Asian men promoting the reproductive organs of black males on anonymous imageboards?

>Asian men promoting the reproductive organs of black males on anonymous imageboards?
>Is is possible this story is true?
>Yes it is

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A woman who's trustworthy and not a whore? If you believed this one... sorry, we made it up. Never happened.

>white males so traumatized by BBC dominance they have to make an omnipresent asian boogeyman responsible for their suffering

this is probably the most hilarious meme that came out in 2020. did you fags get tired of blaming jews or something?

A hackerman autist tracked the IP of those posters and revealed that it was from Israel. What a shock. Not saying eurasian tiger is not also posting.

not fooling anyone chang

why are asian guys so cringe?


t. chang shekelstein

>a man posting opposing viewpoints under his own comment?
>unfortunately, this is true

>Have you ever agreed to do a job you didn't want to do? Sure we all have, but this next story is about a janitor. The catch? He does it for free...
>real? We'll find out.

You people are absurd lmao. Whatever brings you incels suffering.


Hi Tenda

lmao and incel in the same line, already going all out chang?

Blessed get

Also checked

Hitler my mans, there's no need to false flag.

R___ f___

Really factual

poor little whitebois blaming everyone but themselves for their miserable lives

>australians and kiwis gave a bunch of Yas Forumscels schizophrenia
is it that easy

>Avg asian height: 5'8
>Avg nig height: 5'10
>Avg white height: 5'11
Lol, little

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why are mutts imploding in this thread?

blessed dubs

You forgot Canadians


why do asian men post niggers every time they get BTFO?

>One tribe expelled 109 times throughout history?
>This one is true

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The Jews fear the samurai.

Remember who is the owner of this website


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i for one welcome that you stopped making fun of holocaust survivors keep up the meme my man!

Hi Chang

Sorry about your smol peepee


>australians and kiwis
so... Asians?

>a man who saw the coronavirus coming and has been social distancing for 20 years in complete solitude
>no wife, girlfriend, job, or friends
>believe it or not, this one's true.

Lol there he goes

Remember when he used to post Asian males dating white women? I guess he realized no one takes rice dicks seriously

I am asian and i hate black male on white female.

That's what dem bitches want

That ghengis Khan


Why Turks always LARP as blacks on Yas Forums?

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>Have you ever made a bugman seethe?

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Do you guys love Worf with beard or without beard?

no way

nobody is complaining about anything except for the fact that you redditors and chinkcels constantly post about it here

Changs razor

You goyim are degenerate freaks
Only a full machine takeover can save you

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This board sucking fucks. Yas Forums is the reason why I can't have a discussion on /prg/ without mentioning ASJ vs JDF. You guys are horrible.

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