How do we solve the youth binge drinking crisis?

How do we solve the youth binge drinking crisis?

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Rise your kids. Let other peoples' kids be failures. More success for yours.

with Yas Forums so obsessed with feet, pits, farts... why hasn't vomit become the new meme fetish?

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Stop being such an oldfag

Jesus fucking christ

that's so gross. why did you show me this video.

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I didn't drink or party at all in highschool and just worked a job for 6 years and saved up, I'm 21 now and have my own business while these hoes are getting in debit and std's life is good

i preferred it when people spammed gore

Add antifreeze to all alcohol.

imagine wasting ur life thinking about fixing others and their life decisions.


literally like same as being a cuck.

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Is it me, or are young women drinking like 10 times more than the men their age? That's not happened before

>big yikes

You have to go back


That's hot, came twice. Any more?

The easiest solution is to promote weed as an alternative. The real solution is to promote the gospels

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nah they're just catching up

why the fuck is this bitch jus laying ther letting that drunk ho puke on her?! wtf jhesus i didnt need this level of disgust and confusion in my life fuck you OP

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>Is it me, or are young women drinking like 10 times more than the men their age? That's not happened before
gen z men hate the typical millennial men and view them as weak, while gen z women are following the millennial women

My boomer parents are alcoholics.
My siblings and I don't drink at all.

i puked in my mouth fuck you

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yes, going back to my gains

I think there was a "sick girl" fetish around 2009 or so. Could have been just one user posting it though.


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That wasn't the ending I was hoping for.

>gen z men hate the typical millennial men and view them as weak, while gen z women are following the millennial women

imagine actually thinking this is true LOL
fucking zoomers I swear to god... You all just need to be beaten multiple times a day

How bad does it suck that only the chaddest of young chads have access to women that hot when they're young. I mean those girls will still be hot in their 20's, but not as much. Life sucks bros.

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Can't do that on nu4chan.

The fire rises, brother.

Imagine the smell.

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This. Dodge the party life, married a virgin, had 3 kids. Meanwhile those drunk hoes are now in their late thirties and selling fucking Amway.

>big yikes

found the redditor

how am I wrong manlet?

>gen z men hate the typical millennial men
arent you all just faggots?

In my experience extreme ups and downs are worse than a more stable life. Those bitches have the time of their life in their 20's but when their life ends it really ends.


This. Based Chad
Don't forget cunnys

Girl getting puked on seems pretty chill about the situation. She'd be down for anything!

poison all alcoholic beverages to filter out the younger generations

I'd say the zoomers born from 97-00 are more stable than the ones born after

stay away from them

Stop giving a shit what other people are doing??

how about not sending kids in school all day where they get the shit bored out of their life with mainly useless information?
someone who actually experiences nice things doesn't need alcohol and clubs to experiencing something exciting.

thats hot

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Jeez what did she drink/eat, that’s horrifying


Corona-chan forcing governments to enact mandatory curfews and martial law. It's our only hope.


Black vodka

haha middle aged faggot talking about beating the asses of a generation reaching 21 years old at thiss point. keep talking bitch.

Lower the alcohol content of regular beer to 2% or lower.

In ye olden times everyone drank beer. Children drank beer. Old people drank beer. You drank beer for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In places like Finland the practice of making very low alcohol beer at home (Koti Kalja) is still practiced.

Alcohol isn't the problem. It's the amount of alcohol that's the problem. You can make a delicious beer that's only 1% or 2% alcohol and it can still chill you out and mellow the mood. You don't need 5% beer, let alone 40% hard alcohol.

I brew my own 48 hour rye beer. I use mostly rye malt, no hops. I use bakers yeast because that translates to extra carbonation + lower alcohol. I ferment the beer for 24 hours, bottle it, then bottle condition it for 24 hours. I then cold crash it in the fridge. I end up with a delicious beer that tastes something like a dark belgian ale. It's extremely easy to make. Almost no effort. And I get a delightful beer to drink while I watch Hercules: The Legendary Journey.

I haven't had a real drink in 8 years or so. I don't really count 1% or 2% beer because all it does is mellow you out, it would be pretty hard to get a serious buzz off it, let alone get drunk or turn you into an idiot.

black sambuca

it affects us all

Anti-freeze. Tried to kill herself. Looking for link

Vomit is disgusting compared to farts

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Heh, you want to live in a healthy cohesive society? You sure are sounding like a KEK.

This, they literally become the "untouchables" by the time they're 40.

whoa look at this guy's flag over here

It's activated charcoal. She either overdosed or was poisoned.

Ban all drinking for college students.

She is my cousin, she drank black vodka

Not the first time I've ejaculated to this webm.

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allow them to have experiences like that.
stops you pretty fast or if not, it kills you. either way the problem is solved.

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>I'm just gonna stay here and take more puke from that girl
I don't understand women whatsoever anymore

also, jesus and the church.

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Teach your kids how to fucking drink
My parents taught me the proper way

By raping them. You're missing out on life if you don't go to small after-parties to rape drunk girls.

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Lower the drinking age
Don’t make it something you g people have to hide to do
Let them drink in front of older people in public so they can model behavior
I wish young people would embrace this and push for their freedom
Godspeed youth

i like binge drinking. I went from drinking every day, to going ham once a month.

I made a deal to myself, that if i don't drink every day then i go hard once a month

Are you saying you want the vomit to sizzle?


Binge drinker here... 23 and blackout 75% of the times I go out 2-4 times a month. I will attempt to do the best advice in this post.

Ban alcohol. Cut off limbs of those caught illegally importing. Arab style enforcement

Women can't do anything right

It is okay to get a little wasted during your youth. If you never go wild, you become a repressed manlet who'll eventually become a leftist. If you never cease partying like a teenager, you've also failed to grow up and will likely develop a similarly irresponsible mindset since society should accommodate you to just keep having fun all the time. I don't think there is a binge drinking crisis among youth as much as there is a crisis of young adults never making the transition into a responsible lifestyle.

Unironically make it legal for 18 or even 16 year olds to drink. Younger than 16 you don't really care about alcohol and older than that but younger than 21 it seems like you have to drink as much as possible because you can't get it easily. It's also seen as taboo to drink underage so there's a "omg lol let's get drunk" part to it which leads to over immature consumption.
If a 16 year old can just have a few beers, there'd be less of a reason to drink 10.

Just the trashy ones.

All of my gfs have basically been non-drinkers.
my wife is a non-drinker

>you must catch them young 13-14 of age
>bring in the village wise man and drink with the kids
>keep the glasses full of vodka at all times
>kids try to keep up with you to show their maturity
>kids pass out and wake up to a hangover that lasts for days
>puke at the smell of alcohol for the next 5 years
grats, you have now covered the critical years and instilled a lesson of moderation