God I love being right

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It never gets old does it? I actually feel a little petty by how much It brightens my day

was that your professor? was she? hot?

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average american uses 4 rolls per day. If you have a family of 10, that's 280 rolls a week. Over 1100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

OP could have saved the world if he wasn't being denied. The guilt the professor must feel right now.


4 rolls a day....are you insane?

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Looks fake. Sorry not sorry



ask if she wants to fuck

>he doesn't use the whole roll to wipe


It’s a pasta and it’s not even funny.


coronachan let me lick those feet

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My family of 5 uses 2 rolls a day. Why do you use 4?

It’s like he doesn’t want a clean asshole

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I don't. Fucking co-workers still coughing on shit and not respecting personal space etc. People still not taking it seriously.

Gas station/fast food napkins.
I RENT, so I dont give a fuck.

Honestly, I feel kind of the same way. I’ve been paying attention to the virus since Wuhan went into quarantine and decided to hedge my bets. I saw months ago that people were hoarding toilet paper in Hong Kong, which made me realize that people would do the same thing here in America. bought a few extra roles a couple months ago and am now grinning over the idea that most people ether don’t pay attention or act irrationally.

(Pic related is my local Walmart. People are so desperate for TP that there are no baby wipes)

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What the fuck

Not sure I will ever get tired of this one

Copy pasta is getting stale already jfc

She just had a kid and has a husband lmao

It does feel almost petty, doesn’t it?

It was my English 03 professor, I wanted to veer off the topic (threats to jobs and how to solve them) but she just didn’t see what I saw. I specifically remember telling her “I would rather be constantly vigilant and be right one time than never care.”


I use one every.. week probably.

thats the perfect time to slide in there

Retarded danish user, avg american uses at least 4 rolls in the morning.

is this TP thing just a meme? why is everyone stocking up on tp so much? this has been irritating me.

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>4 rolls a day....are you insane?
new pasta, i fell for it too....
*sensible chuckle*

Over the last month I have been hoarding toilet paper like a beast, I can't wait to recieve you non preppers when you come crawling to me to buy a couple of sheets of andrex for 50 euros a pop lmao.

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My gf has been giving my stash away and I caught her using it to clean the floor too.

I'll shit outside before I go to some scalpers

Dude, I use one roll in a week.

>50 euros
So like three bucks? Fuck off eurotrash.

Down to 112 rolls. Gonna try a good spot on Thursday. It sells large containers of industrial, super thin 1 ply. I can hand this out to friends and family instead of my good 3 ply shit but still look like the hero we need right now.

i hope someone breaks your legs and takes it all

>My family of 5 uses 2 rolls a day
>0.4 rolls per person a day
>average toilet paper roll has 500 sheets
>each person in your family uses about 200 toilet paper sheets in a single day
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Americans?

Boomer memes. My wife and I bought 1 pack of Kirkland tp and it will probably last us through a 1-2mo quarantine into June.

You have just become a street shitter, good luck with your new third world status, meanwhile I will be enjoying the luxuriant feel of super soft toilet paper on my bung hole.

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Every time.

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I don't have any legs, I win again retard.

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they just keep adding on more and more rolls to this pasta

Stupid people think nothing bad can ever happen

You can’t save everyone. Help yourself and then people you actually care about only as for everyone else “so long and thanks for all the fish” it’s their own fault for discounting things

I watched this copypasta change from 1 roll a day to 4 rolls a day, in less than a day.

What have I missed? I haven't been on all day. What is this picture in regards to?

damn.. got me there..

america's master plan is to move to a toilet paper based economy. china was overtaking the dollar but we're gonna fill fort knox with supremo toilet paper and outproduce them.

You can use almost anything to wipe your ass

Also what I’m planning to do is just wait for all the retards who horded toilet paper instead of foodstuffs to die of starvation or probably thirst first surrounded by toilet paper

If the apocalypse comes the survivors will have a slur implying the person is incredibly stupid with no survival instincts and whatever that word is will translate to something like “one who horded toilet paper”

Soros invested $6 gorillion in Charmin last year and their stock is through the roof.

