Hey, im currently in my second semester of economics studies and we recently started the topic of investment and stockmarket. part of that is a stockmarket game in which we basicly invest in the stockmaret but with digital (valueless) currency in order to learn something about it in a practical manner and also a bit of competetive fun. so my question for you guys is: are there any tips and advices you guys can give a newcomer ?
Jason Cook
I like this thumbnail better. Lets bump this one boys
Christopher Morales
Can’t wait for futureniggers to make it open with a gap down
Jonathan Diaz
Buy the highest volatility stocks. That will maximize your chances of winning. There were two losing teams in my class and I told them if one shorts a stock before earnings and the other one goes all in one of them would take the lead in the game but they didn’t do it and let the winning team who were dickheads win. Thanks for reading my blog post.
Oliver Bell
Go all in SOXL if you want to win
Henry Davis
>tfw Chinese hostile takeovers
Jordan Robinson
what's with the explosion in nameniggers
Ryder Myers
ok i see why one should invest in those, i will look out for stocks like these and start off my bets with those would you care to elaborate? i see that they took a big hit last month and recovering from it so there seems to be a good chance for profit. i would still like to hear a bit more of your thoguhts, im very new in the stockmarket so every bit of information and train of thought would be a huge deal for me.
thank you guys btw
Luis Campbell
>would you care to elaborate? I wrote this as part of a larger pasta a while back but it sums my thoughts up pretty well on the subject. Semiconductors are crack in all but name. The desire for newer, faster, more is insatiable. Computers, GPUs, self-driving electric cars, AI enhanced smartphones, medical devices, microcontrollers, networking gear, machine learning, surveillance, infrastructure, military, the list is endless. No matter how many cores, how fast or efficient, demand requires bigger, faster, cheaper, better. The clamor for fresh silicon gives nary shit for national identity, creed, hue, gender, or other vain conceit; the multitude speaks in singular. The plea: semiconductor. SOXL couples a single ETF entry point with the the best companies the space has to offer then pushes these already stellar returns to the limit with 3x leverage. With SOXL your economic interests are aligned with powerhouses TSM, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Intel, Broadcom, AMD, Micron, Texas Instruments, Applied Materials, et al. Real tech companies with innovative products people want, not """tech""" """companies""" pushing shitty ads. And like all leveraged ETFs, SOXL is rebalanced daily, deftly mitigating margin risks. In the last 7 years, barring the coronavirus interruption, SOXL has exploded over 55x yet still we are early. Semiconductor growth will proceed exponentially until every viable space is saturated with it. This is a fait accompli; the sheer number of interested parties and compelling outcomes make it so. The injection of increasingly compact and efficient sensors, microcontrollers, information processing and storage into everywhere and everything will be this era's seminal revolution, a revolution with SOXL holders planted firmly at the receiving end.
Jacob Hernandez
ok bought some of them for $125 a piece, its still below the average price they used to have but i hope the will keep rising like they did earlier this year
>Oil is in the shitter >But Exxon, BP, etc. will still keep mooning because clown FED markets >meaning no way to profit from cheap oil This isn't fucking fair. And don't mention USO or other scams. The only way to not get fucked long term by contango or backwardation fuckery is by owning oil company stocks, no memeETF
God, USO was such a stupid idea... I guess it was a lot more complicated then hurr oil go up oil go down, I would be out already but bought a debit spread so was waiting for my other side to go to 0.01 but because people are cunts it probably won't
I just really liked USO because of its extreme liquidity and it looked cool. My optionscalculator said I could make 30K out of 400 bucks so I felt like risking it now it looks like oil will simply die.
Suck my fucking dick Saudis.
William Scott
When does the June contract start matching the May one? I'm guessing the real price of oil is somewhere between 14-20?
Angel Ramirez
I bought PE and WTI. They might do ok. However my USO is going to dick me hard Monday.
Andrew Lopez
They also have exposure to brent, which isn't crashing nearly as hard. But I second the sentiment
Juan Hughes
godspeed good lad.... just sleep on it, and I'll be here for you.
Ayden Miller
My tech stocks are never gonna see another red candle again fuck y’all bearish niggas
Gavin Lopez
Your data is delayed there. It has temporarily bounced to about 15.7- no 15.90 now.
Can you stop posting this fat balding weirdo for the OP pic? Its always some shill on weekends and nights who is obsessed with him. Plus /smg/ is a 2D anime general.
Why is anyone even looking at futures aside from oil right now? We all know that tomorrow big news is going to pump the market minus oil.
Levi Parker
ima buy this shit.... wow $14 per barrel... fuck the price of the barrel is worth more than the oil.... damn they can't even dump it because it's like water is worth more than oil these days.
I've got some cash in my portfolio which I wanna unironically invest into oil, only thing is I have no idea what would be the best vehicle for it either some sort of ETF or better to just buy xom or shell directly?
Evan Rogers
all is good for me to execute my oil puts on monday and use the money to buy up all the cheap shares
i'd never have sex with that girl... my girlfriend does bite me though sometimes... shit just thinking about that makes me horny... i just uhhh don't want to judge all asians for china's mistakes.... my gf is a fucking gook, and there's a difference between nips, gooks and chinks... the chinks are the ones to worry about. thanks again.
Elijah Harris
John Cooper
Oil ETFs are more direct investment than oil companies
Cooper Lewis
Xavier Hill
Don't you have a huge, unnecessary F-650 that you drive to your office job you can sell?