What about their business model makes them so successful?

What about their business model makes them so successful?

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good chicken, faggots not allowed


being anti-gay

but user, i see you there all the time.

they hate fags

Yeah, but who doesn't?

you are both right, being consistent on good chicken and not allowing fags will definitely get my business

its called doing business the right way. also mostly whites

well defined identity and exceptional, consistent and enthusiastic customer service

Great and simple menu
Truly fast fastfood
Selective hiring (compared to other fast food joints) this is the biggest one, I think jack n the box fucking sucks if they had chic fil a employees it would probably be pretty good. Employees are everything in the food business.
Also the way owning a location works, they are super selective and many times the owners are there working with the employees not just collecting a check doing something else. Ownership of a chick fil a is a very active roll.


Decent chicken and constant negative press coverage for things that secretly don't bother anyone (free advertising).

I too have noticed a surprising number of white english speaking workers who are not trying to support a family of 9 on a fast food paycheck


I unironically went to chic-fil-a last night and the chicken breast was smaller, and more dry. The bun seemed like it was a week or two old also. They used to not embrace sin.

well that sucks
frens IM going to burgerland soon and which fastfood is the best and the most anti-gay?
I cant wait to get fat like all the other burgers

Their food is good and their gimmick of only chicken is a good brand/gimmick. They have the reputation of being one of the actual "good" fast food places like In-n-out and Five Guys etc.
Basically, word of mouth/social media approval is super important to the point that I don't think I've ever seen a chick fil a ad in years.

The autism stamp of approval.

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>Here's your fried breaded chicken on a carb bun with fried carb potatoes on the side and a large carbonated bucket of sucrose bro

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Efficient, clean, and consistent. Simple menu with good tasting food.

they only hire pleasant people

i had like 5 meals from them so far this year. every single on of them has been exactly the same. great tasting. this is the only fast food i am willing to go to now.

t. europoor coping about how he can only eat apples and wheat paste

chicken meat is the cheapest

Stores are clean and their whole process is well thought out. Workers seem like they actually give a shit about their job. They're so friendly that it actually scares me but also makes me smile after interacting with them. Very infectious energy. Low probability that they're spitting in my food. I get the same impression with In-n-out as well. Both are very Christian companies which is comfy. They must source their workers from some secret new age church network or something.

Look a for a nice bbq joint in the deep south

value and simplicity

I wagecucked there for a year in high school and they get mad at you if you’re not smiling enough or talking excitedly. Fuck those money hungry jews/Catholics

>Grillfriend and I are watch the news.
>Two faggots got kicked out of a Chik Fil A for making out in front of kids.
>Gays were boycotting the homophobic restaurant chain.
>Grillfriend looks up at me and says "That's why their sandwiches are so delicious, they're full of hate and bigotry."

Based grillfriend.

It worked for Starbucks

incorrect. it's delicious.

You need a bachelors degree to be a manager/assistant manager. Most of the profits are in the south, I personally don't get the hype behind them but they hate fags so more power to them I guess.

It's a private company owned by the founding family that has no desire to go public. That means they are focused on making sure that the business is successful on a long-term basis; they are not solely or most interested in making themselves rich (they are already rich) as is the case with the mercenaries who run almost all public companies in the U.S.

Wisely running the business means they understand that the food must be of a certain quality, even if the product costs more or has a smaller profit margin, to maintain existing customers and acquire new customers. Also, the franchises are also run to ensure both the parent company and the franchisee succeed, unlike many companies that see franchisees as milk cows to be milked dry and thrown away.

There's more to it that just the above but that's the most important factor: management that isn't tunnelling to enrich themselves while destroying the company. Jack Welch recently died. Despite the adulation many business schools have for him, Welch was a tunneller who has essentially destroyed GE with his idiotic management. In the short term (and it lasted about 20 years), the company, to inexperienced eyes, looked like gangbusters. In the long term, the financial engineering and thievery (robbing "overfunded" pensions) has hollowed out the company. The company's selling off pieces of itself to avoid a bankruptcy caused by the financial engineering. Meanwhile, Welch's idiotic program of always firing the bottom 10% of the company, along with layoffs in general, has caused a massive loss of institutional knowledge that will take decades to recover, if it ever does.

It is often stated that management is the most important thing about a company and that is why they are so highly paid. That is true maybe 0.01% of the time. For the other 99.99% of the time, management is only important in the sense that you hope management, with the power it has over company operations, isn't bad enough to destroy the company.

So I come from the North and now I live in Texas, up north we didnt have Chick Fil A. I am now in love with Cick Fil a

First off right off the bat I noticed a difference in quality from Chick Fil A and other fast food joints. Their food is a step up from compared to Mcdonalds and Burger King. Especially their breakfast. You're paying around the same that you would pay as compared to McDonalds yet you get a better quality meal. I actually feel as if I won't get sick or poisoned eating this food.

Another big thing is service and staff. I noticed that Chick fil a has people that go outside and greet people in their cars. I noticed that the staff is generally friendlier are more upbeat.

Generally the establishment seems to hire ~75% White, which is really nice. Just being honest.

Also the service is just generally better, their app works really well, its easy ordering from them, and they will add sauce packets and even mints.

