Why tissue paper on a roll is called toilet paper, you don't wipe toilet with it, you wipe your ass with it.
Stupid English language. Stupid English people.
You wrote all that in English because you love us. Envious faggot. You dream of being an American.
>You dream of being an American.
dont shit on americans unless you have the balls to put your real flag on, kid
it should really be called anus paper
Actually you use it to wipe the toilet as well and even if you don't it's in the vicinity of the toilet and is used ON the toilet. Nice try not so hung wang.
"Toilet was originally a French loanword (first attested in 1540) that referred to the toilette ("little cloth") draped over one's shoulders during hairdressing."
shutup spic
It should be called wiping paper.
How do people use toilet paper in 2020? You're basically just smearing shit around your ass crack.
tissue paper is not descriptive enough. for example, i use tissue paper to clean the lens of my camera but it would be next to useless for cleaning my ass.
>dont shit on americans
Americans shit themselves, I don't have to do that to them...lol
your a pussy. put your geographical flag on. why are you not using it? ashamed of your country?
why is someone who is ashamed of their country shitting on other countries?
are you scared that there is so much ammo to uses against you?
you are a 1/10 troll, you have a lot to learn
it is a art afterall, and your as talented as a kindergartener
woah ... when you put it that way ... hmm ...
>you are a 1/10 troll, you have a lot to learn
>it is a art afterall, and your as talented as a kindergartener
Somehow got you posting, twice here. 10/10 troll score. KEK
based mart sharter. meanwhile chinks pop a squat on the sidewalk like a fucking dog. i guess you really are what you eat.
replies =/= you trolled anyone, kid
can you define the world troll/trolling in this context?
ill wait, guaranteed your next post wont include a definition
re flags, history lesson for newfags
why dont you post with your geographical location?
The best way to live is on a large piece of land. Grow your own fruit and vegetables. Get some livestock for meat and dairy products. Get a large water tank for your water supply.
The ultimately way for a man to live is in harmony with nature. Eating and existing on what his land provides him with. You don’t have to CONSOOM from shops. Everything you eat comes from your property. You know what’s in the food you eat. It’s fresh. It tastes good. It’s perfect.
At night time you can lay on your back outside and look up at the stars without streetlights and other things ruining it.
Plus, now coronavirus has hit, you don’t have to buy food from shops.
If you can afford to buy your own acreage, do it.
It's a euphamism. "Toilet" refers to lots of things, from perfume to the porcelain god.
Anyway I call it "shit paper'.
Hi newfag. Lurk more...you are making fool out of yourself.
It's a euphemism we use around ladies and pirates.
When it's just guys, its: "Hey bud. You're outta butt wipe. So I used a hand towel, ok?"
called it, you dont even know what trolling means. dont use words you dont know the meaning of kid
so why dont you post with your geographical location?
Fuck off meme flaggot
>Hi newfag. Lurk more...you are making fool out of yourself.
>hes so mad he cant even format his post properly
called it. so why dont you post with your geographical location?
>tissue paper on a roll
Toilet paper is weaker and dissolves more easily than tissues. As a lot of people are going to find out when the tissues and paper towels they bought to wipe their asses with clogs their plumbing.
It's short-form for toiletry. this includes things such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, and tooth paste, or anything to do with personal care.
The origin of the word toilet actually means dressing room. so the toilet itself is kind of the wrong word.
What an obnoxious New Zealand bitch
sometimes i wipe my toilet with it.
tell me, why dont you post with your geographical location?
>What an obnoxious New Zealand bitch
We call it higienic paper here
yeah.. it should be called ass paper
The Aussie is absolutely ruthless to the silly pirate. Based.
>higienic paper
lol, don't you use banana leafs in Brazil
hahahah you soooooooo fucking mad you cant format a post, you can only copy and paste, and your totally ignoring my question
you have gone from 1/10 to butthurt/10
so tell me, why dont you post with your geographical location?
a third worlder shouldnt be shitting on other third worlders
You're an Indian for sure.
>you are a 1/10 troll, you have a lot to learn
>it is a art afterall, and your as talented as a kindergartener
and the New Zealand bitch posted already 9 times here.
10/10 troll score for me. KEK
why dont you post with your geographical location?
>t. triggered brownfag
Go get fucked by another Muslim euro fag
>and your as talented as a kindergartener
What English is that?
you change your ip but forget to change your memeflag, op?
also, why dont you post with your geographical location?
None available. They all fucking you right now.
Isn't it like 'paper for toilet'? Like paper that you use when you go to toilet.
sometimes i wipe the toilet with it tho
you want us to call it asshole paper? or shit paper?
why dont you post with your geographical location?
>you change your ip but forget to change your memeflag, op?
What's with your grammar mate?
why dont you post with your geographical location?
go be a rapist somewhere else, pajeet.
op wants cars to be called road rollers
What's wrong with shitting on English people and their stupid language.
22 of truth.
English is a dying language. Same as England.
Most Americans have german ancestry, not anglo ancestry, so you should all be speaking kraut
go waterblast your ass and drink it after noodle nigger
Because the concept of wiping your ass with a piece of paper is so vile to the human sub-conscious we have to name it something else or we get uncomfortable.
How the fuck do you even get "car" from automobile?
Most Americans that haven't had their DNA tested larp as being German. They go by that one German that married in to the family a few generations ago.
They are bongs in denial.
Virgin toilet paper vs Chad anal parchment
why arent you posting your with your geographical location flag?
>replying to your own post
wow, just wow
car is an evolution of the word carriage. horses used to pull carriages along, now days engines do it