Accelerationists in other countries outside of the United States are quite clueless on how quickly the world power...

Accelerationists in other countries outside of the United States are quite clueless on how quickly the world power shifts would occur if America descended into civil war, i.e accelerationism. You talk about it being a good thing for white people however the first countries to be invaded would be the Eastern blocs and a slow creep across Western Europe. After the USD collapses China will be given the greenlight to demand debts from all African countries (they already do with military base installments) and they will then colonize these small countries, officially. Africa contains a large portion of the wealth on Earth, from diamonds to oil, metals to materials. Not to mention it's larger than most of Europe, providing a large living space for the Chinks to proliferate and mix with Negroids, giving birth to millions of boys who will become mutt soldiers for China. From here, instead of the white man retaking or creating a new empire from the old ruins of America ala AtomWaffen style, they would be systematically wiped out from multiple fronts by not only the remaining US government, but also paramilitary organizations whos sole purpose is to hunt down and destroy any white nationalist movements, chipping away at any support for the old world or possibility of a white homeland being reborn in America. The closest thing you would possibly have is Texas and plausible Mid-West city-states popping up. The Chinese will rally a hundred million men just to use them as stepping stones and cannon fodder to cross barbed wire and dig ins on American soil, making way for any actual veteran soldiers China may have. Give it a few years and China will have plenty of new veterans at their disposal across the Eastern Bloc and Africa campaigns they will wage against the world. Korea and Japan will eventually be taken over, millions dying in Seoul and Japan being bombed into oblivion and turned into an island-military operations forward.

Attached: 1580656637249.jpg (240x240, 10.84K)

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Continuing, the Eastern bloc is taken over after a couple short years and now the actual Western countries are being slowly and methodically gentrified. White people of various genetic dispositions will be given a choice by Chinese and Russian forces: work and obey or run/die. Westerners will be displaced and forced from their homelands, or be forced to work and aide the new Asiatic alliance with regiment labor corps. Interracial births will skyrocket with both rape and forced marriages, much like the Chinese do now with the Uyghurs. Continuing, a few NATO allies will switch sides and decide to join the newfounded coalition between Russia and China, and although Mexico is not a member of NATO it too will join in to reclaim "lost land". Mexicans hate America and will gladly die in droves in order to take over living space for themselves. The cartels will work in tandem with China as they already do to also be aided with billion euro/yuan care packages.

The point of this post is not to state it's impossible, but to create actual discussion of accelerationism and its potential.

>You talk about it being a good thing for white people
No, i've always found it stupid like a jew came up with it.
>go ahead just increase the mass immigration, eventually your countries will be so destabilized, and then with the few that are left you will somehow rise up and take your country back..
You can almost imagine the hand wringing.
It's either that or just a few autists that want chaos. I've not seen it peddled much except by a few nutjobs.
Mass immigration has to be stopped. There's too many people in the world and if we have no borders we will be irellevant in our countries in probably like 30-40 years if this global compact on immigration isn't challenged for instance, that talks about 200 million immigrants or something crazy like that in the matter of a few decades coming to europe. There's only fucking 711 million people in all of europe to begin with. And i don't have to tell you it's not like they are 100% of those particular ethnic groups that are in those countries. Same as USA is not 90% euro american.

Attached: world-map.png (6985x2670, 1.29M)

From my calcs that I did a while ago the total amount of white people (not shitskins) is an estimated 950 million individuals. The median birth rate is 1.7x while the median African birth rate is 4.0x, 5.0+ in some countries. Meanwhile Indias birth rate is 2.3x and China's birth rate is 1.7x, although China is only low because of artificial regulations. As soon as China ships fifty million men into Africa to breed the women the birth rate will go up.

Second, the American white percentage ratio is not actually anywhere close to 59%. The reality is America has around a 51% white percentage, possibly below 50% if there are thirty million illegals instead of the fifteen million quoted. Arabs are apart of the white demographic and although they aren't a super high statistic they do contribute to it. And finally Israel specifically wants to weaken America, and eventually toss the carcass away when it finds a new host. Israel is currently building business relations with China and cooperated with the Communist party heavily during its formation.

Yeah, mass immigration is extremely damaging and ethnically displacing european peoples of all the different kinds in their own countries. And also in euro amalgamate countries such as USA at a rapid speed.
And all the idiots can talk about without realizing how many of these other people there are in their own countries etc. Is how white people should continue to have mass immigration go on..
It's absolutely wild. It doesn't even make sense. It's like they pretend maps of the world and these statistics don't exist. Which is for example in that map i posted in my first reply to you.

They act as if they are few people and european peoples of the various kinds are a lot, they take the term 'minorities' way too literally. It just means, if a chinese go to pakistan, chinese are a minority in pakistan. That's unfair to chinese, shouldn't there be more chinese in pakistan so they aren't such a tiny oppressed minority in a nation that's not about them, and shouldn't pakistan be more about chinese people to be fair and equitable..
BUT WAIT. There's 1.4 billion chinese back in china and 200 million people in pakistan. So it's really not the case.
I have no problem with 1.4 billion chinese in china. But i have a problem if chinese or others think they need to be 50% of the population of france or something on top of that. Where the fuck are french people supposed to go?

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Saved that pic already, and yes, that's the bizarre absurdity of all of this, it's not as though the foreigners coming in don't have homelands. IMO some accelerationism can be good, i.e strategic strikes on specific targets. Whether or not Tarrant was a plant/mossad operative or a legitimate individual, the idea of such attacks is appropriate because instead of undermining your nation with more parasites and immigrants of non-white descent, you eliminate those already within your country. Politicians, advocates, and shills who promote race mixing and mass immigration are again, tactical targets that 'operatives' would strategically strike. However, the accelerationism I'm talking about is the idiocy advocated by accelerationists who propose to take away free speech, guns, privacy, etc. The reason Americans can still operate so freely is because of these rights not being eroded like Europe. Take this away with legislative accelerationism and you know nobody will do anything. Per example Virginia, which has become the closest scenario for the erosion of gun bans in history, still passed some blunt and immediate laws into effect. Nobody got shot, nobody was intimidated, and it seems to me nobody will actually do anything (outside of individuals) when push comes to a shove. I don't know, maybe i just don't get the big picture, but it feels like White Nationalists are to fragmented currently and need to gain more strength. Feel free to poke holes in my thinking.

