Kimetsu no Yaiba

in my ass!

So what are your final thoughts on him? What could've been improved?

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Ubayashiki's don't want it to be common knowledge, Muzan doesn't want it to be common knowledge, gathering proof that demons are real is difficult.

>Muzan tosses Snek away and rips off Tanjiros arm
>Muzan notices the sun reaching him and covers himself in flesh to absorb the sunlight while he tries to escape, the flesh covers Tanjiro as well
>The flesh cocoon looks like a baby and GODjima strangles it
>Muzan tries to dig underground but GODjimas child killing strength is too much
>Rest of the pillars cut off Muzans limbs
>Tanjiro cuts himself out through Muzans head
>Muzan starts to dissolve away in the sun

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Provided they saw the exact same display, Nezuko protecting Tanjiro despite being hungry and Tanjiro fighting for his sister's life, Love and Rengoku would definitely spare them. Uzui might if they do something flamboyant, Mui might if Tanjiro frees him from amnesia mode. No one else would.

He's fine the way he is. Anyone who says he's worst villain in Jump is absolute retard - we have Ratri or El Hermano as most recent examples.

He needs to lean forward 45 degrees more

Wait what happened to his family? These people?

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He left them alive

He wasn't really anything special, but he wasn't bad. Could have had a better gimmick for his final fight, turning into a baby was really stupid, I get he's pathetic but come on, everything else was fine.