Please stop blaming china for the virus. it is not our fault. it was just bad luck

please stop blaming china for the virus. it is not our fault. it was just bad luck

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The cover-up is often worse than the crime.
Just admit it.

You will fucking pay for this. Chinks and their families will be lynched.


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Yes, it was bad luck that bats escaped from the Wuhan Bioweapon Labs and got lost in the wet market, flying to the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

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I'd unironically see your people extinct before niggers

more like eating habits

The US and kikes made and released the virus. You should be pissed and nuke the fuckers

I'm not blaming China. I'm blaming the Chinese

Fuck you china

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that's good. we don't want to get sick


>bad luck
>filthy hygiene standards, eating bizarre animals, locust behaviour and all-round shitcunts
Yeah, nah. Fuck you and your country.

Lol cope harder chink, no one likes you


The Great Eastern Waste.

Imagine eating this adorable creature in a soup. Unthinkable. Fucking chinks.

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please get stricter food safety and handling laws

>shop unsanitary markets selling all sorts of 'exotic delicacies'
>SARS emerges from these environments and pwns thousands of chinese
>Chinese doctors & epidemiologists: Hey guys, maybe we should definitely not do this ever again because the exact same thing is going to happen again
>Chinese people: Let's do it again!
>the exact same thing happens again (except much worse)

Shock and surprise!

lot of bad luck you guys seem to have with viruses.

I don't hate China. Why would I hate China when I love Corona-chan?
I am beginning to suspect my compatriots on this board do not truly love Corona-chan.

Attached: best coronachan.jpg (680x446, 51.5K)

>peepoo people
>peepoo culture
>peepoo food
>peepoo everything
>peepoos on the rest of world
>world is surprised?
It's the rest of the worlds fault for dealing with such a filthy civilization, can't blame a third world country for first world problems. China is just not big enough for the big boy table yet.

If your chink doctor had worn gloves in his bioweapon lab none of this would have happened. It's all your fault.

you call us filthy but virus is swarming through europe so fast...

50 cent shill spotted.

Fuck you chink this doesn’t end when corona time is over. Chinks will fuckin pay.

i thought all the rhino dick you consumed brought you good luck :(

>bad luck
why bad?
less chinks
less boomers
less pollution
less chinese products
less economical bubble
less wild life deaths

China did an excellent job.


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china will be nuked when this is over

Based ROC.

if you want to die, go ahead :)

Explain this shit.

Please don't use that flag. Use the republican flag for neocon posting.
I am a National Socialist and my first and foremost interest is in 1) saving my folk, 2) punishing our "leaders" and elites who left our people to be ravaged by the virus while play-acting at fake solutions to protect their worthless stockmarket, and 3) assuming swift and solid control over the North American continent and Panama canal and all ex-US naval assets and nuclear inventory.

I have no interest in some stupid pissing match with China.

stock up on tiger penises to cure your radioactivity chink

Because you stop people from telling the truth, insisting on the cover-up of number of deaths.


>Chinese flag
>Most Chinese can't access Yas Forums due to the great firewall as they consider this place hostile to their society
>The only Chinks that can get on here are people that are in Chinese sanctioned government buildings
I've traveled to China multiple times for many years. Nobody normal from China can post here with a Chinese IP because you can't even get onto to this website without a VPN. Unless of course you walk into a government building and know their wifi passwords, you can post here. The shills are allowed to bypass the firewall.
OP is definitely Chinese government.

true. good job with how you handle stuff like that.
we helped you now its your turn noodlebro.

pure coincidence

The blame for this virus sits squarely with the CCP AND the people of China. They are the rat fucks who allowed and participated in the trade of live exotic animals. Eating bats, pangolins, turtles, frogs, wolves, dogs, cats, koalas, salamanders and all sorts of fucked of things. Basically anything that breathes. Fuck the Chinese people for doing that stuff and fuck the CCP for allowing it to go on without regulation for decades.

Also, fuck the CCP for lying, covering up and doing jack shit to stop the virus in it's early stages. They systematically under reported the cases and lied about them by providing incorrect cause of death. They acted ONLY when the lid was blown off by some Chinese people on the internet, who they then locked up and disappeared. Fuck the Chinese people for allowing such an incompetent and corrupt government to exist. How a nation can be so spineless as to not riot uncontrollably and overthrow a government like that is beyond me. What really stinks is that most of the Chinese people actually love, defend and support that same government. They always back up the CCP and give excuses for the Chinese people's behavior. I bet they would even defend welding cunts inside their own homes.

Now they are trying to re-write history by making the name "wuhan flu" racist. By blaming the US for the virus, by sending useless masks and tiny numbers of third rate doctors to Italy. Has a group of humans (other than blacks) ever existed who strive so much to avoid blame for their own actions and to shirk responsibility? I think not.

