If your eyes don't look like pic related, then you're not White.
Re minder
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not white unless you also have red hair.
Fuck off pisshair
im whiter than any of you motherfuckers
Mine are more of a steel colour. Pretty sure I'm white though
Good thing i am white then
Why the fuck would anyone look that white? Bitch can't even go in the sun without contracting melanoma.
I have shit brown eyes but for some reason people still call me white around here. We need Nordicism to go mainstream among normies so I can finally stop being called white
>this thread again
You're not white unless you are currently drinking a Starbucks coffee
The instant you cease to drink one you become a nigger until you resume drinking one
green eye master race checking in
Unironically this. It disgusts me when some Nordic person calls me white. Always correct someone calling me white by saying "No I have brown eyes"
>he says while using the inventions of non blue eyed europeans.
ok shlomo
we have the highest IQ, literally peak evolution
Your kids can still have blue eyes if one of your parents have blue eyes, so don't worry shit eyes, there is still hope for you to make beautiful white babies.
Nah I did a DNA test and I don't even have the blue eye gene kek. At best my kids can have mulatto green eyes
Anyone can wear tinted contacts.
Pretty sure she is wearing Eyecandy's Whimsy Blue lenses.
I have blue eyes, but I'm not white
>Your kids can still have blue eyes if one of your parents have blue eyes
No. Brown eyes are dominant.
>Blue Eyes
>1 out of 10 on the scale of attractiveness
Should be ssssssscale because most of ya'll look like actual snakes.
Thanks globalist kikes
If you're circumcised, you're also not white.
Reminder if you're that young with brown eyebrows and fake bleach blond hair you arent white either you nigger fucking slag
>If your eyes don't look like pic related, then you're not White.
That guy clearly has nigger abo admixture and photo bleached hair
Blonde hairs didnt build civilization hut dweller.
el creatura de los americos
This kinda seems like a retarded shill thread lmao
Do they own plantation in the south?
Yeah no
Caesar would like to have a word with you
What a nice post bubbeleh, remember to call me tonight after you get home from your law firm. Also I'm making your favorite latkes with sour cream this Wednesday so you better come! I'm also inviting Rebecca from the chabad school you went to when you were 8. I'm waiting for my grandchildren that you need to have and not with some shiksa! Anyway, I'll let you go now my precious bubbeleh, I know you're very busy. Don't forget to eat well! Remember call me! Oh and just remembered, Rebecca knows how to make a good Reuben! Also she knows how to salsa dance and is a doctor! I know you're trying to go son, just remember to call me later! Your father says hello! I think, or he might just be choking on some gefilte again. Any way, bye bubbe! AND REMEMBER TO CALL ME!
Caesar had brown eyes pisshair
ITT: Low test and low IQ angl*ids and nerdics take solace in the fact that they have blue eyes. They have nothing else, after all.
thanks for the daily reminder that i am indeed white
Nords are superior. You need to accept this gypsy. Everyone wants to look like pic related
Let me taste her pretty pink cunt let me lick it! Lick it!!! She wants my juicy fat cock she wants to suck it stick it in her pretty pink cunt
damn it feels good to be a brown haired, blue-eyed king
>If your eyes don't look like pic related, then you're not White.
Ha, I'm hard left and pure blond 'n' blue Aryan.
Ya know what? I'm going to procreate with an Asian girl to create the true master race.
So you in the Eurasian future Yas Forums
the funny thing is i had blonde hair when i was a kid, now light brown , my grandparents are from Moldova (russian rape babies) but this thread is just plain stupid
What if my eyes are grey?????????? Nigger???????????
Both my parents have blue eyes but I have green eyes with flecks of blue and brown in them
yeah remember her the turist from Morocco, they knew she would look better without the head
You’re not black unless you got blond hair
the beatles were niggers!!!
If you care about whiteness, you're a nigger.
>nigger abo admixture
>those freckles
Sorry user, one drop rule
Why are you posting a jew as an example of a white person?
Is that Neville longbottom?
swedish dog, your blood is tainted by generations of race mixing with laplanders. you're basically Finns.
berber women are better anyway
the blueness starts to fade as I age, bros..
sage. non political. MODS pls ban him for 30 days. He keeps spamming this shit
I think we should preserve phenotypes, don't harass me for that very same view asshole
Where the fuck are your eyelashes man
is my fiance white?
Also I have white skin and red beard, my hair is light brown with red. And I am not white, I am Uralic. Where is your God know?
She looks undernourished. Look at her eyes - the dark circles round the pupils. She looks really bad. She's aging so fast.
Probably she's a stupid vegan who refuse to eat meat and prefer to risk her own health to "save the planet"
blue eyes are good, but pink skin and blond hair suck
You literally set up being called a shithead.
I guess most of us have light brown hair in here then...I also think that nobody outside of scandinavia and northern Germany is blonde like the OP pic
She has my hair colour and black eyes so """"she""" looks european.
Does blue and yellow count?
This is your daily reminder: Phenotype is not genotype.
You can be a blonde haired blue eyed Jew, but that doesn't mean you're HOWAITO.
>1 post by this ID
If you're going to post in threads like these, at least point out that it's a slide thread and have the decency to bump it for the sake of everyone on this shit board.
*sage not bump
fuck you niggers