Shouldn't be that hard. Look how good Itsuwa's SS is despite how bland and boring Itsuwa is.
I forgot..
Post GT predictions
I'm going to put my limited knowledge of japanese animation techniques on the line and wager that they aren't going to CG the dragons. Generally, they do CG when it's something that is really hard to draw on-model consistently AND when that thing appears a lot. It's not worth them modelling every single dragon for what is going to be, at absolute most, 30 seconds of footage. Based on that, I think they're going to hand draw the dragons with the possible exception of the Angel Dragon since they will re-use that at least once. They could even be thinking ahead even further to Jailbreaker, since they'll be able to just dig the model out in a few years time and re-use it. I'm not saying it'll look good by the way, just that it's going to be 2D. Tanaka Yuiichi apparently drew webm related, so there is some serpent-dragon experience on board and I'm sure Aoki could kill it as well if he's not stuck on Gunha duty. Feel free to quote me on friday to laugh at me for being wrong.
mikoto thighs as thick as my dreams
>Are Accel manga sales so bad that it needs to shoehorn NT Touma (Accel shouldnt even know he wears this) so people read it?
For a second there I thought Touma was sitting on the bench in NT9, and he's the exact same post to boot.
So I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
CGI is used not only for things that will be used a lot but also things that you want to skimp on. Totally depends on how much effort you're putting into the CGI or how little you want to put into the drawing.
weeew lad, that’s some stick fucking dreams you've got.
Mikoto gets too close to the AAA core that she does Aleister's possibilities spell