Please stop blaming china for the virus. it is not our fault. it was just bad luck

What about the Uighurs? We have something similar in the US called Wiggers, but we don't imprison them. We are morally superior. That's why people trust us.

Possibly true but not for the reasons you neocons think. I don't expect the People's Republic of China to exist as a single entity sovereign over all of present day china within 10 years' time. But only because trade is going to slow down to such an extent that internal tension will overcome the fading promise of personal wealth.

it was caused by usa,the evidence is so obvious

China right now is like Iran before they admitted they shot the plane down. At least the Iranians had enough integrity to admit their fuckup. I don't expect the same from the chinks.

>but we don't imprison them
You should.