It's definitely my favorite fast food place.

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Rare high IQ post, thanks have a upvote

Americans largely have no moral fibre so they have a huge customer base there of meat eating shitlords who think the cruelty of meat farming is some kind of badge of honour. Whenever they are criticised on this they inevitably double down on their primary concern of ego defence and start spouting retarded shit about non-meat eaters being emasculated despite most of the meat fags having fat disgusting bodies that pale in comparison to the many vegan bodybuilders out there

what are you talking about you stupid faggot shut the fuck up
t. yuro

Get lost gay retard

Yeah, there are strict rules on running a franchise, so the people who run a location are super dedicated to it.

because not just anyone can own a Chick-fil-A. if you're not from a Christian background then you have no chance. they cover most of the expenses to build one too, which means they control the brand a fuckton

faggot triggered

yall niggers got baited kek

dont listen to that fag. chick fil a is by far the most consistent. definitely try popeyes, its good fried chicken

The only fast food I eat is chick fil a. I don’t waste my time with that other garbage. My boss is a homo and told us that he doesn’t support chick fil a, so when I leave for lunch I eat chick fil a and say I had some 5 guys.

Bad I didn’t think anyone like you was left on Yas Forums. Even if this is copypasta at least it is good and relevant.
I’d replace “management” with “leadership” but otherwise this is gold.

shut up faggot

their business model creates artificial scarcity on Sundays and also keeps their workforce happy with the guaranteed day off. in the decade ive been eating there ive never once had bad service or bad food. they have high quality standards and strict hiring policy, its almost impossible (literally) to get a job at a chick-fil-a without a referral letter from a community church you have attended as a member for several years. without a church referral, you dont get hired. literally.

they force the owner to be a manager that works 6 days a week

They treat you better as an employee than basically any other fast food place from what I've heard, probably has to do with christian values.

Having to say "my pleasure" all the time seems grating though.

Geting a franchise is free, but you have to interview for it & they are highly selective.

Go back you fucking yankee

quality post

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Good post

Great customer service, operations efficiency, tasty food that while still extremely high calorie and unhealthy is not nearly as poisonous as the extremely processed shit at other fast food joints

I don't see many black people or Mexicans when I go there so that's nice.

Same applies for in-n-out. Fresh/actually good food, simple menu with no random microwaved meme bullshit. Clean/new prep-cook areas. They pay employees correctly (usually double normal ff), and only hire white/white acting young people (no drunk José's doing it as a career).

Not out to penny pinch, and understand charging 25+ cents for a sauce that cost .25 cents or skimping on napkins is for kikes trying to min/max their 3 years before jumping to the next corporate globohomo.

But mostly the pay brings more reasonable people, happier people, that don't mind being there. I've tried to do the same thing in warehousing...but the boomers would rather pay 50 mexicans than 5 whites double, and shudder at the idea of raises or production based pay.

That mean it isn't cheap you stupid fuck. There are like 10 chickens for every human on the planet.

Here's the jimmy on this piece of shit franchise. They had nothing going for them, sales were slipping, the head guy was ready to give up and retire he figures "fuck it, I'll go out with a bang". He comes out (no pun) and, in one of the greatest marketing stunts ever pulled, says "fuck fags". Outrage ensues, he steps down, chic apologizes. Boom, catapulted into fast food stardom.

Throw in a little "in and out" (again, no pun) style worker system and there you have it, lackluster, bland ass chicken sandwiches that everyone, including fags, can enjoy.

Sidebar: in and out only took off because of "fastfood nation", fresh as it may be, those 1oz. Patties ain't shit. You need a 4×4 just to get quarter pound.

They expect that you give a certain level of respect to them and the business. Do so and they will give a certain level of respect to you.

It's ideally how the employee/employer relationship is supposed to go.

Corporate management forgot that incentivizing employees to work harder by either paying them more or giving them more benefits causes people to be happier and stick around longer, thereby ensuring a skilled, consistent workforce for the company. But now it's structured to appease corporate management with ridiculous bonuses and profits to their shareholders.

Based Satan. How the gays doin' down there?

and meanwhile chick-fil-a and in & out are multi-million dollar companies, all the while you bitch about them poor as a noLINKer

It truly boggles my mind how other ff places will field 2 employees during a dinner rush shift so everything is slow, hastily thrown together, and often cold/passed the shelf life of fresh. Like they do everything in their power to cut costs and save money so they can stay open.

Here is chik fil a. 3pm on a thursday. 9 employees on the clock. Everything is always clean and well taken care of. Order is 100% always right i've never once gotten anything missing from my meal. If I asked for no tomato, there is never a tomato. Drink is never just moldy carbonated water. Everything is always hot fresh and juicy. Inside and outside always clean. Girls are always cute and well presented. Everyone genuinely okay with being at work and no one has the normal "im only here because I -need- this job..." look.

I'm not going to scream the n-word, but I'll be honest, the selective hiring and effort they put forth in making sure their employees are good is what really makes it I think. Their menu is great, the prices are VERY fair. I can't think of a single real complaint I have with them other than their marketing is kind of rubbish and has been for a decade now. Also I still don't "get" the name of their chain.