even the general public doesn't seems to give a fuck I mean a lot of peoples saw the brrrrrrr meme but they will still go to work for 1500$ / month, they are normies they just accept their fuck up life
Daniel Green
So what happens when the Fed owns everything?
Matthew Campbell
why isn't this dumping more? dow should be down at least 800 pts by now
Jose Wright
i unironically dont understand why berniebros are still democrats. if that were me and i got stabbed in the back twice by my party i'd never vote for the corrupt fucks ever again. how are they not rioting over that shit?
Connor Powell
Can't figure out what to be bullish on. Any suggestions? Not interested in energy right now.
Evan Sullivan
sure did, what I could afford at least TELL MRO AXAS CHK (oof)
Henry Thomas
It cost more for the barrel than the oil inside it
it should be illegal to mislabel graphs like that >daily new cases not >daily newly discovered cases
everybody who is going to have it already has it
Austin Hernandez
bruhs I somehow have $551 more in cash, than I should have, yet I didnt sell anything I'm going mad...
Christian Morris
Bottom. Honestly, it by all rights should be, but within 1 day? How the fuck? That is not any type of normal market activity or anything for a bottom and the entire trek to it to take place in 1 day 40% crash. Shouldn't be the bottom anymore, but even if it were OIL STOCKS SHOULD BE WAY FUCKING DOWN.
I just want to buy in, but it feels like fucking suicide buying in this high while reality is screaming that this isn't good.
Because other stocks didn't experience a 40% decrease in demand in one day.
After winning and now losing my ass off, I am beginning to see it this way. But fuck me if it makes no sense and I don't know wtf to do since reality does not exist anymore until it does conveniently like with Gilead pump few days ago.
If this market recovers, might as well store everything in stocks because it is impossible to keep it down anymore. I really hope Jerome keels over and dies already, what is the point of making 30% when my value decreases by 50% due to inflation.
>everybody who is going to have it already has it lol so people who dont have it yet wont get infected no matter what?
Chase Sullivan
>the spread buying a derivative is higher than the cost of a barrel of oil Why isn't the market dumping, wtf?
Jose Mitchell
>buying >now kek you missed this dip
Eli Rivera
>Because other stocks didn't experience a 40% decrease in demand in one day
Yeah, many went to literally nothing
Kayden Ramirez
How to make money buying oil?
Samuel Hill
correct. this shit's been in the country since AT LEAST november. who the fuck do you think hasn't been exposed to it already?
Ayden Scott
vaccine isn't expected until 2021 at best. even if daily cases are going down everything is still going to be locked down for another year.
imagine something compounding this like a natural event or a mutation. you'd be an idiot to buy before wave 2.
Josiah Stewart
Fear is not always a fast moving emotion.
Blake Morales
but march 18th 2020
Chase Rogers
Because the DOW is slowly climbing instead.
Tyler Myers
Dylan Cox
Buy a bunch of gas right now then sell it right next to the gas station at -10% in 6 months for massive gains
Adrian Turner
>After winning and now losing my ass off, I am beginning to see it this way. But fuck me if it makes no sense and I don't know wtf to do since reality does not exist anymore until it does conveniently like with Gilead pump few days ago.
think about it this way: what do (((They))) want you to do? do the opposite.
Cameron King
Lolis fuck you
Jaxon Fisher
>gme motherfucker. i shouldn't have panic sold on friday
Jaxon Barnes
REEEEEEE I WANT TO BUY STOCK BUT I HAVE BAD DREAMS IF I LEAVE IT OVERNIGHT! Any other day traders know this feel or am I just autistic?
Brandon Cooper
I got 240 sitting in my account available to use (rest is still in limbo). What's a good play to make 800 quick that won't fuck me over?
Tyler Long
there is not a single stock in the green, dow is going red all the way today.
Nolan Rogers
except there is no immunity retards. of course it doesnt matter because people under 60 don't die.
Anthony Hughes
uranium mining
Christopher Wood
>we’re gonna be under lockdown until next year Lol no. By that time we’re just going to say “fuck it, herd immunity”
Henry Lee
He believed the coronavirus WWIII impeachment election astroturf riot protests oil crash Saudi communist late stage capitalist regime change brrrrrr socialized medicine bullbeartrap collusion anti-Semitic reopening economy FUD
Would it be retarded for a complete novice like myself to just dump everything I have into Apple stocks? When this all clears, won't they make me money?
Samuel Evans
Adam Rodriguez
Anyone interested in joining my $500 SPY 12/22 Calls movement? It's probably the least stressful option I've ever held.
Tyler Long
Stop buying crazy volatile stuff and realize the market trend is up right now. Also don’t immediately sell losses, a vast majority of the time the stock will recover unless you bought literal shit
John King
Just bought
Henry Reyes
Would this be a good time to buy Ford for holding long term? The stock is in the toilet and has been trending downhill for years, but it's at record lows now and it's a big name that isn't going to go out of business, so do you think that in a few decades they will have turned themselves around and the trade would pay off big time?
Jayden Gray
I'm green all over but something feels wrong here
Luke Adams
If regular people actually understood what the fuck the feds are currently doing there would be riots in the streets and Jeromes head would be on a stick
Christopher Rivera
Bulls are winning again. Friday was +3-4%, today slight correction, tomorrow 2-3% green again, never give up bobo!
Carson Perez
>there is no immunity why would you go on the internet and just make shit up
Leo Walker
meanwhile AMD fucking immune at +1.6% lmao
Sebastian Diaz
>the market trend is up right now AAAAAAA ZOOM OUT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Market is still having the over optimism and believing in V-shaped recovery despite pre-crisis levels were massively inflated and world economy is doomed. Or JP is poomping.
Joseph Murphy
Not within one day, lockdowns didn't happen until after we were already falling.
There is the problem though. They seem to me to want people to both buy AND short. This has to be a trap and the carpet rolled from underneath everyone, but at the same time the public caught on and is nonstop shorting so market keeps going up. And the date of the rug pull can be any day, month from now, a week, 3 days, tomorrow. By all rights I haven't been buying because I feel like this has to happen any day now. (((They))) have set a trap where going either way seems like a losing proposition.