What experiences have you had with non-whites that made you hate them so much?
What experiences have you had with non-whites that made you hate them so much?
my parents would make me turn off the tv or change the channel when gula gula island or all that would come on
You just answered your own question, nigger.
Getting the shit beat out of me by a troop of niggers in grade school helped me form some of my views.
They have been invading my lands since I could remember, and the worst thing is they play the victim
>What experiences have you had with non-whites that made you hate them so much?
seeing how much money is taken off my paycheck to fund them
none, white women are the evil ones
Fuck off Shareblue.
I am one and I hate most others.
i know this is probably a bot generated post but half of pol are nonwhite.
an aboriginal roasted my clarks shoes in primary school.
only encountered random violence twice
blacks (on trains)
come in hordes (10 or 15)
train stops they punch people and run off
Kek based black bulls
We don’t hate them we just want then to go home
> Be me, 7 years old
> Playing on the mud with nigger friend
> Mom comes out yelling: user LOOK AT HOW FILTHY YOU ARE! Your friend didn't even get mud on him at all!
> Me: You say that because he's black, you can't tell if he's dirty cuz the mud hides in his skin
> Mom yells at me and grounds me
From that day on I swore to hate black people forever.
Statistics on IQ, Crime statistics, and the fact media hides it.
Went into the army, black soldiers were consistently retarded, loud, and undisciplined. Granted, blacks are like this outside of the army too, but in the army I get smoked for their shithead behavior.
it's your fault though retard
They are 1. Ugly, not aesthetically pleasing to be around. Beauty is important.
2. Very Ethnocentric, i.e. living around them would be nonstop group conflict, not Star-Trek type cooperation
3. Not morally advanced enough to live with us, aside from some groups of east-asians.
I had this crazy thing happen to me where chinks spread a virus all over the world then they started chimping out pretending everyone else was to blame while lying through their buck teeth and playing sjw word games
Being accused of hate when citing statistics and double standards. Oh no wait, that was a white liberal.
Didnt Adolf Hitler and Christopher Columbus wiped out all the natives with slavery and disease?
tits or gtfo
they stole my bmx that I bought with my own savings when I was like 10.
A group of them chased me once screaming "kill whitey".
The brainlet lets personal anecdotal evidence shape his view of people.
The galaxy brain lets statistics do the talking.
working with them, and in the extremely rare and unavoidable circumstance, working for them (which really is just a different type of working with them since you have to ignore what they tell you and secretly control what's going on behind their back or else your department will collapse from their incompetence)
never had one, but the question is: WHY should I like them? I shouldn't even like me fellow whites (tho you are still tolerable), but this makes me really hate others. Because they are different then me. I have no relatives with them last 20-30-40+++ thousand years at least, fuck I give no shit if they all die. I'd be glad about it and you know why? Because something tells me, they feel exactly the same shit about me and us whites.
Both support hating niggers, so why does it matter
>overwhelming representation in crime
>low iq
>generally do not understand consequences of actions
>loud and smelly
>usually muslim
>no honor (will gladly jump you 10v1 but will cuck out like a fag when 1v1)
I used to have a lot of nonwhite friends growing up. I really used to be that white kid who believed in equality and judging them by their character. It was the way I was treated by 90% of them that I finally woke up to the conclusion that even judging them by their character ends up with you realizing it’s just their race, their group identity, and their victim complexes that holds them back. I don’t even hate them, I just pity them for their lack of agency and free will. They are beasts who are slaves to impulses and mindless consoomerism and would have been better off had we never come into contact with them in Africa.
Non-Whites are just doing their nature. Some are cool. Some are fun and smart.
I hate the ones who betrayed our people. The ones who sold out their God, Family, and Country. A literal Niger wou and d be preferable to a traitor like Biden or Schumer.
I can name many right off the top of my head..
Pack of niggers made fun of my girlfriends shoe back in the day and I had to get into an escalating conflict with them to defend her
Nigger stole my nice girl brand skateboard as a kid
Nigger roommate broke the law and a armed SWAT team busted into my place at like 5am to arrest him
Nigger almost fought me because I asked him for directions to the train in Chicago
Niggers begged on the street
Nigger ran off with 100$ one time after I spent the past 3 months being bros with him. Literally gave him 100$ to buy my pot as usual and he just ran off into the forest next to the house of the dealer.