>Saved that pic already, and yes, that's the bizarre absurdity of all of this, it's not as though the foreigners coming in don't have homelands. IMO some accelerationism can be good, i.e strategic strikes on specific targets. Whether or not Tarrant was a plant/mossad operative or a legitimate individual, the idea of such attacks is appropriate because instead of undermining your nation with more parasites and immigrants of non-white descent, you eliminate those already within your country.
I disagree completely. Tarrants attacks did more harm than good for new zealand. Look what happened. He go into that mosque and kill maybe 40 muslims. An insane thing to do. What happened? Extra mosques now being built in new zealand and more muslims coming in. So it just made it worse. So muslims in new zealand now have more sympathy and more rights and all these things and more muslim immigration than before. Because they then say, are you against muslim immigration, you must be like tarrant you bastard. Strawmanning it like that to shut people up. They make it even harder to call to stopping mass immigration. So no it doesn't work at all.
Same with that nutjob that shot up those 4 hispanics at that onion festival or whatever it was. What was result, same same, just for mexicans. Same strawman arguments made but just about that guy. More of them coming in. More sympathy. Harder to argue against it without being referred to as 'one of those'.

It's literally what those who are pro immigration wants to happen. But could not hard as they tried get anyone to do, for years they have been calling white americans extremists for being against immigration saying they would do such things. Demonizing all of you.

And then someone goes out and does it.. Cause till then it was an evil lie they fabricated to demonize.. you didn't want to do that, just wanted to stop mass immigration. It's like someone calling you literally hitler. And then you decide to prove them wrong by being literally hitler. It's idiotic. It's like when muslims say they are peaceful religion and prove it by going chopping someones head off..

They desperately needed something like tarrant, since breivik in norway was long ago now. It had become more and more palatable to argue against mass immigration. When such attacks happen it becomes less so. So unless you want some outright civil war which ofcourse white americans will be demonized for as you know. This is like the worst thing to do. You need to stop the mass immigration.

What does it matter if he go kill 10 central americans in USA. Which nobody should go out and do. if there comes like 10,000 illegal aliens across the US border every month. where they maybe apprehend 60,000 attempts or something. But some ofcourse get through..
Means absolutely nothing. he has made no difference whatsoever.

Then the only proposition forward is the idea of reinforcing white homesteads and white heavy areas with better education, larger birth rates, and subsidization. Whether through massive billion dollar corporations or individuals massing their funds together to support whites, I can't really see anything else other than trying to compete with non-white birth rates and advocating for the closing of borders to a tiny trickly, with mass deportation implemented. For every big brain non-white you take in, deport a hundred. And it's true yeah that gun laws were hurt in New Zealand but in America this would make more sense, where gun culture is ingrained in the American citizen. Other than that though if America is already at a 51% white percentage, what is the path forward, if any? I talked with a few other WN/Fascists and after indepth discussion it's revealed that only one actually cares intensely for the movement, all others gladly willing to give it up for a family and children - if it became a choice. This level of weakness and unwillingness to sacrifices sickened me and i wonder how deeply this sentiment is spread across the movement.

Slow guaranteed death vs "maybe something good will come out of shit hitting the fan fast".
Just take the fucking chance.

In what way is it guaranteed that White are destined to die without the mindset of the ideology specific "accelerationism"? Second, why is basing the entire history of White genetics on an abysmally low percentage of success acceptable to you?

There's nothing that can stop this other than stopping mass immigration. Look at the map again i posted. Here is the source for it.
Even if you have 10 kids it wouldn't matter. USA is already becoming overpopulated as it is. And if mass immigration goes on it will keep increasing in those numbers..
There are simply more of those people in the world of other people than there are of europeans. Far far more. It's not an issue that there are, it's just previously most european countries had hermetically sealed borders essentially. So it didn't matter cause it's not like they were going to run to our countries and take us over, or it would be war..

Mass immigration is warfare, it's ethnic warfare. Flooding a nation with other people so they gradually vanishes in the background. Is the second most effective way of destroying a people completely to where they won't exist with any relevance in their own country anymore.

This should not be seen as 'muh better life' and all these things. This is way beyond any such concepts of 'just a few people that also want to live in your country'. It's too many!

So if it isn't stopped then no matte what you do you will have lost your country over time. And will just sequester to a few states. Then you can have an 'ethnostate' there. When all of USA used to be your country. All USA used to be your ethnostate.

It's like telling danes, well they can just go hang out in the northern tip of skagen, and then everywhere else they are minority. So really only country then danes have is skagen. Cause denmark is not then theirs anymore.

Attached: 1583640639485.jpg (2048x2048, 669.65K)

>In what way is it guaranteed that White are destined to die
Not die, but be so low in number that you are irellevant in your own country. It would be like going to japan. Everything is about other people than you. Except when that happens in your own country it's much worse. Cause.. you can go back to USA again if you are tired of all the japanese stuff.. But say if japanese become minority in japan. I'll just go to jap.. oh wait i'm already there says the japanese..
OOPS.. OOPSIE.. that wasn't supposed to happen.

This is like an ethnic invasion. What makes mass immigration even worse is. They come in and gradually take over your country not with tanks and airplanes. But they just walk right in and say you have no right to kick them out they just want a better life or whatever.

Yes I absolutely agree with you, i.e one hundred million white people instead of close to a billion, out of ten billion total in the future. It will be effectively a genocide/erasing of white lineage. I would like to propose though that support of white people is one of the goals that everyone who is a WN/NatSoc/Ethnocentrist, should have. If somehow civil war/remedying does occur, the higher the numbers of support in white homelands give better ratios for success to expel the invaders. Mass immigration is of course the ultimate solution. That or mass genocide.

I think the correct term is ethnocide. Something that has rarely even happened in human history. Even the native americans are still kicking about in USA, eventhough they were few in numbers even when the settlers got there, there are what is it 8 million native americans in USA today.

>Mass immigration is of course the ultimate solution. That or mass genocide.
No, mass expulsion, repatriation. Mass immigration stop and repatriation. Don't tell me if they can move one way they can't move the other direction to another country. So many other places with zero demographic problems. i mean ZERO.. they are drowning in their own people with like 99% ethnic majority or something. You're telling me they can't have a few of these others living with them.

It's not a fair ethnic distribution with regards to preserving the people which country it is. That 20 different huge populated countries flow to a specific few with much lower populations.

