Shota thread

Post onee-san and shota pics if this doesn't belong here direct me to where it does.

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God I wish that were me

you should be able to solve this

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Nothing wrong with women playing with cute boy.

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I hope he's never going home.

What did she mean by this?

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I have a huge stash but it’s for me and not you

I wouldn't be able to finish the game by the time corona passed.

Why won't you share? Don't be greedy.

Post your best and I’ll give you the sankaku tags/artists

if you want to post SFW /ss/ pics
if you want to post /ss/ porn
if you want to talk about /ss/ in anime and manga

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>oh noooo
>I died again!
oh noo

I didn't save eny but I have a full manga of this one.

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You can only make a shota thread on Yas Forums if 1: no gay shit and 2: try to be at least a little subtle about it. You've got the first one down, but in the future consider making a thread about anime or manga with /ss/ in them if you want to talk about it without risking deletion.

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I see people saying something about /ss/ im new so i dont know what taht means, can someone explain.

For me? It’s Kloah

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Why don’t flat girls or small breasted girls like shotas?

Pic related or get out of Yas Forums.

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Less mom hormones.

It is related?

>You can only make a shota thread on Yas Forums if 1: no gay shit
I have seen more /ss/ threads being deleted than regular shota threads (and even loli threads which are already deleted all the time), partly because they become porn threads full of idiotic crossboaders in a matter of minutes. I'm sure even a blatant gay shota thread would last longer if they had enough posters (they usually archive after 10 posts).

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>ywn be molested by Onee-san
Why even live?

I think it's moreso that most girls at that age don't have a really cute boy just a little younger than them that they can vent their budding sexual curiosities on. The ones that do though, they fuck like rabbits.

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This artist makes ny peepee so hard.


The contrast is less pronounced. Same reason why loli with shota is less common than loli with grown man.


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Who drew this?
I wanna ser his bitches anal fucked.

Shota overpowering women is what I want...

I dont know i found it on a shota thread. Sorry man.

Not judging, but who is this fetish meant to appeal to? Is it for men or women? Both?

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Idk man i just have it.

There's a recent one by mackgee with 2b and 9s as a male yandere

Unimaginable Based and a True user of the most Refine and Sophisticated culture

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I wish I was a kid being seduced by a high school girl

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I still have a chance so im praying to God that happeneds.