Niggers made my old apartment complex i grew up in unsafe, they had to build a huge fence to segregate them because they are such fowl people
Niggers fought everyday in my school causing problems for everyone
I wonder what you look like
I bet you're just jealous of the healthy bodies non-whites have
I grew up around niggers and spics. That should be enough. I went to an all white school and it was paradise compared to my other schools.
Het zijn de joden die erachter zitten dat jij elke dag porno kijkt hoe vrouwen geneukt worden door grote negerlullen. Change
grow some balls. women aren't the problem, you are. for releasing them off the leash and for keep acting and thinking like a sour cuck.
this. But we hate every other ethnicity with some exception to the white race. as for me, I hate every single race including my own
Got fucked by my nigger babysitter when i was 12. Kill coons.
There was this very cute Vietnamese girl in my Calculus 2 class. Really pretty girl. Catholic too. She wanted to speak with me online.
She had a boyfriend though, and she knew how much I had a crush on her. It's not my fault I love Asian women more than anything else user. It's not my fault she was extremely cute.
my first ever personal experience with a nigger was when i took a trip to london back in 2015 and got robbed of pocket change by a nigger. obvious to say i started avoiding nigger contact since.
Jesus Christ
I saw a nigger so BLACK that I caught AIDS and died two weeks later.
holy shit, male or female?
did they get busted?
how pathetic was the punishment in turkmany?
My entire life.
Race isn't politics, it's stupid prepolitical tribalism. Truth isn't measured in skin tone.
niggers made fun of me in school, probably because i look like their dads that left them lmao.
I don't need anecdotal evidence to hate them. Game theory shows that ethnocentrism is a winning strategy. To maximise your group's chances of survival, you need to retain your own ethnocentrism while discouraging and suppressing it in every other group.
i grew up with niggers and spic. you're only safe with your kind. some people are going to learn the hard way.
If one must find exceptions in order not to be disappointed, then one surely has good reason to be disappointed in the main.
This girl is made for bbc.
and btw I bet he does watch blacked porn for sure
male and no bust cause i didnt talk to anyone about it till i was like 14 with my therapist who recommended i dont talk about it since "it's so long ago"
I live in Brazil
Go fuck yourself niggerlover ai/shartbloo done
It's really just jews, fags and white liberals I hate. Brown people are annoying but I dont hate them. Really everything boils down to jews and white traitors. Really its jews at the root of everything
The only non-whites I hate are jews. I've never had bad experiences with other non-whites.
my mom is a beaner and she is very, very stupid
Live in New York City. Had to deal with diversity forever. Most people in my life do not speak English, or speak English poorly. They shit on American values and ideals while leeching off the system here, the country everyone hates so much, but kill to get inside of. Not speaking English, but having a job where you should be able to communicate, is fucked up. Even when I was in the U.K., you can see all the minorities there speak fluent English.
Hahaha that's what i said in the post i replied to him, probably watches white girls getting fucked by BBC's and get's mad at the girls. He has to stop watching those jew sponsored video's.
This woman in the image has a very punchable face.
I feel the same, the only thing they bring is racism and fucking failure,
Tools of the jew.
That's fucked burn Germany to the ground
Sounds like someone’s too poor for the comfy white parts of NYC
>spics always harassed me into giving them classwork answers in high school, no identity of their own, they just adopt nigger culture
>black girls will get into a fight with you for literally no reason
>pajeets smell like shit and desperately stalk white cliques for attention
Went to a public high school after private elementary and middle schools, it was terrible. Asians and black guys are generally always cool.
t. arab
I just don't like Italians and I don't need a reason either.
Nah I like germany, just the current population needs a different kind of replacing.
1. Niggers were the worst bullies in school every time. Always causing problems.
2. L.A. Riots
3. Red pilled statistics
And the final one - where it became personal: someone very important to me had to visit her dying father in Ferguson. Imagine having to put up with a bunch of jeering niggers rioting on the worst day of your life. She called me afraid crying because it was dark, she was in an unfamiliar place and the niggers were chimping out around her... and I wasn't able to do anything to protect her because she was hundreds of miles away.
That's the point where I went from disliking niggers to hating them intensely. I will never forgive them because they will. never. change.
All of them
My experience in life is that everyone is an fucking asshole regardless of race or what ever you idiots like to make up.
Mantra I live by is love everyone, trust only a few.
Angloids act so damn arrogant even as tourists. It's how I came to consider them bugs deserving of death. Not to mention every shitty thread, every shitty post is 99% likely to be a bugman from the anglosphere. Such a vile soulless race.
HAHA you had virgin clarks whilst the cool kids had chad ROC. Based abo