In summation: Fuck China, Fuck the CCP and fuck the Chinese people just as much. Subhuman insect fucks. You should all be ensuring that whenever the virus is brought up, you assert that the blame for it lies squarely on China, because they are doing everything they can to blame others and absolve themselves of the situation entirely, despite the FACT that their subhuman hygiene caused it.

the only goo thing that came from all this mes is that Liverpool will slip against the n thanks based chinks

Completely unlike USA and Australia right?
Only country that hasn't covered up their numbers is Italy. All this phony outrage is unconvincing.

You are talking to the Chinese government itt.

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Post Winnie the Pooh, Chang.

China, what's your stance on the Jews?

Tell the CCP to tell the truth behind the virus then Chang. You commie bastards are digging your own grave.

Basically this, if anything, this might push the rest of the world to stop relying on China for their products.

> Actually believing the bat story.

You dog torturing tranny chink faggots deserve a military face stomping by real western men.

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Isn't posting on Yas Forums going to negatively impact your social-credit score?

OP is a faggot.

It's an absolutely boomer tier alphabet boy meme.
I cannot tell you how much I cringe every time I see this shit posted. I wish you knew how bad this shit looked to millennials, but everyone who disagrees with you is a shill so you'll just keep embarrassing yourselves.

Attached: boomer cringe meme.png (1038x692, 937.7K)

Report this one to the ENOD unit.

No. It was caused by incompetence because your people are corrupt, self-centered, and lack attention to detail.

Reminder that Taiwan, Macau and HK are right next to China and haven't had meltdowns so far because none of us ever trusted the chinks.

they would rather blame the US for the virus they inflicted on the entire world than to eat a piece of raw fish that hasn't been basted in batshit.

Unironically would take these things over chinks


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right? i have yet to see a downside to this wu-flu yet.
a major crack down on cults in SK too ffs.
its like china really is helping the world by fucking themselves over.

Millenials are all faggots anyway and so are you if you think China isn't responsible for the virus that's been there since November and they did their best to cover up until it got everywhere else.

>wet met markets
>living with animals
>lack of hygiene
>eating weird shit like bat soup

how is this not your fault?
this isn't racism, this is just your fault. wuhan is a cesspit making the whole world sick and you can fuck right off. we are blaming you, because this is your fault.

Your children will be slaves for me, wasting away in Chinese factories their whole lives so I can buy cheap plastic shit and then throw it in a landfill because I don't even want it and the efforts of Chink lives means less than literal trash to us.

Because you infected them Chang. It wouldn't surprise me if your government didn't give some of your early infected all expenses paid vacations throughout Europe.

Day of the Escalators can’t come soon enoguh,

Your govt. ignored the virus for an entire month and accused a doctor of spreading misinformation.

You are responsible for exacerbating the epidemic. Go shmooze with your pooh bear and sing patriotic songs.

I don't care who's responsible for the virus. I love Corona-chan. Again, only boomers don't love Corona-chan. That's why she kills ya.

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It probably was. I figure shits like this and SARS start in China because of a much higher population density, also a lot of people in China, males especially, smoke like chimneys, so a lot of them have some kind of COPD and are more susceptible to respiratory infections. Not sure why India isn't affected as much though.

Hey guys, Tiananmen square wasn't our fault, it was just bad luck.
Get rid of your government. Stay redpilled.

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yes we are helping the world so much by donating so much masks and equipment to country in need like italian. and people still hate china...

It is your fault now shut up, nobody likes you fuckers. I hope bats start eating you faggots.

Objectively true. Still, you should introduced stricter standards on food markets

and by causing the virus.
keep up the good work!

based big chungus

Boycott China until they dissolve their military, liberate the concentration camps and hang all the members of the CCP.

This will be China's Chernobyl and start the dominoes falling towards the eventual collapse of the CCP.

Tianamen square was a bunch of liberal democrats, you blithering retard. Where do you think you are? We hate liberal democracy. You don't fucking belong here if you want literal liberal democrats to be allowed to live.

We literally do want to get rid of our globalist white genociding governments you absolutely crusted up boomer shitsucker.

>pres stop brem china for da vayrus
>it not our faurt, it were just bad ruck

It's like shooting someone and then calling an ambulance.

Was it bad luck your filthy government covered it up for months.
Clearly lying about number of deaths and infected too.
If it wasn't your fault chink user, then why don't you point these things out

What about the Uighurs? We have something similar in the US called Wiggers, but we don't imprison them. We are morally superior. That's why people trust us.

Possibly true but not for the reasons you neocons think. I don't expect the People's Republic of China to exist as a single entity sovereign over all of present day china within 10 years' time. But only because trade is going to slow down to such an extent that internal tension will overcome the fading promise of personal wealth.

it was caused by usa,the evidence is so obvious

China right now is like Iran before they admitted they shot the plane down. At least the Iranians had enough integrity to admit their fuckup. I don't expect the same from the chinks.

>but we don't imprison them
You should.