Asian men promoting the reproductive organs of black males on anonymous imageboards?

Remember who is the owner of this website


Attached: 52575B78-3E02-4F75-8CB9-2B9010024F49.jpg (768x1024, 349.2K)

i for one welcome that you stopped making fun of holocaust survivors keep up the meme my man!

Hi Chang

Sorry about your smol peepee


>australians and kiwis
so... Asians?

>a man who saw the coronavirus coming and has been social distancing for 20 years in complete solitude
>no wife, girlfriend, job, or friends
>believe it or not, this one's true.

Lol there he goes

Remember when he used to post Asian males dating white women? I guess he realized no one takes rice dicks seriously

I am asian and i hate black male on white female.

That's what dem bitches want