Can I really do that?
Is Patton Oswalt a good comedian?
What level of retard does it take to hear Trump say that and think it's an invitation to inject a syringe of bleach or something into your body?? It's clearly just rambling and not any kind of suggestion
I think libtards are just pissed off because they're the only ones dumb enough to inject dangerous chemicals into their veins
>2020, the year americans stopped being able to understand sarcasm.
This is why Yas Forums laugh at Yas Forums
>they're the only ones dumb enough to inject dangerous chemicals into their veins
That's kinda transphobic and non-drug positive, ugh.
>>no you can't just use proof that the media lies about Trump to prove the media lies about Trump!
Fuck off Yas Forums
desu the conservative mental gymnastics to justify his senile rambling is hilarious
Well I mean there was that fuckwit who ate fish tank cleaner because Trump said a chemical looked promising in treating the virus before this whole shit storm
>He suggested injecting it into their veins or lungs
He didn't do that either though...
Why is he lying?
dude lmao the leader of the free world arguably the single most important position on earth should be a fucking walking shitpost
>This is why Yas Forums laugh at Yas Forums
oh no not the guys who read comic books!