal on it's own without (((the media))) stretching it and giving people strokes.

A cruise ship isn't very representative of the greater population. The type of people who go on cruises go on cruises regularly, and they've probably all been stuck on plague ships with everyone locked in their rooms shitting themselves at least three times before. The survivors have super immune systems.

NYC should be relatively corona-free if that's the case.

You have to be a special kind of idiot to go on a cruise during a global epidemic.

That’s the mild version not the weaponized bioweapon one

The fact people aren't questioning why we're tanking our entire economy to 3rd world levels for a flu that kills less people than norovirus or TB proves we do need an actual plague.

they let them off the ship before the disease could take its course you retard

They have already set up what's necessary for expansive testing because of their procedures from bird flu sars

Or a TB outbreak right before wuflu

They were quarantined for nearly 4 weeks.

It's just like every year when the Flu overflows hospitals and Chinese Telecoms lose 15 million customers.

8/697 = 1.14% CFR so far.
Compare to Flu's .05% CFR

Your "Just a Flu" is 20x more fatal than Flu in ideal healthcare situations.

When people who need treatment don't get it, their death rate is 100%.

20% of hospitalizations are 20-40yos.

Think about what happens when the whole nation catches this in roughly the same month.




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>Think about what happens
Natural selection happens

I'm for it


>Natural selection

Keep in mind during a purge it's usually the smartest people who go first and the last survivors are low iq mongrels or black people who have 15 kids

Read up on the effects of people during the black plague and how the last people alive we're generally just incompetent slaves who got by simply by existing

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They stopped tracking stats for the Diamond Princess when they forced them to disembark.

Virus will continue to mutate. It's meant to spread very fast at a low death rate, then it will overcome even dormant carrier immune systems (all per design of course). Targeted firstly at the Wuhan Chinese population, it has now been manipulated to target westerners as well. That is why there is so much more panic than normal.

Unbelievably based pic related

Wrong, her bf is a med bvll

It probably is. NYC is a crowded international city with 600k Chinese. It defies all probability that the virus was not there and spreading rapidly very early on in this process.

=The diamond princess was the "S" strain accidentally released from China.

What is going around in literally every western country right now is the much deadlier "R" strain.

The Chinese have had 2 months to fumigate their country with the "S" strain to infect as many citizens as possible in order to build up herd immunity.

kek. fuck nyc

of course is just a fucking flu
but that's not important anymore

Are 8 people dying during a cruise is typical? Is it expected to for a few who boards one of these during flu season to kick the bucket?

Sounds wack to me.

t. Your ass

you are replying to a Chinese shill poster

this is probably the reason NL isnt in lockdown yet obviously the leaders are not gonna say fuck the old and sick people for obvious reasons

Put your tinfoil hat down, lol

It's a planned takedown of the world economy.
Only question is why.

There are 8.6 million people in New York

And Chinese are relagated mostly to flushing and China Town and never leave those areas

So even if some guy got off the boat right from wuhan than they only infect other Chinese in that small area which doesn't get reported

There could be hundreds of chinks dead in their apartments and no one would know

Chinese shillposter in damage control mode, show real flag chinaman

That's about the same stats as Australia. 900 infected, 7 deaths, all over 75.

I think Italy is padding out its stats for WHO money, blaming every death on Covid19, when the same people would have died anyway.

You are a massive retard.

Let me introduce you to something called the “7 train.”

It beams tens of thousands of chinks directly into Manhattan every hour of every day.

God I wish I wasn't fat

selfish boomers destroying the world because they're afraid of dying at 70

this will be the next Iraq, bank bailout, etc. thing that people bitch about for a decade now

>Muh economy
Maybe because there's a virus and people can't go to work if they're sick and ya know manufacturering is shot which affects the world economy since we live in globs homo

Or what you want to hear der Boomer is
>Rotshchild and Bill gates want to curb the population so they paid trillions of dollars to cnn to get people to hoard toilet paper and than impose on their Civil liberties to cuckold their husbands on state government BBC because something something 1984

Bruh do you want national socialism or not

I have always been in favor of putting down 70 year olds. Would spare us a lot of problems.

>coomer jepg
>b-believe me guys c-corona is real there's no martial law g-guys

Kys shill

Then the solution is to kill the jews and repatriate the assets to those who they were stolen from.


My nigga I take the D Train everyday

Your Manhattan chinks are westernized faggots who sip Starbucks everyday, no shit they're not people who go back and forth from mainland fucking china

I have niggers straight off the boat everyday at 7am riding into Manhattan
And that's brim to brim, you can smell the bat soup on their breath you're so close

And guess what my nigga, a lot of Chinese are too poor to travel and the majority of the carriers came during Chinese New year last month

And a week later the city had its first case

These people are digging through trash everyday picking up can, you think they're taking international flights you stupid fuck?

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I was in the cvg threads early and panicking about it for a while but it really is not that big of a deal. If trumpbux are just a tax rebate I'm going to lose my mind

How fucking stupid do you have to be to realize the danger is not massive dieoff, but hospital collapse? It scales up. Even if most people will be fine, enough would be critical to get us to Spanish Flu tier, with 2-4 million people dying.

Wtf is the Black Plague you mutt? It's the Black Death and the reduced labour supply led to the beginning of the end for feudalism with Europe hugely benefitted from this long term.

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You wish.

>beginning of the end for feudalism
And how's that working out for you?
You're still majority slaves and now you have a different black plague except there's also a lot of brown in there

Well at least you get to eat a lot of kebab

Nice benefits bro

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NYC is the primary destination in USA for Chinese immigrants. There are also other chinatowns like Sunset Park. You’re a nigger who doesn’t know anything except his own backyard.

How many are still infected and how many have recovered?

Based and Finance pilled

I'm sure there was a lot of immigration while the Chinks were locked in their apartments or dying on the street

What worked in Korea will not work in
Burgerland for myriad reasons, in large part because AIN'T NOBODY GO'N TELL MURICANS WHAT TO DO!

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