There's not an argument you can make about this that this is fair or good to do. Except.
>fuck white people they all deserve to die.
That's not really a good argument.
So all the arguments are in favour of stopping mass immigration. Is why they don't want to have that conversation but scream racist instead. whilst ignoring every fact presented to them.

It's also funny they accuse europeans of ethnocide basically. native americans, not ethnocided. Aboriginals? not ethnocided.. Where is this ethnocide they are talking about.. Even in the nations british for example colonized like USA and Australia. The native peoples are still alive there, and actually in massive numbers compared to in the past.. That's a fucking ineffective way of doing it isn't it.

Think of how many africans there are on the american continent aswell due to the slave trade, like africans in brazil and in the USA. Status, not ethnocided. No they are infact a shitton of them. There's more niggers in USA than there are people in the entire country of canada. AND 1.2 billion mostly niggers in africa.
Yet niggers scream about they are being wiped out. Where EXACTLY is that happening? cause a criminal gets shot by police?

And then they turn around and go. Well european peoples of any kind in their nations and europe and in european hybrids such as USA and canada and australia. Well they should go extinct there, and totally dissapear in the background, and they have no problem with it..

>Nigger did you go extinct? Really, then who the fuck am i talking to?

Meanwhile niggers in africa nearly extincted the hutus back in 1994. 1 million chopped up with machettes in less than 6 months. Were barely any of them left til it was stopped. Native americans. Wiped out from the face of the earth the mounds people in USA. They gathered together (this was prior to settlers arriving in USA). And said, we don't like these fucking mound people. Let's wipe them all out. Today there's 0% of them on the planet. They no longer exist.. not even 1 family. Nothing left..

Now that's one thing that bad things like that happened in the past. But to do it today. And say it's fine. Makes you easily 1000x more evil than anyone who did that in the past. Because atleast in the past you could argue it was different more primitive time. But now?

What also makes it worse is that those who peddle immigration has a VERY NIFTY TRICK in their bag of bullshit..
It's called 'racism'. The idea that a peruvian is 100% identical to a hungarian or whatever.
This means.. let's say french people. They don't really exist as a separate group from an ugandan. or you're a racist. Cause if an ugandan comes to france, you say he's not french..

By this parlor trick they have said that no groups exist. So french people don't exist. Then they proceed to flood france with endless amounts of other larger groups, whilst french people dissapear in the background. Good thing french people never existed.. And good thing that all those africans are really french. Because otherwise you would gradually be wiping out french people from face of the earth. Because those other groups become larger and larger in france.. If there was no immigration that would not happen.

And even worse. The next parlor trick they use is then under the same umbrella. They say. French people can't prefer to be with another french person. Cause that's racism. that he or she says well i don't want to marry that african immgirant. I want to marry a french person.

So then they try to make it a thought crime to do that. So then you get more ethnic mixing, so french people are destroyed ethnically to where the ethnic french become mix of other groups. So you can't tell who they are anymore. That's ethnic destruction also. When it's done on a large enough scale, combined with the other things, french people simply dissapear. For one reason and one reason only. Mass immigration allowed. Otherwise they would be just fine..

Think of a situation where 100% of france is people from the african continent. And then you call them ethnic french. Where are the french people? ah they just changed color a little bit. REALLY.. is that what happened..

Same thing is done this ethnic relativism with europeans. They say a polish person is same as a dane for example. So if denmark is hypothetically 100% polish. Ah it's 100% danish. Really. Is that what happened?
>well they live in denmark don't they. so they are danish.
And here's what i say to those assholes. I'm sure a hopi indian in USA will be glad to hear that if you replace them all with ethnic chinese. Then native americans are still going strong. And that they don't exist, because they're just like a chinaman you see. Don't be a racist..

You have to laugh at how stupid that all is.

Who gives a fuck.

Trump is just a zionist puppet

I have no rebuttal because you're 100% objective in your posts and clearly are focused on the bigger picture. Instead my questions are now why do people latch onto accelerationism when it's objectives align with powergroups that already exist, mainly Jewish coalitions whose intents are to create white minorities in Western countries?

Attached: image.png (860x652, 159.77K)

What is your opinion of gypsies?

>I have no rebuttal because you're 100% objective in your posts and clearly are focused on the bigger picture. Instead my questions are now why do people latch onto accelerationism when it's objectives align with powergroups that already exist, mainly Jewish coalitions whose intents are to create white minorities in Western countries?
Well i think those who peddle are exactly who you describe as having such objectives. And then naive individuals pick up on them, which is exactly what they want them to do.. Thinking somehow it's a good idea, never realizing that it's not. I've always distanced myself from this. And i constantly ask the accelerationists the few but very vocal there are, if they don't realize they are doing exactly what people who want to undermine them want them to do.
It doesn't make any sense when you start looking at it. It's counterproductive to what these people are atleast saying they hope to achieve. Therefore i think there is foul play behind those few vocal groups who promote such things.
>I have no rebuttal because you're 100% objective in your posts and clearly are focused on the bigger picture.
Only way. I don't talk about these things cause i have some kind of hidden agenda or whatever. I'll even explain it more clearly what i believe in.
Ethnic preservation for every single group on the planet in their own countries.
I would like ugandans to be preserved in uganda as much as i would like danes to be preserved in denmark. I see it as just as wrong if it happened to them. As the other way around.
And mass immigration leads to ethnic warfare inside nations. If we can't have peace inside our own nations. Cause due to mass immigration it causes ethnic groups to fight for their very existence in their own countries. If we can't have peace inside our own countries. How can we ever have peace internationally?

There should be a place for everybody, not this kind of subversive demographical warfare.

not a very good one.

To be a devils advocate, surely the most common denominator to peace would be the same relative physical look and mentality, right? So then does it truly matter whether or not whiteness/non-whiteness is preserved and instead everyone mixes into one color and one identity to procure peace on earth through genetic unity? I am of course not for this but do you believe your genetic loyalty (as mine too) is founded in logical conclusion or subjective bias? I know the answer already but isn't nature going to always push and pull, reform and reshape? The ideal goal is to ultimately go offworld onto new planets, and seed new civilization that is entirely pure genetically, in my opinion. This way humanity can branch off from one another and start colonizing the galaxy in different directions. Coexistence may ultimately be nothing but a pacifying effect, lagging and slowing the brutal reality of power versus the powerless.

