Do you prefer “literal” translation or localization?
Do you prefer “literal” translation or localization?
Translator's note
Literal is disgustingly unpatriotic
-san should never show up, and always be replaced with Mr./Mrs.
Instances of rice and traditional food should be replaced with cheeseburgers and french fries
All traditional shinto references should be washed, and all references to things like Buddha be replaced with Christ
Itadakimasu should be replaced with the Lord's Prayer
Scenes with public transportation should be cut entirely, with redrawn scenes focusing on automobiles
Yukatas should referred to as occupation wife dress
It's pretty funny that people who complain about translations not being they way that they want are trubospergs who have never translated anything in their life because they're too dumb.
I don't mind if it doesn't contradict context or plot.
>characters mustn't call one character name out loud
>make them say it for "smoother" translation
Literal translation would look like gibberish. I enjoy quality localization.
Literal translation can be too dry, but it's better than some of the trainwreck "localizations" I've seen. Are dubs really doomed to be faithful to a fault or something like the turds that Funi squeezes out of their asshole?
>Itadakimasu should be replaced with the Lord's Prayer
A decent mix between the two.
Please don't bully me Mrs. Nagatoro
Hello based department?
a mix of that is the best imo
>always be replaced with Mr./Mrs.
I hate when they have teenagers adressing each other as "mr" and "mrs"
a readable translation that is faithful to original's soul. Literal translations are often unreadable and boring.
Localizations have greater variance in quality than literal translations, because there are fewer ways to translate literally.
So user's preferences for localization versus literalization will depend predominantly on the quality of the localizations that he samples.
For JP->EN in particular, finding a good localization is almost always harder than just looking up and learning the original JP phrase/sentence/text/language in the first place.
This answer might seem like a cop-out, but a mix of the two is best. Preserve the original meaning and intent where you can, but if something is untranslatable or makes no sense with a literal translation (like a pun), localize it.
Localizing is not translating.
Translate however you want just keep seeding the raw please.
Cartel localization is why I learned Japanese. Thanks Herkz. Now die.
As long as it preserves the meaning, connotation, and tone, localizations are fine. A good mix of both is ideal but generally I prefer if it's more literal. I'm not some retard that can't understand something because it doesn't flow as naturally as it could, and I don't throw autistic fits at honorifics since I'm watching japanese media to experience japanese things.
The real answer thought is to just use raws.
Localization with a note to explain what was different in the original. If done well I get both the intended feeling and the knowledge of the original meaning.
It should be a spectrum depending on the setting and the target audience, going from literal with plenty of translation notes for books set in heian court to extremely localized for anime in a non japanese setting.
we're all on a spectrum here friend
TL;DR subs should be litteral, dubs should be localized.
If I am reading something subtitled, I want it done as litteraly as possible with things like san left in, specific words that cannot be translated properly (such as samurai and yokai) left in, and food dishes to be left named as well (onigiri instead if rice balls for example).
However, if you are going to go through the effort to dub something, it really should be localized.
I understand in an era of lack of easily available subs, people were upset when dubs changed things. But now when we have both, I want everything changed. You can leave names and places alone (dont change Japan to America) but call them rice balls. Say ghoul instead of yokai. Drop the suffixes. Make it entirely understandable in the English language with no outside understanding of Japanese or translator notes necessary.
That's my opinion.
>All traditional shinto references should be washed, and all references to things like Buddha be replaced with Christ
>"With new years, we throw hamburgers at someone disguised as Judas to chase sin out of the household"
"Literal translations" are not translations. If you simply substitute Japanese words with their English equivalents, the result won't mean what it did in Japanese! Better yet, it won't make sense in English either. That's just not how language works, but a lot of people don't understand this.
There was a point in time where I would agree with your sentiment but nowadays I'd say we're outnumbered if we go by whatever threads are up and how many replies they accrue.
based herkz