I’m a stripper and I’m making $3000 a week In the slow season and have no bills to pay...

I’m a stripper and I’m making $3000 a week In the slow season and have no bills to pay. I’ve been suicidal in the past and so I have a who the fuck cares chuck it all in approach when it comes to my investments. I keep investing in really risky stocks. I’m basically throwing all off my money away. I guess I need someone to tell me to stop because it’s becoming addictive like gambling. I make $3000 and I put the whole thing in some stupid stock. I’ve been doing some research and people say stocks are a scam??? I still can’t stop. Should I save and buy a property and try to flip houses? What should I do with all this money I’m making? Every stripper I know is rich as fuck WHILE they’re working and then they end up working $40k a year boring jobs because they have no education or skill. This is probably a dumb place to ask because I’ll get gtfo show tits comments or something. I Just need advise!!!

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Crypto. Buy Zil. You're welcome

>I keep investing in really risking stonks
>I'm throwing all my money away
>it's becoming addictive like gambling
>I can't stop
>Please give advise
Show tits dumb bitch

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Put it all into PNK and join our Discord.

Sounds like the rest of Yas Forums

Buy high sell low

tits or out

go and burn in a fire you degenerated hoe

do you give handjobs, blowies, and sex for money?
i had a gf that was a stripper and she used to make that much in a day when she was giving bjs and sex. once we started dating she only gave handjobs at the clubs for $80 but she still made at least $800 a night.

Tits or gtfo

provide a timestamp with your tits

Please show tits anyway

And also unironically buy Chainlink! Only Chainlink. Fuck your Stocks or fuck other cryptos. Buy LINK and hold it for a few years. You never have to work again then

I don’t do that. I make $1000 a night just by talking to men and giving lap dances.

Stop investing in risky stocks.

Find a stock with a steadily rising price, P/E ratio that isn't too high, in a sector that's also expanding and doesn't look like it will have any major real-world problems in the foreseeable future. Keep your investments spread around several (5-6) companies in different sectors so if one part of the economy gets fucked you don't lose everything. Sell if the price drop more than around 10%, or breaks new lows or whatever (always be willing to take a loss if it gets you out of a dead-end investment). If the price keeps going up, hold on until it doesn't.

Or spend a few grand a month on random shitcoins and hope one of them moons. Bitcoin is halving soon (where miners start getting half the returns they used to) so the price will likely spike. $100k per coin in the next few years is not out of the question based on past trends.

claims to be a stripper , doesn't post tits and timestamp. fake and gay. get the fuck out larping nigger

Only correct answer

But I turned $2000 into $100,000 over 5 years from the first stock I invested in and it was in biotech!? What has chainlink or any crypto got you!? I need to know if it’s legit before I invest. I take risks but it just seems fucking stupid.

Not posting tits!!! Here’s me with my money. I am legit.

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>handjobs at the clubs for $80

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You are a whore and will always have to whore yourself for money. Don't like it, you should unironically kys

This is a Christian board. No thots allowed.

Urgh I just need advise. I’m feeling very manic right now and almost put another $5000 into some more biotech tonight. This is like the pokies for me. I had that one win and I’m chasing it.

Your bourgeois lifestyle has impacted your happiness. You will only be happy once you find meaning and purpose.

Looks like a trap to me

It is the baselayer of the 4th industrial Revolution. I am dead serious you degenerate bitch. Here are some links:
Look up how big smart contracts will be.
I would love to fuck you, so that you can't walk anymore. Fucking strippers from Down Under. Jeeez
Anyway, buy at least 10,000 LINK and hold it untill one LINK is worth $1000

Hello sweety

Don't listen to these mutts, they're just jealous of your success! Now I don't have too much time to explain it to you, but there is a really great project named FUN that will make you millions. Yes, millions! It's on Binance as well, and Binance doesn't list bad projects.

The top is in.

You are just retarded. Go ALL IN on Chainlink

This has actually given me happiness. Having money has made my life so much better. I eat good. I get massages. I can go on a holiday overseas. I used to starve myself because I was too crazy to uphold a regular job. I can’t have a regular job I need to make money from investing.

and btw, don't listen to this guy He is trying to scam you out of your hard earned money by buying Chainlink, it's a scam project run by a few Yas Forums members who plan to dump the cryptocurrency once it reaches $5. Better stay away from them.

I'll give you crypto investment advice for a lappy, what state are you from?

>You know it's time to sell when shoeshine boys give you stock tips. This bull market is over.

I’m so fucking stupid. I’m going to put $10,000 in chainlink!??!? Is that dumb!? Everyone says it’s dumb - warren buffet! Peter schiff!!! Guys!! please!!! Should I do it

Post feet

got kik? I'll explain what LINK is to you in exchange for nudes.

Take me to the VIP with the champagne! Let’s discuss

Do you work in the cross?

What is that? No


It's a scam being advertised by these nerds, It's going straight to a dollar once it reaches $5.

There is no way that is real money, wtf. Also, I had a former roommate who was a stripper and she pulled in 160k USD per year lmao, do Ausfags strippers not fuck old men on the side?

>I’ve been doing some research and people say stocks are a scam??
Confirmed stripper.

I'll give you easy good advice. Buy options. These are high leveraged stocks that makes you a millionaire or broke. Just buy long term options of companies apple, microsoft, google, facebook and you'll be a millionaire in no time. I am doing that and I have made my 5k into 50k in just 3 years. Soon it'll be 500k in 3 years.

IIRC correctly, Buffet tends to treat crypto as an investment into a company, which doesn't really work in most cases as it's more of a commodity. An unproven commodity, but still handled differently to a company.

