>fucks her ex boyfriend's life, no one cares, not even him
>goes on to get married
>tired, decides to leave
>execute a godtier, mastermind level plan to perfection, 0 clues lefr behind, 0 suspicions
>spends the guy to bakrupcy, he doens't even question himself where the money is going, or doesn'r even notice
>cops just casually break in the husband's dad's house and find the diary (woah, lucky girl)
Ok, let's see where it goes from here
>goes to the cuck's house
>literally 6 thousand cameras everywhere
>there's no camera in the dinner table where she annoints her dreas with wine, but there is one 1 ft from it for her to do her act
>later on, sex
>no cameras either, somehow
>literally slits the guy's throat and drives home
>fbi questions the girl who 100% killed another human bean for 10 minutes in the hospital while she is drugged out and that's it
>tells bullsht story full of contradictions but nah you are good girl
Are we really supposed to believe any of this shit? I feel insulted by this flick, and that's coming from fucking Fincher, the same guy who directed masterpiece like zodiac.
Fuck you David Fincher
Fucks her ex boyfriend's life, no one cares, not even him
I think the point was that they buy her story because they want to believe it. They and the media see Amy as a poor victim who can do no wrong because she's a celebrity and a woman. I think the girl detective at the end says they can't bring an investigation against Amy as the media tide has already turned too strongly in her favour. As for the cameras at the cuck's place, she probably wiped the rest of them off-screen and only left what she wanted them to see.
>she probably wiped the rest of them off-screen and only left what she wanted them to see
that raises lots of questions though, doesn't it?
you remember the maddie mccain case? Parents fooking did it and no one cares.
It does, but you can't build a case against someone if evidence doesn't exist
lmao what evidence they had to put the husband on jail and literally trial him for murder?
there was much more evidence against the wife
i mean, I see your point about the message of the movie but i think it could have been done better.
It's an OK movie and the perfomances were great but jesus...
Autism: The thread
Your overthinking it. Sometimes movies are just for entertainment.
t. david fincher
unable to discuss these points, huh?
>just turn your brain off
I didn't watch a superhero flick, I watched a fincher movie.
movies have time constraints. it is not possible to cover every little detail or hole in a movie like this without ruining the pacing. At some point the director says "well surely people can't be that retarded' and then years later threads pop up like this and we learn, yes, people can be that retarded
Yes. It’s the most plausible theory. But they don’t have enough trial evidence for a successful prosecution.
How did Fincher get away with making a movie so redpilled about women?
> missing the fucking point of the movie this much
The point of the movie is to show the power of the media, their narrative, and the sway of public view on a highly publicized event. The clear cut facts and evidence don’t matter that much. Such bias will tunnel vision the investigation to the wrong conclusion. Some autists on the internet might examine the case and have some doubt on the events, but they will be brushed off as conspiracy theorists. The official story by the media of the event will be the definitive stories in most people’s mind and the event will be memory holed eventually. The media also have no motive to find the truth nor publish it because they would have to admit that they were wrong and their doing were unjustly damaging the husband. Also, during the investigation, the husband’s case was turned around not by presenting evidences and facts, but by him being coached to say the right thing and acted the right way during press conference by his advisor
A woman wrote it. Sound plan. They can't blame the director for the source material, especially if it's written by a woman.
Ignoring everything else. Who the fuck would call Zodiac a masterpiece?
all right, you are right, but it's just too many leaps. Just because you want to give a certain message you get to make most of the facts of the movie literally unbelivable and get away from it?
It just ruins the experience of the movie, it's comparable to bruce willis throwing a bike in a helicopter, except in the case of this movie it makes it worst and not better
It’s not that many. The point that while the wife’s plan is good, it wasn’t perfect. When things go south, she was more desperate and have less time to plan and execute. However, it doesn’t matter. No one would question her because it would be a taboo to question a woman who allegedly got imprisoned and horribly raped for weeks. People would rather accept the story that she find a way to escape and be content with the simple happy ending.
This apply to real life event? For example, remember the las vegas shooting? Remember how shady every single details about the event is? However, even then, such event get memory holed and people simply want to see it as one man going crazy and just kill randomly instead of some sinister plan happening in the background.
The point wasn’t that someone can figure out the truth of the event. The point that it doesn’t matter at all
She's very believable as a psycho bitch
this movie is supposed to make you think of the scott peterson case right?
>Fuck you Gillian Flynn
Got a .webm of when she comes back and he calls her a fucking bitch?