Stock up on this, faggots.
/smg/ - Stock Market General
Market is still having the over optimism and believing in V-shaped recovery despite pre-crisis levels were massively inflated and world economy is doomed. Or JP is poomping.
Not within one day, lockdowns didn't happen until after we were already falling.
There is the problem though. They seem to me to want people to both buy AND short. This has to be a trap and the carpet rolled from underneath everyone, but at the same time the public caught on and is nonstop shorting so market keeps going up. And the date of the rug pull can be any day, month from now, a week, 3 days, tomorrow. By all rights I haven't been buying because I feel like this has to happen any day now. (((They))) have set a trap where going either way seems like a losing proposition.
Waiting to buy back in, when will the doomp begin in earnest?
I know, but oil is almost $10. Why doesn't reality kick in?