What experiences have you had with non-whites that made you hate them so much?

I just don't like Italians and I don't need a reason either.

Nah I like germany, just the current population needs a different kind of replacing.

1. Niggers were the worst bullies in school every time. Always causing problems.
2. L.A. Riots
3. Red pilled statistics

And the final one - where it became personal: someone very important to me had to visit her dying father in Ferguson. Imagine having to put up with a bunch of jeering niggers rioting on the worst day of your life. She called me afraid crying because it was dark, she was in an unfamiliar place and the niggers were chimping out around her... and I wasn't able to do anything to protect her because she was hundreds of miles away.

That's the point where I went from disliking niggers to hating them intensely. I will never forgive them because they will. never. change.

All of them

My experience in life is that everyone is an fucking asshole regardless of race or what ever you idiots like to make up.

Mantra I live by is love everyone, trust only a few.

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Angloids act so damn arrogant even as tourists. It's how I came to consider them bugs deserving of death. Not to mention every shitty thread, every shitty post is 99% likely to be a bugman from the anglosphere. Such a vile soulless race.

HAHA you had virgin clarks whilst the cool kids had chad ROC. Based abo