Based as all hell
This website owes this man a lot
absolutely based
Imagine if he got royalties every time someone posted "based"
He'd be a trillionaire
a based trillionaire
This is how we meant it when we spreaded it on /sp/ and on other boards through the gospel of lil b. Its a shame reddit newfags coopted it
Reddit fags stole it and made it political. It's seen as a right wing saying now when it started the way Based God intended. Fucking reddit trash strikes again
Can't fucking go anywhere with out having this reparations shit shoved in my face.
It spread from /sp/ to Yas Forums almost immediately and then just became a synonym for redpilled. Dude, Based God is the kind of nigger Yas Forums loves. Based God, MC Ride, Dmx, and idi amin are all Yas Forums approved negroes and only newfags will disagree