I'm even for creating countries for people such as the kurds. And other such groups. That clearly don't feel they belong where they are. If they had their own country, i think they could get along better with the turks for instance.

Rather than mashing people together with people who don't get along together. And trying to demographically one up eachother just so they can have their particular way in that country instead of others having it their way.. It doesn't work. Reasonable and voluntary division is better than this false unity. Because it destroys ethnic groups by doing so.

This kind of zero sum game where some now believe they need to go to european countries and take them over by immigration. And you can't stop the demographic changes because somehow it's against the fucking rules? What rules.. like some stupid zero sum game where certain groups think they need to take over other groups and become the largest global group or something like that. It's nonsense.

Nation states are massively necessary to stop these kinds of conflicts. There hasn't been more chaos in the world and in various nations than now where mass immigration is happened. It's like all kinds of mini nations inside various nations.. Fighting for their particular group to decide something or have it their way. It's nonsense. And it destroys trust in eachother. They don't want certain ethnic groups as leaders, cause if they get it they will let more like them into their country etc. It's crap..

I especially loathe when they excuse mass immigration with finances. As if money is more important than various people around the world existing in the future.. As if money is more important than your own people.. Go fucking go on vacation to some foreign country. And see how you would like to live there for the rest of your life. Nah, you'd want to go home. What if you have no home to fucking go back to.. what then. Tourist in your own country.

Everybody would really prefer i think. A place where that nation is about them. Even if it's a tiny nation. That nation is about them and not everybody fucking else on the planet.

>To be a devils advocate, surely the most common denominator to peace would be the same relative physical look and mentality, right? So then does it truly matter whether or not whiteness/non-whiteness is preserved and instead everyone mixes into one color and one identity to procure peace on earth through genetic unity?
That's very cute but completely wrong from a genetic and biological perspective. Infact if you mixed everyone up now in an even ratio, which is not even combinatorically possible due to different group sizes. You would infact not get genetic unity. But instead totally rootless people that each of them have NO PEOPLE AT ALL like them, and all so different from eachother that they would have NOTHING in common with eachother, than all of them not having any people at all.

Also whiteness and non whiteness are idiotic labels made in the USA. Since for the first time it was a pan west european country primarily british. (english scottish irish). And a few other groups such as germans and french and such. That was what 'white' meant. Simply out of pragmatism of not calling them british americans or german americans. But simply americans..

skintone hair and eye color does not mean common ancestor / same group. Russians and ukranians have blonde hair and blue eyes a lot. They are NOT, i repeat NOT the same group as british and french for example. It comes from solar irradiation distribution. All you need to understand pic related is this.
>uvb at epicenter, uva to lighter and lighter uva as you get closer to the poles.
This explains every single skin and hair color on the planet.

Attached: human_skintone_distribution.png (1500x586, 236.08K)

>the first countries to be invaded would be the Eastern blocs

Invaded by what? Without america multiculturalism dies in Europe and we go back to what we really like to do which is killing commies, jews and shitskins.

Attached: estonia - US foreign department desinfo attack.png (650x925, 626.92K)

Yes true in the beginning the entirety of humanity would descend into chaos and confusion, but certainly whether one group overtakes everything, or continuous mixing occurs to create a panning super majority, millenia of mixing would create a single entity eventually. I am only using 'whiteness' to save time. Semantically it's known as an indicator for Caucasians and as such I use it for labeling only.

Look at North Africa and Russian borders. Both China and Russia would implement direct routes to the East bloc.

It naturally manifests in those areas as you get further away from uvb epicenter. Is where you get all the hues. To the very light skin and blue/grey eyes at the most low uva latitude. Each is perfect adaptation for that area.
So you have to realize how many different groups there actually are. It's same mistake people make by saying all africans are the same. They're not. And they know who each group is. Same as 'orientals all look similar' they know exactly who they are.
So you need to understand how many different ones that actually need to be preserved, and if you relativize them you actually ethnically destroy them.

Same as 'people of color' It makes no sense it's like many many different groups with very little in common than similar solar adaptation. From an ethnic preservationist perspective, aka biodiversity standpoint. It's going to total shit due to mass immigration.

People of similar latitudinal solar adaptation are way different in so many ways. Similarity is not simply skin color and eye color and hair color. Sometimes that does not mean they are similar at all. They could be very differently wired, totally different breeds with different traits natural mentality and temperament and inclinations etc. Which leads to different groups of people creating different cultures. Because culture is massively genetic, and not simply a standalone separate thing. You can adopt another peoples culture, but at the same time, you can't adopt the finer nuances well enough that comes naturally for certain groups. You can only try to mimic them.

Attached: icebergculture.gif (792x576, 57.32K)

This is why multethnic societies are a failure, it fails more and more the more different groups you have. Cause they all pull in different directions. And to have such a scenario you need a base majority group to keep the others in line from pulling the entire society apart. Hence the dominant culture of a nation must be enforced by a dominant majority. Otherwise you have 10 different nations and nobody can agree on anything if you had a nation say made of 10% of 10 different ethnicities. They can't all have their particular way without splitting the nation up.

Nation is the people it comprises of. It's not just a geographical place where anyone goes and automatically turns into exactly like the people that are there. Hence the old blood and soil principle which is a natural principle.

>Yes true in the beginning the entirety of humanity would descend into chaos and confusion, but certainly whether one group overtakes everything, or continuous mixing occurs to create a panning super majority, millenia of mixing would create a single entity eventually.
No it wouldn't. Not at all. because all hybrids are intersects between two different ones. The more you mix them infact the more different they would become. They would not create a single uniform ethnic group whatsoever. It's such a dumb proposition. And also it wipes out every stable ethnic groups in the planet by doing so. And if you even wanted to do that fairly. You would have to start off with every single ethnic groups being of same size and then combinatorically mix them. It's not even possibly to combinatorically mix them evenly. It's not possible to do what you propose. These ideas are made by idiots who refuse to accept that people are different. They hate the biodiversity they preach. As if it is bad that an african is not identical to a korean. WHY?

These are both very good posts, quite informative. It's appreciated, friend.

Perhaps not in the technical sense of being the same, but surely in the sense of a singular nation identity in genetic similarity. Even if eventual skin color and hair color may change, it would still create a relative similarity if one world government and identity conjoined to pursue a united earth. A united earth with a diverse coalition of genetic identities and cultures is in my opinion, impossible. It's why the final solution is to inhabit and colonize other planets.
This video might be interesting for you.
Why should africans or anyone else be told, that they shouldn't be who they are but mix with another group of people. Because somehow it's wrong or bad that they are different group than other people?

