We are the news now :)
Main points from today's press briefing SO FAR:
We are the news now :)
Main points from today's press briefing SO FAR:
Other urls found in this thread:
Will post main points later. Field too long.
there won't be a future
get her outta here
What is with these retards and these tests? You don't get tested if you're not showing symptoms.
This is such a shit show... I can't stop cringing on all sides.
Time for free helicopter rides for reporters.
Why didn't that bitch just ask about the Americans that can't get a test? Why did she waste time dancing around it with another question about testing?
also decent presser, as usual the q and a is way better and reporters btfo
>Get everybody tested
Not helpful. You test negative and then get sick, and you'll be going around telling everyone you are not sick and still spread it.
>we need to test everyone in the country and then we'll all be cured!
Stupid fucking cunt
Can we ban the Kung Flu goblina from these things? Christ.
they try everything to get something to write about
>Drumpf says he doesn't want to test every US citizens and here is why its bad
Was stuck in meetings
These reporters are fucking brainlets.
>muh tests
Fuck her right in the pussy lol.
Trump is so stupid. And now the retards are blowing this out of proportion with out of context clips lol.
Yesterday's press conference was boring. This motherfucker is rowdy as fuck.
Trump = boss
Hoes = mad
Pence is such a cool cucumber.
Trump called one of the reporters out.
Trump called out Feinstein selling stock when she found out about the virus.
Trump called the State Dept, The DEEP STATE Department right in front of Pompeo lol
Little doctor dude is growing a healthy hatred of the press. Handinlg himself well though.
These press conferences only show me how fucking low IQ these journalist are.
Trump is using the virus as an excuse to lock down the borders. Pretty based desu senpai.
these conferences are maximum Trumpkino
Just Feinstein? Not the other three?
I wanna see that based manlet Doc Fauci blow off more steam on these brainlet "reporters."
Reminder that journalists are the people who keep those in power accountable. Stop being so mean to them.
Mike “get the clamps, apply the amps” Pence
Trump is losing his mind over this. He wants to let it all out and tell the truth...this was an intentional biological attack.
Lots of innuendo about war, China.... today he toned it down with the China stuff but he absolutley knows
given that we already know community spread is occurring I'm not honestly sure how valuable testing is, it's not like it's practical to get everyone they had contact with anymore.
The reporter just brought up the other two, Trump called out the reporter asking her why she didn't mention Feinstein
LAST THREAD said that Trump said the death rate is lower than they thought it might be. DID HE SAY WHAT THE ESTIMATED DEATH RATE IN THE US IS?
The WHO estimate of 3.4% was always too high.
There was a more responsible estimate gotten from calculating from areas that had done more widespread testing that was around 1%.
There was a report that claimed the rate was .125%, but it got there through total bullshit.
Lastly, there was a more THOROUGH report that I haven't gone through the methods to see how good it actually was yet, that estimated the death rate may be as low as .04% to .12%, I believe: The idea is that corona is actually MUCH, MUCH MUCH more infectious than the flu but less fatal than we thought. It looked at a glance better-done than the above report, BUT its estimated death rates are so low that they ALREADY don't square with the death numbers we've seen so far in Italy.
So what did he say the death rate was?
>call your doctor
because they aren't busy or anything
Except that it is a completely logical action for these circumstances.
How is it stupid to prove fake news is fake news by giving them all the ammo they need to generate even more fake news? The press could take the high road and not take the bait, but they fall for it every single time.
stop promoting porn
I really despise the effete journalist “intellectual” class. Will feel no Sympathy when the public starts hurting journalists.
And for the glowniggers: I have no plans to do so and this does not constitute a threat. I’m speaking of the future when the public punishes journalist liars with violence.
People don't care about context. They want reason to hate. Trump is losing this media battle fast.
Now that's how you handle the press!
am i still getting 1k bucks?
So, will Italy have an economic boom in six months due to all of the inheritance and return of the tourism industry?
LOL you don't understand how this works. Trump won by using the media in the same way and he's doing it all over again.
Economic Boomers rise up!
>Reminder that journalists are the people who keep those in power accountable.