Do you honestly think we are memeing this shit for nearly 3 years now for no reason? I am a student and I put all my savings into it. Fucking do it Bitch!
I sent you the links.
And do not sell before we hit $1000 per LINK or you will be forgotten

I seriously don’t trust these guys!! I can’t see myself putting in more than $100 and that’s just for fun. Not because I believe in it. But then I see they have big names attached- Microsoft and shit. ??? What the fuck is going on.

if brisbane will give advice

Your $50k about to be $5k again. You clearly can’t see what’s coming... global leaders lowering lending rates and implementing a stimulus package means the bull run is over

Good luck user

>Also, I had a former roommate who was a stripper and she pulled in 160k USD per year lmao
You fucking retard! 52 times $3000 is $156k as well.
Only retards on this board


The game is kind of dead. Most girls do webcamming.

Do not trust anybody
Everyone is shilling their own bags trying to scam others out of money
ChainLink is a pump and dump

You fucking piece of shit will kill yourself once we hit $1000 EOY
You don't deserve to be rich
You have the IQ of a guy who works at McDonald's
Fucking kill yourself dumb bitch
Soon you will stand on the streets and sell your body for 20 bucks
Degenerate whore

Buy index funds. Its that simple. Probably a 50/30/20 split between the US/oz/international. An example of this would be SPY/S&P ASX200/VGTSX. Stop buying individual stocks. DCA and don’t look at the market every day you’ll shake yourself to bits.

Also tits or gtfo.

I'm also from Brissy, mate. How about you dress up like a girl and grind on my lap while I explain decentralised tamperproof inputs for smart contracts to you?

Yeah wtf. And in the winter I’m looking at making $6K. I still live in the country, if I move to the city and move to the better club and work 5 nights a week because I have no life I could make $10K if I really tried.

See I don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about. If the world gets that bad I’ll just kill myself. So? I’ll just make some regular money for now. My mental health can not be worried about this dystopia you’ve made up

If you're suicidal don't invest more than 10%. Always be ready psychologically to the idea of losing what you invested

I went through similar to what you are now, im not a stripper but was earning good money and my advice is don't do it, it took me a while to realise it was a gambling addiction and I lost a shit load of money over the years, if you do limit yourself to I'd say around 10 to 15k a year max or stick to high market cap decent stocks, you only need 2 or 3 bad picks to go down 80% which can happen in a day with penny stocks and you're ruined, I wish i bought a house instead, buy a cheap house, somewhere to live in then once you have somewhere to live that you don't have to pay for, you can live off centerlink and go back to gambling or whatever you want to blow your money on.

You’re a woman, so you shouldn’t be making any financial decisions for yourself.

Ok. I will put it off for at least 3 months. But now I’m doing research and people say buying a house is a scam??? I am so overwhelmed. I feel like I grew up thinking I could invest and grow my wealth just by sitting at my desk and now I have some money and I want to throw it at everything but everything seems like a scam.

>thot posts about her thottery and gambling addiction
>200+ replies

Business as usual I see.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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nobody who's not in crypto is so aware of the biggest critics right now

Girl, for real now: Buy 10,000 CHAINLINK
It will go to $100 at least.
You will be a millionaire within 5 years.
I'm out now

you are a degenerate who takes her clothes of for money, you are part of the problem


What is I just put $30,000 into $AMD and just left it for 5 years and didn’t buy anything else?

as a serious response, even if I'm 98% confident you're a larper. You have to change your mindset, less focus on how much money you have, and more on how much you generate, ideally passively. Seems like you're having a high income job, which is great, but your colleagues foster an environment where being "nigger rich" is acceptable, as in wasting everything on flashy things to give off the appearance of wealth, when in fact all they do is buy depreciating assets.

I assume you're young, so you SHOULD take riskier long term stocks, but let's be real here, you're kind of dumb, so there's no point to research individual stocks, you won't understand them, or instead understand something false that a predatory individual specifically crafts for your tier of intelligence.

I think the safest play for you would be dumping most of your money into ETFs and low cost managed funds like what Vanguard offers. And this isn't an active play, you invest, and wait for years. If you make 12k a month, you should comfortably invest at least 6k a month, that's a really good start. Remember, your window to generate this high level income is shrinking, honestly if I was in your position, after spending for necessities and whatever it costs to keep my high income job, I'd invest about 50% into ETFs, 25% into a low cost managed stock fund, and 25% into crypto, specifically BTC/ETH, but I understand why someone wouldn't. Ideally I'd save at least 75% of my income but I'm unaware of your real situation.

Listen baby girl you're too dumb to pick individual stocks, brokers on wallstreet do a shit job picking them as evident by outperforming ETFs so why should you do a good one?

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Let me tell you this OP. There are very few worthwhile investments to get more than 10% a year. You need to find whats good and whats bad about the investment. You need to throw shit at it and see what sticks. You need to spend weeks researching and then constantly keep up on the latest to.ensure it doesnt stink. You need to be sure the investment has magic. I cant tell you what that magic is, but you will know it when you see it. You will need to go down every avenue to see the connections which make your investment great. You need to uncover secrets and dig into the deep shit. If you dont then you shouldnt invest beyond anything more than meme stocks or commodities.

I’m Literally so stupid. I don’t want any money in my bank account. I want to invest and be a millionaire.

Why don’t you just manage my money? Why can’t I get a millionaire who knows what they’re doing with money to just manage all of the money I make and we can both be millionaires

>implying I'm interested in 3dpd