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Yas Forums is NEVER wrong.

I honest to fuck thought it was Yas Forums convincing gullible retards they needed TP

I’m still amazed that it wasn’t this place. We should convince people to horde something else totally useless for survival like salt or tea or something

If you have famly of 10. Its not 1900 anymore

For your honesty If you give admit that Americans are fifty six pencers I will send you two sheets of the finest quality andrex, You can put them away and show them to your children to let them know what life was like before the apocalypse.

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I actually use 30 rolls a day. I am a new species of mutt that survives entirely on tp. When I need to eat, I stand on my chair, backwards, and pull down my pants. My ass expands and opens, and then sucks the tp off the table. Over the next few hours, I loudly burp as it is digested. I get rid of it by leaning over the toilet, plugging one nostril and blowing out really hard. It comes out in little pellets.

Americans minimum 6 rolls. MEENEEMUM.

what should we convince them is going to be in short supply next? any ideas lads?

>force gf to live super jew like me
>no overseas holidays, fancy clothes etc
>if economic crash can afford to buy a house *somewhere* outright and enough cash reserves for like 6 months
>""""lol ur gonna die one day go to thailand get rekt check out my new car"
>"""""rrreeeee fuck the government were all doomed omg what the fuck who could have seen a major problem coming like it did about a decade ago rrrreeee"

Yas Forums passes, gook moot.

>500-1000 sheets per roll
>2 per day (1000-2000 sheet daily)
>5 family members (200-400 sheets daily)

Just get Depends. Slide 'em on and you're good for at least a week. A pack will last 3 months at the least.

I spend a good chunk of my time in a truck with another guy. He think it's all a joke and is more annoyed that postponements of events has inconvenienced him. Nigger coughs without covering his mouth, sneezes into his hands and touches shit that we have to share, and is a general slob. I've bitched at him about it, but he doesn't care. Fucking rednecks, man.

Are you seriously suggesting that tea is not necessary for survival?

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>Why do you use 4?
I'm not american, so I dont.

>what should we convince them is going to be in short supply next? any ideas lads?

We could push the idea the kumquats are nature's miracle cure that the chinks have been trying to keep a secret.

I was strutting with a smile while everyone here panicked and paranoid trynna last minute panic buy tp and other useless shit


A woman I work with said she'd resort to using leaves if she couldn't get more

It was a 200 IQ play by the government to get people to focus on that and not create a food panic earlier than necessary.

We have like 200 (known) cases in my city. Literally no one takes it seriously - still coughing/sneezing everywhere, getting up in peoples faces and so on. Yet...YET...hoard toilet paper. Fucking hate NPCs. Also the hygiene issue with the ethnics is beyond repair.


What a fucking alpha CHAD. He'll probably contract the virus, gain immunity and go on about his life. Meanwhile, you'll be a virgin shut-in, always nervously peeping through his blinds and believing the wildest rumours Yas Forums has to offer.
>pic related is you

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I should have known something was up a couple weeks ago when I went to the organic section of my favorite local supermarket and their entire stock of canned rainbow trout was depleted. They still had plenty of sardines, but now even those are looking sparse. Some prepper in my area has good taste.

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We should push the fact that getting corona virus cures gay fags.

Attitudes like this are why you invest in the cruise lines in a week when they are near the bottom.

American exceptionalism knows no bounds. Those that don't get it will believe it can't happen to them. those who get it mild will be unafraid. Those who lose a family member will have a renewed appreciation for life and will yolo some vacations.

Yas Forums is always right.

>calls him both a nigger and a redneck in same post

>be me
>been coughing a lot lately
>go to grocery store during corona festival
>decide to use self checkout for first time
>60+ year old female employee monitoring checkout
>notice my items aren't checking out right
>ask for assistance from elderly employee
>get up in her face breathing right on her

did i just kill someone?

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This is bullshit
I've used 1 1/2 rolls since entering this thread, and this is been my 3rd movement today