Eve & Adam ends

>Eve & Adam ends
>Credits start rolling
>They're interrupted by lightning
>Burning bush in the desert and the Avengers theme playing as the camera pans out
>"God will be back... next year on Summer"

Attached: BaaninguBush.jpg (620x348, 140.79K)

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Come on guys this is good

I don't get it. This some new TV series?

For me, it's King Solomon.

>Eve & Adam

god is a woman

God is hermaphroditic. His spark of inspiration is masculine, and the womb in which it gestates is feminine.

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Not quite. Male and female dont exist at the primary state of existence. It goes like this
I AM male or female
And so on

>starting with am rather than I

for me? its ecclesiastes

My friends and I pitched the idea of an unironic Bible Cinematic Universe. It would be set in the not too distant future 50-100 years after our time and it would be about the rapture and the second coming and the war for Armageddon with like powered armor bible heroes brought back to wage the final battle between Jesus and the forces of hell. There'd be all sorts of neat future religious stuff like android cardinals and genetically enhanced demons.

>From genesis straight to10 commandments
Is snyder planning this?

That actually sounds really fucking gay. You and your friends are gigantic faggots who probably suck each other's cocks but are too chickenshit to actually fuck one another. I hope all of you get raped and/or murdered in horrific incidents. Fuck you.

It's still eating at me, so I'm going to post again. I would do just about anything to find you, mangle you, and end your life. You seem like such a smug fucking piece of shit. My vision is blurred with rage, all I can think about is smashing my fists into your face, over and over, watching your orbitals and cheek bones shatter and cave from the impact, until your head looks like a deflated balloon filled with strawberry jelly. I wish I could do this i front of your mother, and then I wish I could do the same to her before starting on your fag friends.

Nice pasta. My mom is dead. :')

Not a pasta, dude. But I respect that your first post ended in 5969 and then your second in 6969. I don't like the content, but your digits impress me and your debt is repaid.

>in a world
>2000 years before the dawn of cell phones
>there lived a man
>who spoke to all of us
>Jesus in the temple
>"What do you mean? Changing money?"
>Jesus dramatically flips the table in slow mo
>"Looks like I flipped the tables on ya."
>"OOOOH, can you watch it with that spear, Mr. Homoerotic Greek guy or whatever? Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they wear."

Theologically, allegedly. Philosophically and evolutionarily, probably not. I’d suggest that existence comes before the self.

>What if the Messiah... wasn't just a story...?
>*shot of Jesus walking on water*
>"It's coming!"
>This summer...
>All in all you're just a nother brick in the wall...

I can't wait for the three and half hour long epic that is just naming who begat who.

>Bible Cinematic Universe
>Everyone from past movies gets summoned to fight Satan during the Armageddon because Rule of Cool

Please Hollywood, have the guts to turn Jesus into a pop culture character like Ironman or Jack Sparrow. It's so easily doable I can i
Imagine the whole movie just by reading these

Honestly would love to see a talented writer and director turn those into charming quick-cut montages

Imagine the ramifications of this.
Kids claiming Jesus or Moses as they favorite characters, buying their action figures, the fanart being made, next movie predictions, posers deciding to get into going to church THE MUSICAL VIDEOS some shit like Coldplay making the main song of the movie and we get a YouTube video with the biblical characters doing their thing all badass with the music playing.

What's the BCU equivalent of this?

Attached: dc7173c4c765d2a46818b26aa851b925.jpg (600x506, 33.14K)

Get into SMT and Persona.

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>All in all you're just a nother brick in the wall...


>"He was a maverick..."
>Jesus gets slapped hard across the face
>The crowd of people around him gasps, anticipating the fight they believe is about to come
>Mother covers her child's eyes
>Instead of retaliating, Jesus slowly looks at his attacker up and down, closes his eyes, and turns the other cheek
>the crowd gasps again
>the mother faints
>"He played by his own rules..."
>Jesus in the desert with the devil
>They are standing on the peak of a mountain overlooking Jerusalem
>Tim Curry's voice coming out of motion-captured Andy Serkis Devil whispers, "Submit to me, and all of this will be yours..."
>Jesus says nothing, glaring at the devil as the sky grows black and thunder claps
>"... And he never let anything stand in his way..."
>Jesus standing on the water, arms aloft, as the storm whips around him and the boat
>"Hark, all nonbelievers..."
>quick montage shot of Jesus playing with children, the sermon on the mount, Judas accepting silver and gold coins, ending with Christ on the cross, looking up at the storming sky, blood and rain pouring down his face
>"The second coming is this summer."

Upon further inspection these are loafers.


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Abrahamic religions don't really have good enough material to make a "cinematic universe" out of. I mean you can do it but it's just gonna look really corny and stupid. Greek mythology tends to work better for these sorts of things because you have a bunch of gods that are always at odds with each other looking to push their own agendas with mortals getting caught up in everything. The stories are about mortals that side with gods and even push their shit in, it's exciting, fun to watch. You don't get the same thing with Abrahamic religion. It usually starts and ends with just god, he's always right in the end and there's nothing that can be done about it. It doesn't make for an interesting dynamic where the characters fates are determined right at the beginning. At least with greek shit the characters defy their gods making for good stuff.

>Abrahamic religions don't really have good enough material to make a "cinematic universe" out of. I mean you can do it but it's just gonna look really corny and stupid.
You've never read the Bible. Even if you're an atheist you should read it for the cultural value. Because it's actually pretty fucking kino.
>no kino of Samson slaughtering an armor with just a jawbone
>no kino of him asking God to restore his powers just to bring down a temple on top of himself and the Philistine faggots who put him into slavery

I yam that I yam and that's all that I yam
I'm the G-d of the Hebew clan

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>Abrahamic religions don't really have good enough material to make a "cinematic universe" out of.
Say that to my face nigger

I had an idea for the second coming of christ coming 1000's of years in the future, when Earth is basically abandoned as part of a huge galaxy-spanning civilization and Jesus has to lead people out of Earth into a better life


That's more suited for a kickass videogame or anime/manga.
But I'd like it better if we first got the "real" bible with some modifications of course like this user says, MOST stories don't really allow for many interesting characters and conflict and nice climatic final battles.
But just take a bit of creative liberties and introduce an evil army here and there to work them out as movies.
Introduce some Angel vs Demon kino as well.

>casting for revelations revelead
>the whore of babylon has no milkers
>satans army comprised entirely of nazis
>the lamb is played by a goat

god isn't real

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>Eve & Adam
>and then Adam
Subtle but powerful

>Eve & Adam

>Siiiiilent niiiiiight....
>Hoooooolyyyyy Niiiight.....
>Aaaaaall is caaaaaalm....
>Aaaaaaall is bright.....

>the newtranny who doesn't get the point of the thread