>my broker doesn't offer commodities IDK if this is good or not. I am sure I would only manage to lose it all
Angel Wilson
No. The protein and nutrients will be good for him and make him chad
Colton Hill
Third parties will never make it in this country. There's only two choices and they both suck.
Noah Reyes
Have you noticed that nearly every day the market starts off red, Trump makes a speech that turns it?
Cameron Williams
I think this is legitimately the first time in history that oil retreats by more than 15% and the markets end green. We have decoupled from all economic reality. I'll ride shorts on these waves but fuck going long
Andrew Ross
Say hi to the other poorfags at the foodshelter for me user!
Jose Gonzalez
Businesses don't need to recover. Stonks will still go up.
Justin Collins
>Ess pee ex unironically looks like it wants 287 >Oil futures filled the Ultimate Low Gap tm m..maybe it's okay Damn this is a nice op image
Oil declining dramatically is actually unironically bullish for oil companies because the further the price goes down, the more likely the government is to take actions to protect the industry, and do so more swiftly if there were already actions planned. Oil remaining low but holding steady would just gradually bleed the industry out and mean that policy makers could keep pushing back legislation on the pretense of "things will get better before they go out of business", this raises more immediate alarms that something has to be done. The US isn't just going to let its oil industry fold in on itself.
Oil is important to national defense. We can't just let it go under.
Michael Roberts
are you the one who mentioned trading from Canada in the last thread? this would explain it
Jaxon Richardson
Draft Kings going public via merger. Buy DEAC now.
Ryan Bell
What to buy for oil?
Gabriel Gutierrez
the market is seeing past this and priced it in already retard
asset prices can only go up
Sebastian King
checked i'm no faggot leaf sir
David Cooper
The US cares more about their relationship with the Saudis than our oil industry, and they have to because otherwise were fucked. Everybody has known this would happen for months now and they still havent done anything, and thats because they arent going to do anything.
Mason Watson
If she eats steak, will your son turn into a cow?
Get her all the protein possible, otherwise he’ll be a söyboy
Zachary Robinson
i haven't been around in a couple weeks..what in the FUCK happened to SQQQ? jeez. I BUNGLED that alright..
anyone picking up LMT before earnings? seems a bit ripe but doesn't look like earnings will disappoint despite the meme economy
Alexander Murphy
Looks great! defiantly a health society.
Angel Lopez
My friend bought tons of calls at $20 a share.
Bears getting slaughtered right now
Jayden Diaz
kys and try to be less of a moron in your next life
Austin Robinson
Gabriel Fisher
Why the fuck is oil so comfy? Like even the worst it’s ever been, HAL is almost breaking even you just hang out for the oil boom and collect dividends baby this isn’t hard
Ethan Morales
>look my portfolio is 300k, i.e. my trades are genius Why don't you just post the percentage?
how come covid 19 has both malaria and HIV genomes? What a strange "coincidence"
Luke Anderson
Grayson Nguyen
all right bros how do i make some cash
Nathan Davis
Poor fag here Is the reason I only get three day trades a week because its too easy to make shitloads of money doing it?
Julian Jenkins
this is what people who went through 2008 said, for months good news is good news and bad news is bad news because it means more bailouts, loans, investment, etc until government stops controlling industries this won't end
Caleb Williams
Priced in
Hudson Reyes
The secret Yas Forums discord link is discord gg sXDAKd2 Get in here before we close the invites We have a interview set up with the infamous Sergey Nazarov (chainlink founder) tomorrow. dhdh
People can't still accept that the market is not the economy and vice versa. The faster you understand this, the more gains you will had during this period.
Joshua Clark
Bros... Oil might unironically fall below 10$ today
Weekly reminder that if the market is irrational for longer than a week, then you become the irrational one by trying to fight it. You must go with the flow or forever hold your peace.
1. Don't buy an expensive car when you have so much debt. 2. Your wife's debt is her problem. 3. I don't know your income, but you need to live as frugally as possible. No entertainment, no vacations, no toys and games, no hobbies, no expensive dinners. 90% of your paycheck should go into your loan.
Just don't be a fucking retard. Pay your debts, then invest in the stock market.
Juan Wood
Malaria isn't even in the same fucking kingdom of life moron. Malaria is a parasite. Corona is a virus.
Hudson Lee
Literally just buy and large cap stock and take the feds money
Charles Wright
boy that sucks for people gambling on commodities
Meanwhile, i'm making a profit on my oil stocks today
Eli Rivera
kys crytofaggot
Isaac Ramirez
Oil is going to break 10 dollars. Oil stocks go up.
I don't understand, do they assume Fed intervention will happen tailored to them? Fuck it, I will hedge. What oil stocks to buy Yas Forums?
Yes. Poorfags like us are destined to get rekt by the gaps after and before hours since fuck us.
Because oil refiners like BP are getting paid to refine free crude that they will sell at an even more exorbitant markup. Gas prices won't go down much more and it's all profit from there. Also don't forget short squeezing.
A) 25k equity also allows you to leverage up to 4x , requiring the need to put in limits B) We are not in a normal market and it's usually not this easy. Read how volatility works.
Ayden Allen
William Phillips
>Check SaaS company that my company uses for ITSM (stock is NOW)
Holy fuck this is a based stock. I knew they dominated ITSM but man that’s crazy
Carson Brown
>implying the spy goes down Sell when you run out of sacks with giant dollars on them to hold all your money
Benjamin Cooper
Bears right now are like villains in children shows that are always seething while the chill kids foil their plans with out a sweat
Sebastian Rodriguez
Google you retard. Special investor vote wednesday, by then it will be all over. DEAC is acting as the SPAC, each share of DEAC will become one share of the new ticker for DraftKings which I can't remember off the top my head.
There's also warrants and share plus 3rd warrant counts out there in DEACw and DEACu.
lol BA is just going to crab around the psychological 150 until more shit news for airline industry, fucking memes
Caleb Diaz
RTX is a really solid fundamental stock that's currently acting like a fucking tech meme stock. My body says yes but my mind says no, wait for $64 again.
Robert Rivera
I hurt myself today.
Nathaniel Moore
Will do. Just saw a ton of them pump 5-10% and I don't want to buy the top.
Sounds good
Was planning on going deep in to tankers (50% of portfolio)
Eli Price
1. It wasn't an expensive car, and we needed one for work. Actually not too worried about just making monthly payments on it until we trade it in. 2. As a married couple we are committed to paying down our collective debt together. Why would we pay it separately, especially when by pooling resources we can pay the collective whole down faster. 3. I know you're just giving general advice, but I can assure you that we already follow those guidelines. All the same, it is unfeasible for so much of my paycheck to go toward my student debt alone. We have other bills to pay.
So pay off denbts first, then invest? I can't do both at the same time?
Wyatt Diaz
Oilchads, report in.
Which private island are you guys going to buy this summer when we're all millionaires?
Yeah this pisses me off because I recently discovered SPY calls are free money. Any retard that can read a candle chart can tell when the daily low is, then sell when they're comfortable with their return. Easiest fucking $200 a day ever.
Lincoln Perry
There can be no bad news about sales if there were no new sales to begin with CHECKMATE ATHIESTS
Owen Cook
How do you think they will be so valuable? The companies can't just produce those ships within weeks or even months. Until they would be manufactured you can build other more efficient containers to store the oiil
James Lewis
zoom out even further to the XIX century faggot
also >showing over yearly charts without taking inflation into consideration