Post onee-san and shota pics if this doesn't belong here direct me to where it does.
Shota thread
God I wish that were me
you should be able to solve this
Nothing wrong with women playing with cute boy.
I hope he's never going home.
What did she mean by this?
I have a huge stash but it’s for me and not you
I wouldn't be able to finish the game by the time corona passed.
Why won't you share? Don't be greedy.
Post your best and I’ll give you the sankaku tags/artists
if you want to post SFW /ss/ pics
if you want to post /ss/ porn
if you want to talk about /ss/ in anime and manga
>oh noooo
>I died again!
oh noo
I didn't save eny but I have a full manga of this one.
You can only make a shota thread on Yas Forums if 1: no gay shit and 2: try to be at least a little subtle about it. You've got the first one down, but in the future consider making a thread about anime or manga with /ss/ in them if you want to talk about it without risking deletion.
I see people saying something about /ss/ im new so i dont know what taht means, can someone explain.
For me? It’s Kloah
Why don’t flat girls or small breasted girls like shotas?
Pic related or get out of Yas Forums.
Less mom hormones.
It is related?
>You can only make a shota thread on Yas Forums if 1: no gay shit
I have seen more /ss/ threads being deleted than regular shota threads (and even loli threads which are already deleted all the time), partly because they become porn threads full of idiotic crossboaders in a matter of minutes. I'm sure even a blatant gay shota thread would last longer if they had enough posters (they usually archive after 10 posts).
>ywn be molested by Onee-san
Why even live?
I think it's moreso that most girls at that age don't have a really cute boy just a little younger than them that they can vent their budding sexual curiosities on. The ones that do though, they fuck like rabbits.
This artist makes ny peepee so hard.
The contrast is less pronounced. Same reason why loli with shota is less common than loli with grown man.
Who drew this?
I wanna ser his bitches anal fucked.
Shota overpowering women is what I want...
I dont know i found it on a shota thread. Sorry man.
Not judging, but who is this fetish meant to appeal to? Is it for men or women? Both?
Idk man i just have it.
There's a recent one by mackgee with 2b and 9s as a male yandere
Unimaginable Based and a True user of the most Refine and Sophisticated culture
I wish I was a kid being seduced by a high school girl
I still have a chance so im praying to God that happeneds.