White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing #3

I also know how he got that. Deaths/Total cases. Which, unfortunately, is not accurate.

It could be underestimating (in fact it is certainly underestimating) the death rate, because some of those currently pending cases of corona are almost certainly going to die.

On the other hand, it could be overestimating the death rate, because the US is doing very limited testing on those already sick and is almost certainly missing mild and asymptomatic cases.

So unfortunately we have no idea what the death rate actually is, still. I still think South Korea's measurements are the best estimate of the death rate in the presence of optimal medical care.

his power level is concealed, but it is truly off the charts

Attached: dp.jpg (500x500, 47.48K)

"In July,2018, Robert Mueller asked a federal judge in Washington for an order that would protect the handover of voluminous evidence to lawyers for Concord Management and Consulting LLC, one of three companies and 13 Russian nationals charged in a February 2018 indictment. They are accused of producing propaganda, posing as U.S. activists and posting political content on social media as so-called trolls to encourage strife in the U.S.

Indeed, to an incurious media, a Russian catering company posting Facebook memes might sound like a good justification for a vast Russian election interference prosecution; however, when Concord & the accused Russians show up in court and request to see the evidence against them, well, the prosecutors might just have a problem. It’s that problem that dogged the Mueller prosecution since 2018. Today, predictably and finally, the DOJ dropped the nonsense case"

I mean. If they want to use cell phone data to track down beaners and imported nigs I'm all for it. Violate away. Privacy was a great notion 200 years ago but what remains are islands of data about every aspect of our lives. Even if it's not intentionally intrusive it's collected and details your habits enough to give someone an idea about you.