>WASHINGTON, May 10, 2012 — China’s one child policy, baby trafficking, and sex trafficking of North Korean women aren’t the worst human rights violation happening in the country. Aborting innocent and healthy unborn children and eating them to boost one’s stamina and sexual health is.
>South Korean customs officials recently seized thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh arriving from China. Since August 2011, South Korean officials have intercepted more than 17000 pills smuggled from China.
>South Korean officials became aware of a horrific practice of eating aborted fetuses after Seoul Broadcasting System showed a documentary on Chinese doctors who performed abortions and then ate the fetuses. One Chinese doctor on the documentary took out fetuses from his refrigerator
>Chinese cannibalism of infant flesh outrages the world
>totally ok to kill them
>totally not ok to teat them
>>South Korean customs officials recently seized thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh arriving from China. Since August 2011, South Korean officials have intercepted more than 17000 pills smuggled from China.
Koreans, Japaneses, and Taiwanese must hate these people even more than we do.
They already do for thousands of years. Literally no one in the world likes China
So many people getting red pilled on the red chinese - at least the virus is doing that much.
I’d rather eat a fetus than a black rabid bat lol
Not new.
They also sell black people meat
True "Han" Chinese died after 3 Kingdoms period. The rest of chinese history is all about race mixing with neighboring barbarians. Modern Chinese are a bunch of savages claiming to ge the legacy of the Han. Kinda similar to Roman history, although Romans were greater.
um what
Wasn't that infant eating only a some korean "artist's" larp from 2000?
>The rest of chinese history is all about race mixing with neighboring barbarians
>neighboring barbarians
>being Korean
That's very true, barbarian
That’s it. We need to glass these insects once and for all
you all must feel it buy now ,ww3 with the chinese is close?
By what right can pro-choice advocates complain about people aborting and eating babies? They're just lumps of cells and not people, right? If the woman can kill the fetus why can't she sell it or eat it? It's her body right?
>Aborting innocent and healthy unborn children
Woah that happens by the thousands in the U.S. all the time.
The next phase. Waste not want not. If we use the 120 theory method which is if we decide to kill all clumps of cells over the next 120 years to see if life exist at the end of it. If life does exist then the clumps of cells were not life if life does not exist then it was life. This is the only way to test the theory to see if a clump of cells has meaning or life. This is based around the issue of choice which is only valuable when attached to life being a clump of cells. Hence justification for the killing of humans in the womb. Without the clump of cells degrading aspect or pretending it is not life choice does not stand in its merits. Because the mother has protection from possible death or harm when pregnant and has the right to kill the human in development however the same reciprocal protection mechanisms are not offered for the human in development when possible harm or death occurs with abortion. Equative equality is missing. The human in development should by equality have the right to be protected. This is basic feminism equality. The theory nullifies the use of an attachment to protect choice. Without it you are killing life based only in choice. That is nullified by equators like equative equality. This provides meaning and value of life. 50million abortions are done world wide yearly. 125 thousand a day. Most in developing countries.
Law is based around survival. Equative equality. However I fear that profit is a source for this and population control. Liberty it seems comes at a price. Death to human life based on the 120 theory. And a non reciprocal entity and law which is non equative equality. How many tax dollars are pumped into this institution? In doing this we share the burden of liberty and that Statue of Liberty represents death to life. Based off the 120 theory and ignoring the word choice which has little power when you kill human life development.
The hypocrisy of the left.
>Aborting innocent and healthy unborn children and eating them to boost one’s stamina and sexual health
This is what the Chinese culture is all about actually
Not that surprised.
Sick fucking shit.
Fuck off.
“If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.”
Prince Phil.
>nooooo you're supposed to turn them into face cream!
What is that?
Imagine being that retarded
>Planned Parenthood /USA
> RE-selling aborted fetuses to Corps
> its in almost every msm product
The Jews have created unseen/unknowing goy cannibals.
>eating them to boost one’s stamina and sexual health
They eat literally everything because of "muh dick". And the more atrocious, it is, like babies or animals in extinction, the bigger their dick supposedly gets. That's "traditional chinese medicine". High IQ yellow people, alright.
Man The Chinese will literally eat anything. Perhaps India should consider selling their shit to the Chinese as food.
Is anyone else just on their seat cock fully erect at the awakening of general NPC intelligences to these forbidden knowledges?
So many folk are so ignorant of what barbarism really means.
We're gonna see Gook come back as a general term like ever before.
People are talking shit over the sniffles, when do you want to bet the real shit atarts?
Looks like a jellyfish. They don't really taste like anything, so the'yre good for sauces etc.
...And nothing will ever be done about any of it. China won't receive any global repercussions for basically tanking the world's economy due to their own sheer incompetence, bred out of their horrid choices in cuisine and violation of animal rights and the sacred bond between man and beast.
They won't suffer a single penalty, because everyone wants that Chinese market. Companies suck the chink dick at the expense of their integrity and credibility, because they know they'll make more money in China than in their own economies (Blizzard, NBA, Steam).
Their entire economy is built on the violation of human rights, and basically any and all rights for that matter. Why do you think the U.N. is discussing Israeli sanctions 24/7 but not a SINGLE tribunal was ever dedicated to China? No one gives a shit, because the money is too good.
I thought the Jews were controlling you. Unless Chinks are also Jews, which would be surprising tbqh.
kaifeng jews have been in in china since 600ad.
I've spammed this article since like, 2014... Thanks for taking up the cause, onan
Was about to post this one, thanks lad
Gas all chinks.
>Washington Times
Be a nihilist antinatalist like me and you will literally always be in the "right".
they do it in the west do, they just can't be open about it. Plenty of abortion doctors have been caught with fetuses in their houses in refrigeration
You Will Eat The Zygote
It's just a clump of cells.
The feti above I can deal with but this is too much
well humans are a clump of many cells my nigga. So is literally everything else.
Taiwanese are Chinese you fucking kike
based. cannibalism is fucking based
Alex Jones was right again.
How can people do that shit?
why are asians so interested in eating weird shit, live frogs and octopus, fetuses, grilled roaches. why?
Fucking fuck, Chinks really aren't human.
Hello, sub-human department?
Humans are evil by nature. Its not just the chinese. It is our nature. Our society is built by exceptional individuals; those who occupy the positions 2-3 standard deviations above the mean mental capability and moral potential. China is the result of extreme shame and frustration against these actors, spreading moral degeneracy and
animalistic sadism. Expect no less of the average person.
what is this animal?
Stupid chinks don't they know you have to be a democratic politician to enjoy eating babies?
>Eating raw, uncooked mussels
>Trying to come with facts and logic
>Not realizing Yas Forums is home to only the most retarded mongrels on this Earth
Its a good point actually.
Under rated post.
>WASHINGTON, May 10, 2012
Is this the Amerimutts shills strategy to cover up Fort Detrick?
They share the dead babies with everyone. Clearly communism doesn't workm
That was an isolated incident. The crisis is much broader than just that faggot. Lol
>Unless Chinks are also Jews
chinks are the undisputed Jewniggers of Asia. They're your piss skin equivalent, schlomo. tabletmag.com
Are those popplers?
Oh, so they're finally believing the same dumb memes our elites believe.
Better shut it down or that might raise the price of human flesh for the white glove society.
this, fucking hypocrites. What happened with only kill what you eat?
I actually heard they don't taste bad.