Reporters don't need to be cunts about it though.
"working on it"
Reporters also attack needlessly and if JFK hated reporters there's no reason I should like them
LMFAO what new level of cope is this? Seethe tranny
So wouldn';t one feel like a chump, breaking their ass to stock shelves at walmart while the rest of the country gets paid to stay home and play vidya?.
Little doctor dude is awesome. He's very press savvy and very politically savvy. Trump did a great job making him the face of this.
>That ID.
when you need someone to bitch out the media there's no one better than a new yorker
Tax day clip
>Reminder that journalists are the people who keep those in power accountable.
Reporters are Ron Fucking Burgundies who will suck cock for stories and only care about being TV stars.
Voters and oppo researchers hold politicians accountable. Not reporters. Anybody who thinks the press has a role in that is a fucking retard.
Agreed. I also like how consice grandma is. Props to trumpo
Just like it's very logical to use mobile location data to track down where everyone is in order to more accurately enforce the quarantine at the cost of your entire freedom of movement.
Sadly one of the EU's lapdog institutions just declared this is allowed.
Chinese flu takes 3x FEWER lives than influenza according to official US health department statistics.
This virus is being used to mask global powerplay.
It completely occupies the media, there's nothing else they want to report on.
That means they don't report on the funny military movements, and that they can't go out and confirm whether Bill Gates actually retired or if he "has been retired" by "other interests".
We haven't heard shit about him and his vaccine work after he stepped down. You'd think there'd be something, at least a media inquiry, but no. Nothing.
Being able to close the borders is very fortunate.
So are other things that are happening right now which don't get posted about.
Bill Gates did an AMA on Reddit about 2 days ago. Yas Forums has been freaking out about him mentioning vaccines and digital vaccination certificates
Isnt it funny how this Virus is actually helping get Trump reelected?
>So are other things that are happening right now which don't get posted about.
Like what?
You do if you're a celebrity
Okay. Well, at suspected infection rates, that still comes out to close to 3 million deaths in the US.
Press briefing summary
Press briefing summary
Press briefing summary
Yeah well... Fuck them
There's a plague of locusts rampaging through Africa and Pakistan.
>be well with mild allergy symptoms because it's spring
>get tested for coronavirus
>go to a place full of other sick people and breathe all over each other in line waiting for the test
>wow I tested positive! Good thing I checked!
It only kills old people and niggers with AIDS.
I don't understand why everyone is so freaked out about this.
Why didnt they keep King Nigger is check? No user, they are propagandists.
Because Trump already mentioned Feinstein
I also know how he got that. Deaths/Total cases. Which, unfortunately, is not accurate.
It could be underestimating (in fact it is certainly underestimating) the death rate, because some of those currently pending cases of corona are almost certainly going to die.
On the other hand, it could be overestimating the death rate, because the US is doing very limited testing on those already sick and is almost certainly missing mild and asymptomatic cases.
So unfortunately we have no idea what the death rate actually is, still. I still think South Korea's measurements are the best estimate of the death rate in the presence of optimal medical care.
his power level is concealed, but it is truly off the charts
"In July,2018, Robert Mueller asked a federal judge in Washington for an order that would protect the handover of voluminous evidence to lawyers for Concord Management and Consulting LLC, one of three companies and 13 Russian nationals charged in a February 2018 indictment. They are accused of producing propaganda, posing as U.S. activists and posting political content on social media as so-called trolls to encourage strife in the U.S.
Indeed, to an incurious media, a Russian catering company posting Facebook memes might sound like a good justification for a vast Russian election interference prosecution; however, when Concord & the accused Russians show up in court and request to see the evidence against them, well, the prosecutors might just have a problem. It’s that problem that dogged the Mueller prosecution since 2018. Today, predictably and finally, the DOJ dropped the nonsense case"
I mean. If they want to use cell phone data to track down beaners and imported nigs I'm all for it. Violate away. Privacy was a great notion 200 years ago but what remains are islands of data about every aspect of our lives. Even if it's not intentionally intrusive it's collected and details your habits enough to give someone an idea about you.