In nature there's many different subspecies of the same species. They look somewhat similar, but are massively different.
What makes you think that's not the case in humanity. And why should that be destroyed?

It's like saying nobody can ever get along internationally inspite of having their own nations separate from others. They can't get along because they're different. So mix them all together, making them even more different. So that will then be the only thing they have in common is that nobody has any group whatsoever.. That's what you are going to get if you mix up everyone. Totally unpredictable results. I mean cross hybridization does not mean it leads to good results either. It can result in very bizarre and conflicted specimens.

Good sets of posts lads. Bumping so others might see.

Learn to use paragraphs. You write at a middle school level and should be embarassed.

>attacks the format and not the ideas
Okay, leafoid.

>Perhaps not in the technical sense of being the same, but surely in the sense of a singular nation identity in genetic similarity.
If you want genetic similarity. It already exists, the existing groups already have that.. You want to destroy all these groups mix them unpredictably together to think that this magically leads to them all being the same. No, each of them will be more and more a cross of not just the original groups that are now. But of the subgroups that start to manifest in the process.. It's like turning them into a combination of you 200 different groups or something.. It's like tearing them in thousand different pieces.. And somehow you think this will result in them all being the same? hahaha. It does not work like that..

See this mindset comes from thinking the only difference between ethnicities is skin eye and hair color. IT'S NOT.. So it's just like you mix some colors together. skin hair and eye color is not the only thing you are mixing when you do that!!!

What are we even talking about.
>let's destroy every ethnic group on the planet and somehow this will make everyone the same.
No, biology doesn't work like that. Man is way different as it is. This will just make it so again as i said.. nobody has anything in common other than each becoming basically a nation of 1 in a nation of billions of people. So you'd have like a billion nations.. since each person would be so unique it has no commonality and no distinct group at all..

Do you think they would be more in unity than the let's low ball it 50+ different groups on the planet we have now. NO, they'd have an even harder time..

it's the concept of ethnic groups you seem to hate.The main problem is that right now, many groups don't feel they have their own territory. Cause it's controlled by another group they are way too different from. So they fight them for control of same country. That's what the fucking problem is.. not enough ethnic separation into sovereign states.

I find accelerationism to be somewhat lacking. Obviously maintaining the status quo and voting for lesser evils in order to slow down the decline will never fix things - one cannot win a victory unless they go on the offensive - but neither is a blind rush to "make things worse so they can get better" a particularly good plan. Strategy is about maximizing our strengths while minimizing our weaknesses and doing the opposite to the enemy. With that in mind, how about instead of "lets make things worse to increase the pressure on whites" we try to encourage the left to take actions that create that social backlash while providing little in the way of tangible power gains. Increasing the rate of demographic change weakens us, strengthens them, and produces little outrage. On the contrary, things like drag queen story hour create lots of outrage/social pressure while doing little to give the left a strategic advantage. We need to create as much social outrage as possible while not trading away our strength. Something such as gun control is a fine line as it is the ultimate outrage item but also is the greatest strength of the right - to gamble that away as anything but the final effort is reckless.

I think you're confused, I'm merely playing devils advocate. If ten thousand years from now we peer into the genetic dispositions across the globe from top to bottom, it is a likely conclusion that all peoples will be quite different from what they are now. Per instance, the Han Chinese are apparently mutts. The Finns are apparently part asiatic, and the Mexicans are spaniards mixed with the natives. How could it be so implausible to think that thousands and thousands of years could create a more singular group of people, even if the group is technically not the same, they would still look enough the same that such similarities would be all that mattered?

Let me ask you in a different way. What do you think a guy that is mix of ugandan, somali, south african, chinese, korean, peruvian, mexican, columbian, russian, slovenian, pakistani, iranian, lebanese, greek person.
Would have in common with a guy mixed with, nigerian, swedish, scottish, french, indian, vietnamese, syrian, spaniard would have in common ethnically or mindset wise?

One thing. They'd be extremely fucking confused, and not belong anywhere. The first person they meet is completely as different from them as they are from the person they meet.

I mean people speak in vile terms about 'mutting' when they talk about shit like this. But this type of thing would obviously be ridiculously unsimilar in every single fucking way. Similarity is in that way a positive thing. You can talk to someone of your ethnic group and they think very similar to you, than someone else might not whatsoever.. You wouldn't get that with this situation.. not get that at all.

But that's what you are going to get with that proposition.. That destroys any kind of commonality. Imagine being able to find no person on the planet that you are even remotely identical to. Sounds fucking horrible to me.

Well what is the root of the current identities then? Is it evolution or a divine decision that crafted these genetic profiles? If every country is a genetic disposition of its own then certainly new identities can be crafted and honed into a more singular vision. Unless of course you are implying it is divine intervention not through the means of evolutionary process.

Those small hybridizations are tiny in comparison to what you are talking about. And have manifested into them being their own group through them staying in same territory with eachother. Finnish might be part mongoloid, but at same time, they are so far away from those types, that it wouldn't make sense to call them that. Time has drawn massive lines of distinctions like that.

What you are proposing is mixing everyone together every single group constantly like almost combinatorically 1:1, which you would first off need to start with groups being of similar size every group on planet has to be similar size before you even start. And even then the more different ones they are mixed with the less commonality they would have with any group. They would end up having no group whatsoever, nobody would have any group. So what you are describing is nonsense. It's forceful cross hybridization and disallowing ethnic groups to exist. Aka, they have to be with someone not like them. By force. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to do it. And all you would get is they would have nothing in common whatsoever.

>they would still look enough the same that such similarities would be all that mattered
Oh no they wouldn't! hahahahaha. No i can assure you they would not look the same at all. That'd be some fucking show to watch how those people were going to look..
You are not simply mixing hair skin and eye colors when you hybridize various human groups. You're mixing all kinds of other biological things aswell. Lots of other physical traits aswell and many other things. But just physical traits. I mean different groups have different skulls and all these other things aswell. They are going to look super funky! The more different groups they are a hybrid of.

