How would you make it not shit

How would you make it not shit

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Star wars ep10: The First Jedi

By not even attempting it.

Make it a musical.

Completely cancel it & all future "saga" entries.

Kill off all the nonwhite characters.

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Don't try to rehash the old movies and don't constantly nostalgia bait. Come up with an original story, preferably not about someone discovering how to use the force for the first time, that's honestly boring & stale at this point.

Put it on Disney plus exclusively


By going into a microscopic world where miticlorians live

Rey gets raped todeath by sanpeople and is replaced by the retarded kid from stranger things, Darth Chillums.

okay that's based

that's unironically a good start

>Star Wars Episode X: Knights of the New Republic
>The newly formed Second Order searches for the hidden ancient secret of THE CLONES. Chancellor Rey Skywalker sends two jedi to deal with it, but the jedi get captured by a rogue. The rogue is in turn being bounty hunted by The Mandalorian, a member of Yoda's race. >Movie includes several lightsabre duels including Rey vs. The Mandalorian and the two jedi vs. A Dark Droid.

>Rey Skywalker
I wouldn't even have her in it desu. Make it set far in the future & have her erected as a statue or something.

>completely ignore the sequel trilogy
>actually sit down and plan out a series of movies with a beginning, middle and end
>make sure all of the characters have a backstory and personality even if elements of them don't appear in the films
and finally
>make the main character a man so you can actually show him struggling and failing

My version would eventually see her turn into the main villain of the new trilogy. If you think about it, the way they made her unstoppable in the ST, she'd be a fucking scary antagonist.

in minecraft of course

You know what? The time has passed. Maybe I just got older, but my enthusiasm for this franchise is done
When I got around to watching Episode IX, it felt like I had been holding a sack of dirt over my head for 5 years and now I can finally drop it. All the theorizing, the endless shitposting, forced memes, forced controversy, constant bickering about plot, cold takes, hot takes, all that shit just ended
It felt good. The whole disney wars thing turned out to be a big fucking waste of time and no good has come from it. I'm glad it's over

Oh, and Rey sees the ghost of Ben who tries to guide her to the good side, but she makes him wear the mask of Kylo and then fucks the force ghost. I'll find a way to make that Disney approved.

Except Lando

Checked digits.
Tfa and tlj at least had spicey memes.
Now it's just boring sludge.
Just look at this guy still jerking of to how smart he sounds.

R rated, lot's of tits, as much dick as possible for R rating. Drug themes, rip off dune with some space opium giving dark force users more power and hero being tempted with it. No more single empire/republic but several rivalling space countries. Everyone's more degenerate and rugged. More tits.

Just let me jerkoff it's all I have.

There's only one man who can help me.

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That's right baby.

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nope Mace Windu is based

>the meme screaming black man

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Damn right

>Ignore the ST completely
>Recast Luke's actor and let him have his cute wife from the EU to go on further adventures

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only allow white actors and females that weigh less than 65 kg

You pull a Mandalorian and remove it from as far away from the Skywalker saga canon as possible.
That means brand new characters in a mostly new narrative with only settings and world-building elements to adapt from. Create a new version of the "not-jedi" if you have to; they did it with the Mandalorians (had them massacred in a "purge" and everything) and it worked just fine for the franchise overall.
If only that middle 3-episode arc of that 1st season wasn't so dogshit then it would have been a decent 1st pass for a live-action Star Wars show.

If it's not the Skywalker saga then it's not Episode 10. Simple as.