This website owes this man a lot
This website owes this man a lot
based and god pilled
He already gets my tax dollars through foodstamps and the like
Well, all this shitty rap now owes a lot to him. For example, Ugly God was a straight rip off of Lil B except he was for zoomer weebfags that where those faggy anime sweaters and think they are peak comedy
post underrated based freestyles
kino owes this man a lot
>Lil B: Based means being yourself. Not being scared of what people think about you. Not being afraid to do what you wanna do. Being positive. When I was younger, based was a negative term that meant like dopehead, or basehead. People used to make fun of me. They was like, "You're based." They'd use it as a negative. And what I did was turn that negative into a positive. I started embracing it like, "Yeah, I'm based." I made it mine. I embedded it in my head. Based is positive.
Thank You Based God
based on what?
Based as all hell
absolutely based
Imagine if he got royalties every time someone posted "based"
He'd be a trillionaire
a based trillionaire
This is how we meant it when we spreaded it on /sp/ and on other boards through the gospel of lil b. Its a shame reddit newfags coopted it
Reddit fags stole it and made it political. It's seen as a right wing saying now when it started the way Based God intended. Fucking reddit trash strikes again
Can't fucking go anywhere with out having this reparations shit shoved in my face.
It spread from /sp/ to Yas Forums almost immediately and then just became a synonym for redpilled. Dude, Based God is the kind of nigger Yas Forums loves. Based God, MC Ride, Dmx, and idi amin are all Yas Forums approved negroes and only newfags will disagree
yes, when does a nigger ever think he is not owed something?
It didn't spread that fast from what I remember, for at least a solid year it was only used on /sp/ and Yas Forums. I believe it started on Yas Forums
It's been around for a long time, only recently did it start to spread
“Based” is an always has been retarded. It’s 4chans upvote
Yes as recently as like 5 years ago ffs
Go back
I meant spread beyond Yas Forums.
Based has nothing to do with pol you fucking donald drone just fuck off and stop ruining the site with relentless pol shilling on every board
>muh Yas Forums
Grow up already, damn. "Based" has nothing to do with Yas Forums
>Oh no some Yas Forums cross posters on Yas Forums and /sp/ started using "based" as part of their lingo
>Fucking Reddit
Don't you have some other pedo congregation to gate keep like a retard?
why do you bite on such shitty bait?
Because it's not b8 they're actually just retarded. Based retards