>Well what is the root of the current identities then? Is it evolution or a divine decision that crafted these genetic profiles?
Does it matter? A lot of time obviously and living in different territories creating vastly different breeds with massively different characteristics, intelligence, stamina, empathy and many many other things. Fucking our stomach bacterias are not even the same, they are massively different. There's so many differences between mankind. That if we couldn't cross breed, indicating we are subspecies with common ancestor, that is almost irellevant since the differences since that time has become so vast. That if we couldn't interbreed, some might falsely think we are not even the same species. But we are.
We do share many very similar characteristics.

But back to your question.
>Is it evolution or a divine decision that crafted these genetic profiles?
Does it matter. Let's say if god made all man like that. And you'd have to say he did, otherwise he would have made a mistake right? So he made these groups how they are. What then makes you think they should be destroyed by mixing them all together on purpose..
If he wanted us all to be the same, he would've made fucking clones wouldn't he? He'd just make 1 species. No fucking difference WHATSOEVER.. Then you'd really have unity, it's like you'd know exactly what the other was thinking. Cause you'd be thinking the same thing. This btw. happens inside various groups. And why they prefer to be with their own.

But the opposite would very likely occur if you mix everyone up on purpose.

Depends on how far the creationist idea went. If God merely seeded the universe to conceptualize humanity as an end result without specific parameters as to what evolves and how, then surely genetic modification and artificial grouping should be allowed? Unsure if the biblical equivalent applies here, but either way if it can happen through the passage of time then surely a singular similarity can evolve, forging a unified people (likely caste systems involved but still).

But it'd be stupid to have a world of clones. It's good to have biodiversity and a variety of thinking and different approaches. But they ofcourse each group should be preserved. Otherwise it defeats the purpose. You might aswell just fucking go make all of humanity some genetically engineered clone that is 100% identical then you'd really have unity.. hello other person who's 100% like me, hello other person who's 100% like me, then the only difference would be what it is they were doing.
Everything on the planet every living thing has many subspecies. So if god made it he didn't just go bird.
>you're a bird go do bird stuff..
NO he made TONNES OF DIFFERENT BIRDS, TONNES OF THEM, massive different behaviour doing different things.. but they're all birds though.

So it's great to have a variety of bio diversity, god or evolution/bioadaptation or a combination or whatever, take your pick. Both wanted it that way. Otherwise it wouldn't be like that. Right?

But you then have to preserve the biodiversity. Now tell me, what biodiversity is there of having the various african groups in africa. 1.2 billion there. And then you have some somalis from somalia to sweden. And say. Ah it's diversity, cause now there's somalis in sweden. How is it diversity to have more of the same, in another place. You're reducing biodiversity, because more somalis in sweden, means less swedes in sweden. So saying that really doesn't make any fucking sense at all. But that's because they are not aware of the distribution of these groups on the planet.

Well what you seem to really want is a world of clones that all are exactly the same, think exactly same way behave in the same way. Because you keep talking about unity, about how they are all united.
Wouldn't it be a bit better if each groups that exist are preserved and then they make a federation together. They each like their own group, they each respect that the other groups should be there and that they prefer a thing in their area to be in a certain way. But they can agree maybe they can together go to space or whatever it was you were getting at..
You don't have to destroy the fucking groups to do that. You just have to segregate them so they are not in eachothers nations fighting eachother. If everybody has a place on earth where they get it the way their people want it, and they are preserved. And ressources distributed evenly among them according to their territory. I don't see what the fuck they have to argue over?
>i'm so angry you let me and my people have my own thing, i fucking hate you.
>yeah i hate you too for you letting my people be preserved and i have my own thing..
>what are we arguing about?
>i forgot.. Let's be frens.
>so what we do now frens?

I agree, there is no preservation in the act of immigration into the West. The point of all of this "what ifs" is to see if there is justification in ridding the struggle of hatred and violence against one another through eliminating the main collectives that foster the destruction in the first place, physical differences. Over enough time certain genetic lineages would disappear, new ones would conform, and eventually there would be a more similar ancestry of people, which we will call Muttanoid for example purposes. If Muttanoids are largely asian, negroid, and for example, germanic, then certainly all the other traces of genetic identity have been eroded enough for these three groups to be the main current identity? Darker skin and different hairs potential based on longitude and latitude? Yes, but given millennia upon millennia I don't believe this would necessarily create more division? In fact I believe there would be less of it.

Well right now we have all different groups, many working together, like you said the anglos, french, germanics, nordics, etc. Yet we can blatantly see in history the alliances and dissolvement of said alliances, wars with brothers against brothers, so on and so forth. How can there truly be any longlasting peace if everyone is so unique and foreign to one another? Second, why easily give up the crushing of an entire people when you can genocide them so that they become part of history, instead of the future? Good will was given to the african americans largely and yet many hold serious hatred towards white people. The British gave way to India and its forging of civilization yet India revolted and demanded independence. There is still major hostility within many sectors of the country against the anglos.

>The point of all of this "what ifs" is to see if there is justification in ridding the struggle of hatred and violence against one another
The reason people fight like that is. That if you have 10 different groups in the same territory. They can't all have it the specific way that their group and inclinations etc. represents. Maybe african americans want america to be more like africa. Maybe euro americans want america to be more like, well how america used to be. Maybe chinese in USA prefer a more oriental lifestyle. You know, it's hard to kind of all get to have the way they prefer in the same nation, without stepping over the other peoples toes.

It's the refusal to have meaningful segregation aka setup nations in a way that that nation is for a particular people, not just everybody else. That's the main problem. That's what causes this ethnic strife and tension.
And mass immigration ofcourse just makes that 100x worse where it already is a problem. Say in america. It has historically been a problem that africans and euro americans, they don't want the same things for their societies.. I think one of the past US presidents long ago said something like that nature had drawn indelible lines of distinctions between mankind, and due to that, whilst it was most certain that blacks should be free, it was also certain that they should not live in the same nation together.
All this was ofcourse subsequently ignored.
And it gets worse when you introduce ethnic mixing, that's an existential threat to that other group, because those mixed becomes outgroup to it.. it loses its ethnic identity which is biologically oriented. And the hybrid feels torn between two worlds, and can't seem to be part of neither one of them, in this process, creating even more problems and ethnic bigotry.
African americans for example should have had their own country in africa long ago, that was only theirs. It just never fucking happened..

