Is Patton Oswalt a good comedian?

>2 days later
>Lefties STILL trying to force this meme

vaccines are not disinfectants idiot.

> No no you see, look at all these obscure scientific papers from years back that vaguely resemble what Trump said. He outsmarted all those dum liberals! Disinfectant is in vaccines!

> Wait, he said it was sarcasm, wtf? Uhhhh..he tricked all of those liberals! Obviously he was being sarcastic about false treatments at a press conference about a major pandemic in front of thousands of retarded Americans. Its not his fault that nobody else in the world knew he was sarcastic except when he said it yesterday.

Trump supporters on this site lost all credibility on this site long ago.

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wife killing ain't a joke

Defending what?

>That's how you get things like flat earthers and anti-vaccination people

The fact that you have to group to different groups together to make point speaks volumes.

Why are we pretending that vaccines are 100% safe and no one is allowed to question anything? I was never anti vax until asking basic questions got me shamed as some nutjob.

Your retard said it, it's not like we're making it up. He really is that fucking stupid.

trump is george bush. kushner is dick cheney.

>supporting Donald fucking Trump lmao
He seems to be the only world leader that puts his foot down to stop China, that's it. And now we're seeing even more pushback from Australia and Japan.
But yea, let's keep shitposting about idpol nonesense.
I don't really care what you personally think of me, I'm worried about the absolute lethargic reaction to China the west has had.
But I guess that's not really affecting your social media and movies right away, so who care right?

I've fell out with family members supporting Trump through 2016 to now. I lost a girlfriend over it, I lost friends over it. and for what? for what?

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