Well you can take quite a few nations ethnic identities and come to the conclusion based on their histories that they are rape babies and intermixing was common. Mexicans for one, Egyptians another. Indians and Chinese as well. Are you saying that only one subset of genetic identity is valid here, or are the various factions of Chinese all legitimate? How does one defer genocide against specific Chinese subsets if one of them is overtaking the other in birth rates and copulation/resources? Is this wrong as well or just a fact of life? Do we now have to make actual nations for all the subsets of every genetic lineage type in every nation? Finland 1, Finland 2, Finland 3?

The main problem is lack of willingness to meaningfully segregate into different nation states. So they truly can have their own thing. Because wanting your own thing, in somebody elses country. Well that other group is going to have a problem with that for obvious reasons. They will obviously also have a problem seeing another group or a combination of other groups starting to become close to becoming more than them in their country. Because then they lose the control of deciding the will and fate of their own people in their own country.
And doing it this way we are doing right now, messes the preservation of each. Which is a constant source of antagonism.
>can you fuck off i think there are too many of you now.. and you all want this thing that i don't like you doing here..

It's like different monkeys running over to another group of monkeys, like different types with different characteristics, but they're all monkeys. And the other monkey if it could speak would be like.
>hey what are you doing here, get back over to your own monkeys you have your thing where you do this, and we have a different thing we do here.
And then the other monkey would say nah i'm staying here, and btw. i think i should decide more what the fuck it is you doing? and btw. where your fine monkey women at? We'll make some fine half this monkey and half that monkey together.
>no you destroying our group, get over back to your own monkeys and do your thing.
>nah you're just a racist, we're totally the same..
If that monkey would instead fuck off.. and go to his monkeys more like him. Then they could get along. They could go on vacation over to the other monkeys and be like. Sup.. oh so that's how you do it there, that's cool, i guess.. but i respect that.
>goes back home
Ah i'm so glad i'm home with my fellow monkeys, those monkeys are weird as fuck, but i respect them. I like how we do things.. they don't like what i like, it's strange monkeys..

>Well you can take quite a few nations ethnic identities and come to the conclusion based on their histories that they are rape babies and intermixing was common.
not as common like on purpose. More like result of being in same territory. due to wars or conflicts. And then eventually same as with mass immigration which produces the same thing. Eventually someone due to proximity are going to find some handsome specimen from another group and be with that. But mostly people preferred their own group due to they have more in common.
Yes there's ofcourse spillover, due to wars and conflicts. Mostly over ressources and such things. But there has always been an attempt to preserve their own group in their own territory. Cause you need to have people that you can get along with. The foundation of nation states in the first place. Before you had nation states you had tribe. And that was basically the nation, except it didn't have same borders, that nation was simply wherever those people were, they were combined, those nation and people were one.

But the idea that everyone just fucking eachother on purpose because they preferred another group than their own, is nonsense. These groups that exist right now in the world, albeit as you say some are a bit of a combination. But even those combinations, are a combination of old groups that took a long time to form. They clustered together and became a distinct ethnic group that is very similar to one another. You could never have that occur if everyone just preferred someone as different from them as possible. So it was natural that they preferred those similar to them. And still is natural even inspite of race mixing i'd say propaganda.. constantly. The general preference tends to be a selection of people who think behave and look much like them. Inasmuch as it isn't, it's not a problem to have intermixing. It's just the scale should not be existential for that group or promoted as a better alternative.

Well whether through artificial subversion and implementation or natural selection, or both, surely you could take the germans and the french and carefully propagandize/mix these two groups to create a stronger, more specific subset. From there, you take another stronger subset you've devised, such as finnish and dutch, and then combine the german/french with the finnish and dutch together. Repeat the process again all over the globe until only a few subsets remain in their categories by geographical location. This surely is achievable, hypothetically? Then surely you can forge a unified people under one genetic banner, albeit similarly (not technically), and find less division and violence.

You're wrong about Chinese and Russians being such close allies to the point of being an unified force. If you think Russia would be willing to give a single slice of their old empire to China, you're dead fucking wrong. And the Chinese do want things, such as Siberia and it's oil, at any cost.

Collapse of USA could very well spell an outbreak of war between Russia & China due to economic collapse that would ensue after such a huge happening.
Dugin fantasizes of there being some sort of "Eurasian" power, but there really isn't any, such an arrangement means giving away power to China and Dugin won't be there in the top Russian brass to cuck out to China.

Attached: d87ubcn-ca5dfaba-fbb3-4160-8982-c48e007195f2.jpg (1029x578, 89.42K)

A lot of this desire to mix everyone up i think, stems from people who are already mixed, which illustrates the problem perfectly. They feel out of place. So they want a commonality with someone. Many of them are torn between two groups or perhaps even more. So they want a group they can fit in with. Which would be mixed people right? So they want everyone to be mixed.. That illustrates the problem. Why do they want everyone to mix up. Because THEY feel out of place. It's not that those of the other groups feel out of place. It's that mixed people feel out of place..
Idk what to do about that. But if you aren't mixed between many then what you are most of is ofcourse what the specimen predominately is. But i see the problem for very mixed people that they don't feel they have a group. They are kind of in the middle! But it's not reasonable to say destroy every single group so then everyone is one group, the mixed group and so now everyone is the same, totally mixed beyond any recognition. So then they all have that in common.

Bit of a lunatic idea. Instead should respect mixed people more. It's really those caught in the middle that want this hypermixing.. like they are not satisfied with being only 60% of that group.. let's say someone is 70% swedish 20% african or whatever, they don't feel they belong as a swede, so they go the total opposite direction. Go mix with some arab, now they are even more torn, go in the opposite direction again. So ofcourse you need some pragmatism of determining which group you belong to. Which is why nation states are so nifty, so eventhough you are slightly mixed, if you have been in that country your ancestors for hundreds of years. You are of that group/nation enough..

Now when you due to mass immigration start to completely mess with nation states ethnic composition. Then you've fucking RUINED THAT ASWELL.. i mean i can't understate just how bad mass immigration is in terms of increasing ethnic strife. For more purebreds of each group, but especially for mixed people who are now even more caught in the middle. That is when the nefariousness starts. Now everyone have to mix up to 'fix this' which ofcourse makes ethnic tensions even worse.

Look at Russian/Asian travel lines. Also I'm not saying China will take everything on the east bloc, they're mainly after Africa right now. But when the dividing up of western countries comes into play, surely Russia would be okay with splitting as long as they got pie too?

Yes I have empathy for mixed individuals primarily because it was never their choice to be so. However would you not agree that the division and suffering could in the long run be avoided if all outgroups were eliminated? If only one group controlled the entire world eventually yes, subsets would occur. However during this time of unity would not there be peace and huge, humanitarian goals of science and society be achieved? What is the purpose of keeping a plethora of nation states when you can just fill the entire world of one peoples, artificially or naturally? Lets pretend we can genetically modify all future children to be 150IQ. Now what? Would it not be in the 150IQ races interest to become the predominate identity on earth? How can we argue that we deserve to be here with the 150IQs when our subsets are an average of 105s and 110s?

>Russia & Putin giving away their long lost dream of an empire stretching from Gibralatar to Vladivostok
The Russian doesn't "give" things. Think of them as a more maniacal version of USA, did USA give things to Mexico? Fuck no. They took Texas and all lands they deem belonging to them.

Sorry 70% swedish 30% african, but you get my point.
>Well whether through artificial subversion and implementation or natural selection, or both, surely you could take the germans and the french and carefully propagandize/mix these two groups to create a stronger, more specific subset.
Yeah but it would destroy their groups characteristics, you're creating an entirely new group or strain by doing so. if you propagandize they all mix up. You're saying each group is bad for existing independent of the other. It's one thing if some of them go mix it's not that big of a problem as if you say everyone of them have to go mix. Cause then their groups are gone. If you only have a few that are mixed relative to the totality of say french. Those who are mixed can still have commonality with french cause they are mixed with french and something else. Like french german or whatever in your example. If you mix them with too many, they lose connection with the groups.. Don't feel they quite belong in either of them. That's a problem when they live in a country with more purebred french if you will. They'll be like, you do this in this way, i am with you that % of the way, but there's like something dragging me in the other direction. This creates obvious issues, if you have way too many of those. like if say that was 40% of french were like that. Would they understand the french mentality? Probably not..

Also you talk about creating some superior group of specimens through propagandized hybridization. Look people are not toys. The world is not your private laboratory.. And what is created from that can't just be undone by pressing undo button!
Have to respect the various ethnic groups on the planet, not play around with them and pretend their right to exist and preserve themselves is just some arbitrary thing.

You don't seem to respect that the various groups exist or even care that they exist as they do.

Mexico is not China. They can always duke it out later down the road, and since China is willing to make one hundred year plans and let the pot stew, one dictator after the next, surely China would be willing to compromise on what some thing would be theres to take and give? Nobody is saying that Russia and China would not eventually harbor enough aggression towards one another to fight amongst themselves. But when a superpower is falling what do the smaller powers do? They ally themselves and tear at the bigger. The Americans compromised with the Communists and allowed them to push into Berlin first, instead of the Americans who could have adequately beaten them there.

In what way are people not just datasets and collectives of beings? Again, merely creating devils advocate theory, but surely if you cannot press a button you may pull a trigger? Just like that someone is gone. Like you said, genocide can occur within six months! Why couldn't breeding be considered a toolset rather than a sacred act? If all those in control are purely materialists and not spiritually accepting then surely they can compartmentalize the notion that humans are just a type of animal, and that you are allowed to have domain over anyone who is willing?

>Lets pretend we can genetically modify all future children to be 150IQ. Now what? Would it not be in the 150IQ races interest to become the predominate identity on earth? How can we argue that we deserve to be here with the 150IQs when our subsets are an average of 105s and 110s?
What makes you think that the intelligence or competence of a group should determine if they should exist or not?
Do aboriginals not deserve to exist because they are not very intelligent? ofcourse they do.
Maybe we should declare that some animals are stupid and wipe them out cause they look stupid or something.

It's a very weird mindset you have about this. And i can't say i like it very much.

Nobody not any group on the planet should jump through any hoops to justify why they should exist as a group. Nor should they be wiped out for being stupid. Nor has that even occurred either.

They should simply live in a society that fits with how they are as a people. Intelligence isn't everything. Maybe they can have a society that is more low tech, but they are happy doing their thing their way. Then another group might handle scientific innovation cause they're good at that, and share that with that group as those things develope.

Coexistence.. Respect for living things, and a preservation of all ethnic groups. You just need to understand that not all groups are geared for living in for example a european society with all the skyhigh requirements of competence and discipline and a particular behaviour. That some are just like.. man i don't want to live like that. I want to fucking run around buttnaked in africa. THAT'S OK.. that's what you should be doing.. you got food to eat, you got all these things.. you'll get what you need.. setup farming and stuff like this.. basic things you must be taught so you can provide for yourself. But then be your nation and people and do your thing..

This universalism insisting that different ethnic groups should behave in the similar way, ignoring that they are different and aren't wired for that don't want that. By cramming them into the same nation as people who want things in a way that they just absolutely despise. That's just a TERRIBLE way of doing it.

Rather meaningful segregation of the groups. Guaranteed preservation of each, so nobody is fighting to fuck eachother over cause they're scared of their group being destroyed or whatever. is much better.

Needs to ofcourse not overpopulate their territory all should be balanced so they have enough for each person. But then they can run around buttnaked in africa for example if they want to. What problem should that be? As long as they have what they need and can provide somewhat for themselves. Why do they need to be super high tech and all these things if they don't want to. Maybe they just don't like it.. Have other groups be like that if some don't.

Congratulations. Not only did you explain why eugenics is a flawed concept, but you also explained why the alt-right misunderstands why it wants eugenics in the first place because of anecdotal "tyrone wants to run buttnaked in africa so his entire race does"

Mate, I know these things. Chinese and Russian partnerships are an absolute joke to this date and give a huge advantage to China.
This is only because Russia needs some form of ally in the case of USA deciding to invade with their NATO allies. If USA is gone, you can kiss that alliance between the two powers goodbye.

And modern Chinese are truly not a people of patience, did you know that there is a huge immigration of Chinese to Siberia? Most people don't talk about this, hell even demographers don't dare to disclose their exact numbers nowadays. China wants to take Siberia and a Russia without Siberian resources is nothing.

>Some Russians perceive hostile intent in the Chinese practise of using different names for local cities, such as Hǎishēnwǎi for Vladivostok, and a widespread folk belief states that the Chinese migrants remember the exact locations of their ancestors' ginseng patches, and seek to reclaim them.
This is from a fucking wikipedia and they just outright rename cities as they see fit and think their ancestors lived there.

I repeat, if you think Russia and China are allies and that Russia will give in at critical moments, then you're wrong